Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 8.djvu/155

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ii s. vii. FEB. 22, i9i3.] NOTES AND QUERIES.

pai Will

parishes in Somersetshire where each one is found to have lived. I have purposely refrained from comment as far as possible, and will now only add that when these entire notes are before W. N. H. he will find his queries answered ; and, if the clues pro- vided are followed up, a fairly complete pedigree of the IVorris family of Somerset may result.

Ashbrittle. John Norris, B.A. Instituted to the living 8 Jan., 1619.

Bath. Thomas Norris,* of Bath, gent. Will dated 26 March, 1616; proved 17 April, 1616, by his brother John Norris [31 Cope]. " I have bought of my brothers Arthur and John Farwellf the Parsonage of St. Decu- mans." Thomas and John, sons of my brother John Norris. My sister Ann. My wife.

Ann Norris, of Bath, Somerset, deed. Admon. 8 May, 1679, to her brother John Norris. Brown, ' Somerset Wills,' ii. 108.

Bridgwater. See will of John Norris under St. Decumans infra.

Broadway. John Norris married Philippa Paul, of Ilminster, 14 May, 1655. Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries, ii. 80.

Brompton Regis or King's Brompton. Will of Peter Norris, 1689. Vide ' Taunton Wills,'

irt iv. p. 304. fill of Peter Norrish, 1723. Ibid., iv. 304.

Brushford. Robert Norris instituted to the living 27 Dec., 1661. Monument to Robert in Brushford Church. Collinson, iii. 507. John Norris, son of Robert, of Brushford, Somerset, cler. Merton. College, matric. 26 Nov., 1689, aged 16 ; B.A. 1694. Rector of Brushford 1709. Foster's ' Alumni,' First Series, vol. iii. When John Norris was rector as above Anna

Norris was patroness of the living. The will of John, clerk, pr. 1746, is in ' Taunton

Wills,' iv. 304. The will of Robert, clerk, pr. 1708, is in ' Taunton

Wills,' iv. 304.

Robert Norris, son of William, of Brushford, Somerset, cler. Balliol Coll., matric. 8 Feb., 1730/31, aged 18 ; B.A. 1734, M.A. 1737. Foster's ' Alumni,' First Series, vol. iii. John Norris, clerk, by indenture enrolled in the Court of Chancery and bearing date 23 Jan., 1742, gave 11. yearly out of his estate at Long Aller in this parish for teaching 20 poor children to read and to purchase books for such poor children. ' Charity Comm. Report,' 1837 ; Collinson, iii. 507. N.B. A portion of the Brushford Parish Register has for some reason been bound up ,with the original wills at Taunton.

hedzoy. The wills of John Norris 1559, Richard Norrishe 1577, John Norrice 1588, Agnes Norris 1611, Charity Norris 1624, John Norris 1681, and John Norris, senior, 1719, are all at Taunton. Vide ' Taunton Wills,' parts i. and iv.

  • 1616, 11 April. Mr. Thomas Norris was

buried at Bath Abbey. t Of Bishops Hull.

A later Charity Norris bequeathed by her \yill the sum of 1001. to the poor of the above parish for ever. The interest thereof to be paid annually at Christmas by the minister or churchwardens. The testatrix died in 1812, and was buried in the churchyard of Ched- zoy. The inscription on her monument runs : "In memory of Charity Norris of Bradney, who died Nov., 1812, bequeathing to the second [?] poor of this parish 100Z., the interest to be paid by the minister or church- wardens annually at Christmas." ' Charily Comm. Report,' 1837.

Chipstable. The wills of William 1614, Robert 1642, Nicholas 1662, and Joane 1666, are in ' Taunton Wills,' part iv.

Clapton. Will of Michael Norrys or Norrice,

pr. 1568, is in P.C.C. [21 Babington]. Will of John 1620 in in P.C.C. [151 Hele].

Ciaverham. Samuel Norris, Quaker, died 1848. William Norris, Quaker, died 1844. J. J. Green, ' Quaker Records,' 1894.

Crewkerne. Will of Thomas Norris, proved

1563, is in P.C.C. [20 Chayre]. John Norris, witness to the will of John Sladc of Hewish, parish of Crewkerne. dated 21 Feb., 1619/20. Lea's ' Abstracts,' Boston, p. 240.

The wills of Alice 1026, Mathilde 1630, and Matthew 1740, arc at Taunton. Vide 1 Taunton Wills,' parts i. and iv.

Curry Mallett, The will of Elizabeth 1638 is at Taunton. Vide ' Taunton Wills,' part iv.

Curry Riyell. Frances Norris, widow of Robert Norris, of Corkevill,* Somerset, gent. Will dated 16 July, 1628; proved 14 May, 1629, by the exors. [36 Ridley], My son Henry, a ring of gold of 6-s. 8d. at age of 21. My daughter Agnes. My brothers Charles Law- rence, of Weymouth, and George Lawrence, of Winterbourne Steepleton, Dorset, exors. She was the daughter of Richard Lawrence ; born Aug., 1595; married 20 Sept., 1613, to Robert Norris. See Harl. Soc.,xx. 64, where a pedigree of Lawrence will be found. Ralph Norris, son of II., of Curry Riyell, Somerset, p.p., Gloucester Hall, subscribed 18 March, 1669/70, aged 18. Foster's ' Alumni,' First Series, vol. iii. The wills of Thomas 1539, John 1550, Christian 1565, Henry 1607, Robert 1619, Richard or Ralph 1638, Robert 1736, are at Taunton. Vide ' Taunton Wills,' parts i. and iv.

Cutcombe. The wills of Thomas 1699 and Anne (widow) 1713, ore at Taunton. Vide' Taun- ton Wills,' part i%'.

A. L. HUMPHREYS. 187, Piccadilly, W.

(To be continued.)

CURFEW BELL (11 S. vi. 4(J6 ; vii. 17, 77, 117). Many instances of the survival at different dates of this custom are men- tioned in ' N. & Q.,' each Series except the Second, Fifth, and Tenth containing notes on the subject.

Gloucester has not been referred to, and it may be worth while to record that Curfew

  • i.e. Curry Rivell,