Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 9.djvu/258

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. ix. MAR. 28, m*.

Reading between the lines, we gather that the by-law was defied by undergraduates going to the races.

At last the warfare between smokers and non-smokers grew so fierce that the Legislature stepped in to end the breaches of tiro peace which constantly arose. By Section 20 of the Regulation of Railways Act, 1868, it was enacted that

" all railway companies except the Metro- politan Railway Company shall in every passenger train where there are more carriages than one of each class provide smoking compartments for each class of passengers, unless exempted by the Board of Trade."

The Metropolitan Railway obtained its exemption on the ground of its special cir- cumstances ; but public pressure was too strong, and in 1874 it too provided smoking compartments. This ended the days of stealthy whiffs and puffs in dread of dis- covery.

Another early by-law sought to prevent smoking in any shed or covered plat- form of a station, any person offending against it being subjected to a penalty not exceeding 40s., and liable, in addition, *to be summarily removed from the premises. This was a reasonable enough precaution when covered -in stations were mostly built of wood, but, at the same time, no restriction was placed upon the sale of tobacco and cigars in the refreshment rooms.


"MEN, WOMEN, AND HEBVEYS " (11 S. viii. 250, 334, 360).^-At the second reference COL. PBIDEAUX throws considerable doubt on the attribution of this saying to Lady Mary Wortley Montagu.

In ' The Jockey Club ; or, A Sketch of the Manners of the Age ' (attributed to Charles Pigott), part ii., seventh edition, 1792, p. 4, in the article on the D ke of G o t r, is the following :

" Old Lady T sh nd formerly observed, that the human race might be divided into three separate classes : men, women, and H v eys."

(The latter second dash is evidently an error. ) A foot-note says : " Alluding to the B t 1 family." Though one does not put great faith in the ' Jockey Club ' articles, it may be worth noting that this attribution to Lady Townshend is in a book which was published forty-five years before Lord Wharncliffe's edition of ' The Letters and Works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu,' which appeared in 1837. See third refer- ence, s.v. corrigendum.


' MEMOIBS OF SIB JOHN LANGHAM, BABT/ (11 S. viii. 281, 351, 463 ; ix. 16, 53, 155). Gilbert Burnet and Narcissus Luttrell have already been quoted for Sir James Langham's command of Latin. The Bishop's testi- mony, it may be observed, when given in its complete form, is rather more dis- paraging. He describes him as "a very weak man, famed only for his readiness of speaking florid Latin," and concludes : " But he was become a pedant with it, and his style was too poetical, and full of epithets and figures " (' History of his Own Times,' vol. i. 1823, p. 464).

A more flattering estimate, by a more famous writer, of Sir James's character and Latinity has been overlooked. The books- and further subdivisions of Fuller's great ' Church- History,' 1655, have separate Dedi- cations. I am content to accept John Eglington Bailey's calculation that there

"are no less than seventy -five dedicatory epistles addressed to eighty-five patrons and patronesses a circumstance which evidences Fuller's popularity and a wide acquaintance."

The tenth century in book ii. is offered to " lacobo Langham, Armigero, amplissimi Senatoris Londinensis Primogeiiito." After explaining that the dedication is meant to be particularly honourable because of the importance attaching to the number ten,, and referring to Langham 's " Isetum in- genium," and explaining that his name is prefixed to this part of the history to lighten, the path of readers wandering in this dark

Eeriod, he ends with a compliment to his bend's familiarity with the minutiae of Latin style :

. " Quo cum nemo sit in ipsis Elegantiarum apici- bus Latinior, probe scio, Te perquam suaviter risurum, cum Diploma Edvardinum, nimia Bar- barie scatens, perlegeris."

The charter was that by which Edward the elder in 915 " effected the Restauration of decayed Cambridge"!


AYLOFFE (US. ix. 191). The family of Ayloffe will be found in the Harleian Society's * Visitations of Essex,' as well as in Morant's ' Essex ' and other county histories. The pedigrees in the Visitations do not mention any Isabella.

William Ayloffe was Serjeant-at-law in 1577, and died in 1585, and other members of the family seem to have been closely connected with the legal profession.

GEOBGE RICKWOBD. Public Library, Colchester.