Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 9.djvu/194

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. ix. MAR. 7, wu.

" NAPOLEON'S DIVERSIONS AT ST. HE- LENA." From earliest boyhood I remember to have seen an impressive picture, the original design of which was ascribed to Napoleon at St. Helena. It exhibited simultaneously an exhortation, addressed to posterity, in a brief sentence, " Homme, sois pieux et bon," and with each character or letter of these words a figure of one of his soldiers, the figures being clothed in various uniforms. It would be worth while to ascer- tain whether such a design is really known to have been drawn by Napoleon's hand, or whether that sheet of pictures was merely an invention. H. KREBS.

CLEARANCES ON SCOTCH ESTATES. In his recent speech at Glasgow, reported in The Times of 5 February, Mr. Lloyd George says :

" I wonder what he [Mr. Chaplin] would think of Sir Walter Scott, who wrote in one of his books in relation to the avarice which dispossessed

the whole mass of the inhabitants Then

there is a great Scotsman, Hugh Miller. I would rather have his testimony about Scotland than Mr. Chaplin's."

Perhaps one of your correspondents can say in which books these references are to be found. H. H.

Carlton Club, S.W.

THE COLONELS OF THE 24TH REGIMENT. (Seeante, pp. 87, 111, 127, 149, 170.) Hon. D. Finch, C.B., General. Colonel 24th Regi- ment, 1856-61 ; served with 15th Hussars in the Peninsula (medal and three clasps); Military Secretary to Lord Combermere in W. Indies, in Ireland, and in India, includ- ing siege and capture of Bhurtpoe in 1825 (mentioned in dispatches, Brevet Lieut. - Colonel and C.B.).Died 1861.

Pringle Taylor, K.H., General. Colonel 24th Regiment, 1861-84. Served with the late 22nd Light Dragoons in India, 1811-20. Commanded the Cape Corps Cavalry against the Kaffirs, 1823-4 ; sent to restore discipline in a mutinous regiment at Malta ; commanded a Brigade in British Kaffraria during the Kaffir alarm, 1856-7 ; Lieut. -Governor and commanding the troops in Jamaica, 1860-61. Died 1884.

Sir C. H. Ellice, G.C.B. Ensign Cold- stream Guards, 10 May, 1839 ; 1845 ex- changed to 24th Regiment, and rose to Lieut. -Colonel, 1851 ; raised the present 2nd Battalion in 1858 ; Colonel South Wales Borderers, April, 1888. Died 12 Nov., 1888.

B. LEACH, Lieut. -Col., Commanding l/24th Regt.,

South Wales Borderers.

St. Lucia Barracks, Bordon, Hants.

AUTHORS OF QUOTATIONS WANTED. Who- is the author of the following ?

" Anger, which, far sweeter than trickling drops of honey, rises in the bosom of a man like smoke."


The Lord let the house of a brute to the soul of a

man ;

The man said : " Am I your debtor ? " The Lord said : " Not yet, but make it as clean,

as you can, And then I will let you a better."


A hearty welcome gives a genial zest, And makes the host [? house] the


home of every


SOUTH CAROLINA UNIFORM. Could any reader inform me what would be the uni- form of a Secretary of State for South Carolina previously to the American War I I am anxious to identify a miniature.

P. D. M.

MEDIAEVAL COMMON SENSE. The follow- ing appeared recently in The Birmingham Daily Post report of proceedings in the City Coroner's Court :

" A SENSIBLE RULE. There were four cases of deaths of infants from over-laying. Remarking on these, the Coroner said he was. . . .told by. ... a very learned man. . . .of the Catholic faith, that he once came across an old service of the Catholic- Church which was in use on the Continent some time in the Middle Ages, which showed that when a child was taken to be christened there was an- exhortation addressed by the priest to the sponsors and parents, and one of the points in that exhortation was that the parents should not have the child with them in bed until it wa able to say, ' Get thou farther from me.' That was an uncommonly sensible rule, and if it were in force in this country now it would save many children's lives."

Can any of your readers favour me with further and more precise information with regard to the exhortation referred to ?

A. C. C.

REV. THOMAS GALE. In the account of Thomas Gale, Dean of York (1697-1702), as given in the ' D.N.B.,' he is said to have left four sons, two of whom are separately described in the ' Dictionary,' while a third is said to have been Rector of Scrutoiu But of the fourth, Thomas, no particulars are given. Can any one tell me if he can be identified with Thomas Gale, who was curate of Hornsea in 1732, in which year the place was wrecked by a violent hurri- cane ? He appears to have married as his first wife the widowed daughter of William