Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 8.djvu/56

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foreign shore, the inhabitants of Calais rejoiced at his departure, and on liis setting sail to England the bells of the principal church were set ringing, whereupon the Governor weighed anchor, returned to the town, and carried off the bells, which, on his return to England, he presented to the church at Powick."

Is there any truth in this " tradition " ? Who was the Beauchamp referred to ? The ' D.N.B.' states that Richard de Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick (1382-1439), is first men- tioned as Deputy of Calais c. 1414, and that his commission as Captain of Calais was renewed in July, 1423, for two years from the previous February. But he can scarcely be the " last Governor of Calais " men- tioned in the " tradition." F. H. C.

CAPITAL LETTERS. At a dame school many years ago we used to recite or intone the following concerning capital letters :

"Words begin with capital letters in the

following situations O Death, where is thy

sting? O Grave, where is thy victory? Names

of the month, as June, and days of the week, as Monday ; the pronoun I, and the interjection Oh ; titles, books, and heads of their principal divisions, as Milton's 'Paradise Lost.'" These are all the fragments I can remember, but it had a certain rhythmical charm which used to please us. Can any of your readers tell me where it is to be found ?


" JOHN o' GAUNT'S CHAPEL," BELPEB. In the year 1795, and probably long before, many of the inhabitants of Belper called the old Chapel of St. John in that town " John o' Gaunt's Chapel," and held a belief that it was built by him. My father married a Mary Gaunt in whose family the belief was strong ; and, further, they believed that they were in direct descent from him. I shall be glad of any reply. THOS. RATCLIFFE.


"THOF." Smollett repeatedly uses this word for "although" or " thoV Was / a recognized abbreviation of " ugh " ? or was " though " pronounced " thouf " ?

D. O.

[The 'N.E.D.' at A. 5, sub 'Though,' gives a number of forms ending in /, the earliest dating r5P*,, fourteenth century, and the latest k thof and " thoff," as dial, current into the nineteenth century.]

IRELAND'S ' LIFE OF NAPOLEON.' In what public or private library, outside the British

fc v "- J 9 ' v*. v*jxvt.vy UJ.1X7 -L/l X t'lOll useum, can a copy of this work be seen ? be had for sale ? Please reply

Is it to


Belmont Lodge, Waterford.

WORSHIP OF THE HORSE. Did the Jutes and West Saxons, in common with other Teutonic and Slavonic tribes, worship the horse ? Where can one find literature on the subject ? Also, was the White Horse borne on the standard of the Jutes ? The West Saxons, I understand, had the Dragon on their standard. H. H. C.

AUTHORS WANTED. Who were the authors of the following comedies and farces, acted in the years mentioned ? ' Who 's the Dupe ? ' (1813), ' Raising the Wind' (1816), 'The Country Girl' (1828), 'Miss in her Teens' (1828), 'The Honest Thieves' (1829), 'The Blue DeVil' (1829), 'The Citizen' (1829), 'The Waterman' (1831). PENRY LEWIS.

Quisisana, Walton-by-Clevedon, Somerset.

I shall be greatly obliged to any of your readers who will tell me where I can find the lines beginning thus :

There is no unbelief. Whoever plants a seed beneath the sod And waits to see it push away the clod, He trusts in God.

There are six verses, and I am told they are by Bulwer Lytton, but I have failed to find them. E. M. LAZENBY.

Who wrote the verse below ? and where can it be found ?

Who lives in suit of armour pent, Or hides himself behind a wall, For him is not the great event, The garland or the Capitol.

E. G. O.

RICHARDSON, AUCTIONEER. Can any one give me any information or direct me to any literature concerning this man, a famous auctioneer of about sixty or seventy years ago ? JOHN ARDAGH.

40, Richmond Road, Drumcondra, Dublin.

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION WANTED. 1. THOMAS BAGSHAW, son of the Rev. Harington Bagshaw of Bromley, Kent, graduated M.A. at Oxford from Magdalen College in 1734. Particulars of his career and the date of death are desired.

2. THOMAS BENDYSHE was admitted to Westminster School in January, 1716/17, aged 16. Particulars of his parentage, career, and the date of his death are wanted.

3. THOMAS SEARANCKE graduated M.A. at Cambridge from Trin. Coll. in 1678. Did he take holy orders ? If so, what preferments did he hold ? When did he die ? G. F. R. B.