Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 8.djvu/216

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. VIL MAR. 15, 1913.


vi. 251, 428 ; vii. 150, 173). The notes which follow are in continuation of those already printed :

Petherton (North). Robert Norys, instituted to the living 1444.

Petherton (South). Henry Norris, F.R.C.S., father of Hugh (infra), student of West- Country dialect. Assisted J. O. HalliweU. B. Taunton, 17 Sept., 1789 ; practised as a surgeon at South Petherton ; d. at Charmouth (Dorset), 20 March, 1870. His name appears in the first list of the Annual Associates of the British Archaeological Association. Por- trait in Som. Arch. Soc. Proceedings, vol. li., facing p. 138.

Hugh Norris, L.R.C.P. andL.R.C.S.(Edin.), L.S.A. (London). B. South Petherton, 25 April, 1821 ; practised as a surgeon there until about 1900. First editor of Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries, local secretary to the Society of Anti- quaries. Wrote numerous antiquarian treatises. Known best as author of ' Soiith Petherton in the Olden Time,' which was originally a lecture delivered 3 June, 1879 ; subsequently revised and annotated, and until recently one of the scarcest of Somersetshire books. It has just been reissued. A list of his writings is in Som. Arch. Soc. Proceedings, vol. li. He died South Petherton, 31 Oct., 1910, and was buried there 4 Nov., 1910. He made valuable ethno- graphical collections, which since 1905 have been in the Taunton Museum. Portrait (taken in 1904) in Som. Arch. Soc. Proceedings, vol. li., and Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries, Dec., 1910. Vide article by H. St. George Gray and C. Tite in Som. Arch. Soc. Proceedings, vol. li. (1906), and obituary by Charles Tite, vol. Ivi. (1911). Also obit, in Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries, Dec., 1910, p. 145. The following extract from 'South Petherton in the Olden Time' may be found appropriate here :

"A lineal ancestor of mine, one John Norris, was captain of a troop of horse in the Royal army, and when the King's fortunes appeared to be on the wane he made over his property to his wife's brother, Sir Richard Ellsworth, Knight, of Bristol, probably with a view to escape the attentions of the sequestrators. His brother Hugh favoured the Parliament, and was appointed a Commissioner of Sequestered Estates. The post was a lucrative one, and laid the foundation of the fortunes of a rich family still living in Oxfordshire. My particular ancestor, when the King came to his own again, applied to his brother-in-law for a restitution of his estates, which was refused. He died 'poor as a crow,' and as poor as crows his descendants have since remained." Pp. 90-91.

Pitminster. The will of Giles Norris, 1614, is at Taunton. Vide ' Taunton Wills,' part iv.

St. Decumans. Hugh Norris,* of St. Decumans, Somerset, deed. Admon. July 31, 1598, to his son Thomas Norris.

  • 4 Eliz. the office of Clerk of the Castle and

Bailiff of Taunton was granted to Hugh Norris and his two sons (Collinson, iii. 228).

William Clarke, of Wells, Somerset, Esq., deed. Admon. Sept. 7, 1586, to Joan e Norrys, wife of Hugh Norrys, Esq., and Elizabeth Baker, Mary Lawe, and Ann King, sisters of deed. Brown, 'Somerset Wills,' ii. 89.

Jane Norris, wife of John Norris, of St. Decumans, Somerset, Esq. Will (no date) made during her husband's life ; proved Sept. 5, 1629, by John Norris ; [81 Ridley]. My two brothers- in-law Thomas Beare and George Pep well. Lands devised by my father. Arthur Farewell, my late deed, husband, of whom I was ex'ix. My husband to enjoy the Manor of Barrington. M y eldest son Arthur Farewell. M y son Philip Farewell.

John Norris, of St. Decumans, Somerset, Esq. Will dated June 17, 1646 ; proved July 25, 1650, by Dorothy Norris ; [117 Pembroke]. Poor of St. Decumans, 40*. The Parsonage of St. Decumans secured to my son Thomas Norris for his portion arid his wife's jointure. My son Ames Norris, 25/. yearly. My daughter Ann Pawlett, 20. yearly. Her three children, Robert, Thomas, and Alice. My daughters Dorothy and Elizabeth Norris. My lands in Bridgwater. My son John Norris has by grant of Letters Patent the office of Customer and Collector of the Ports of Bridgwater and Minehead, for my use and benefit. Robert Pawlett, late husband of my daughter Ann Pawlett. My three daughters Dorothy, Eliza- beth, and Joan, ex'ixes ; my goods, &c., among them. Codicil, Apr. 14, 1650. Thomas Norris, of Hill Bishops, Somerset, gent., standeth bound to John Norris, his father, of St Decumans, Esq., in a bond of 1,200?., for the payment of 100/. yearly for 16 years, after the death of John Norris, to his ex'ors.

The said John Norris married 1st Elisabeth

buried at St. Decumans, March 13, 1607/8. 2ndly, at St. Becumans, July 6, 1609, Joan, daughter of William Lewes. 3rdly, Jane, daughter of Sir Thomas Phelips, of Barrington, and widow of Arthur Farwell ; buried at St. Decumans, July 27, 1629.

Elizabeth Norris, late of Damucus [?St. Decu- mans], Somerset, spinster, deed. Admon. June 17, 1657, to her mother, Elisabeth Norris.*

Thomas Norris, of Bath, will dated 26 March, 1616 ; proved 17 April, 1616. Mentions Parson- age of St. Decumans bought of his brothers Arthur and John Farwell. Brown, ' Somerset Wills,' ii. 107.

Thomas Norrys v. John Windham, temp. Eliz., concerning a messuage and land. 'Calendars of Chancery Proceedings, Reign of Elizabeth,' London, 1827-32, ii. 264,

Thomas Norris was patron of the living in 1605,

and Hugh Norris was patron in 1662. Sampford Brett. Thomas Noreys. Instituted to

the living 8 Jan., 1413.

Shepton Beauchamp. The wills of George 1725, and Mary (widow) 1729, are at Taunton. Vide ' Taunton Wills,' part iv. Stoke-sub-Hamdon. Henry Norris patron in 1534.

  • Daughter of Sir George Farwell, of Bishops
