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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. ix. JAN .31, i9u.

to see it. It would of course be a great boon if he could manage to extend the time ; still, we are indebted to him for the privilege of even a brief inspection. In the summer months it is no uncommon thing to see the place full of visitors, though, I am bound to

  • idd, these consist mostly of Americans, for,

strange to say, few Londoners seem to be -aware of its existence.


CHOIRBOYS IN RUFFS (11 S. viii. 450, 496). The choirboys of the Royal Collegiate Oiapel of St. Katharine, in Regent's Park, Jhave worn ruffs for some years past.


Choirboys at Salisbury, Norwich, and St. Saviour's, Southwark, still, I believe, wear frills. At Salisbury they used (1887) to wear the frills out of cathedral as well as during service. E. M. F.


THE BRITISH EMPIRE " (11 S. ix. 7). I always understood that the pole in Kew Gardens was the tallest. This was sent over to England about fifty years ago by a Mr. Stamp, who owned twenty-seven square miles of forest in Vancouver.

At the same time he presented another to the Castle at Alnwick, his native town in Northumberland. These were too long to be placed on board a ship, so they were secured outside, one on either side.


A GORDON AS A HUNGARIAN NOBLE (11 S. viii. 486). By a strange coincidence I found recently in my own small collection of old MSS. a contemporary note (in original) of the " Articuli Diaetales, Posonien. A" 1659. Regnante Imp. Leopoldo." An ex- tract from Section CXXXIII. is as under :

" .Franciscus Gordon de Park: Wilhelmus

Kouts de Auchterfoul, Joannes Dauson de Dall-

cieth, Nobiles ex Scotia oriundi in Hungaros


A " nobilis Dominus Franciscus Gordoun, Scotus," and a " nobilis Dominus Gulielmus Rosse, Scotus," are mentioned, in a ' Memo- riale ' written by Dr. Isaac Basire, as gentlemen at Eperjes in Hungary to whom letters or " things " may be sent for trans- mission to himself after he had left Transyl- vania for England, in 1661. L. L. K.

ADJECTIVES FROM FRENCH PLACE-NAMES <11 S. ix. 21). There is one word M^hich I have not seen referred to ; but of course it is, in most instances, used as a noun, though it may, I think, be applied adjectivally.

This is the word " Bou-Mich " as applied to the Paris student, the member of the Sorbonne, who almost invariably lives in one of the streets leading out of the Boule- vard St. Michel. I do not remember hearing it when a student there in 1869-70, and think it must have developed at some subsequent period. J. FOSTER PALMER.

Add " tarin," meaning a native of the Tarentaise (a district of Savoy). I believe, however, that the corresponding form " maurin," for a native of the Maurienne (also a district of Savoy), is not allowed. " Delphinal " is the " learned " (or official) form for " dauphinois " so the Academic Delphinale at Grenoble (the capital of Dauphin^), the Conseil Delphinal, the Chambre Delphinale, the Statut Delphinal. Littre mentions " delphinal," but not the other forms. W. A. B. COOUDGE.


CROMWELL'S ILLEGITIMATE DAUGHTER, MRS. HARTOP (US. ix. 29). On reference to Burke 's ' Peerage and Baronetage ' I find that Sir John Hartopp. M.P. for the county of Leicester temp. Charles II., married Elizabeth, daughter of the Parliamentary General Fleetwood. Fleetwood married Bridget, the widow of General Ireton and daughter of Oliver Cromwell. I have never heard of any illegitimate daughter of the Protector's. A. GWYTHER.

Windham Club.

SIR GEORGE WRIGHT OF RICHMOND (US. viii. 348, 410, 452, 496; ix. 13). The fictitious Francis Ham whom the elder Dorothy Wright is said to have married was clearly evolved from an error in White- locke's ' Liber Famelicus ' (Camden Soc., 1858). Whitelocke, writing of his infant daughter (born 15 Sept., 1610), says :

"I gave her the name of Dorothy for the respect I had of her godmother the lady Wrighte, whose name was Dorothye. She was first the widow of mr. Francis Ham [?], a pensioner, and was then maryed to Robert Wrighte, who was tutor to the erl of Essex last attainted, and continued withe him in service untill he was preferred by him to be clerk to the stable to queen Elizabethe, the erl being then maister of the horse. After the king came to the crowne he was knighted by him, and so lived and dyed a grave and sober man, meanly born in Shrewsbury, but attayned by his virtue to good estate and quality. She had no issue by ether husband."

In 1884 I tried to trace the Whitelocke MS. in order to verify this allusion to Mr.

Ham." I have a letter which the then Secretary of the Camden Society, Mr. Kingston, wrote to me, stating that the Society's minutes merely showed that the