Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 9.djvu/311

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ii s. ix. APRIL is, 1914. j NOTES AND QUERIES.


JOHN SWINFEN. Could any reader tell ine whether this member for Tamworth in the Long Parliament belonged to a .Staffordshire family, or, as asserted by 'Capt. Anson in his ' Life of the Earl of St. Vincent,' to a Worcestershire family ? If Capt. Anson is correct, what part of Worcestershire did he come from ?


GALE FAMILIES. I shall be glad to Ceceive any information concerning West- Country (especially Dorset) Gale families. More particularly, can any of your readers locate

1. Parentage and place of birth, c. 1734, of Robert Gale, yeoman, who married Rebecca, daughter of Andrew and Mary White, at Hilton, 6 Feb., 1759, by licence'? If, as I am informed, the marriage licences for the Dorset portion of the ancient Diocese of Bristol were burnt in the Chartist Riots of 1832, this source of information is closed. According to a fly-leaf inscription, " Robert Gale went to Hilton 1756." He farmed there which farm (" Upper " or " Lower ") I do not know. Five children were born to Robert and Rebecca Gale at Hilton : the eldest, John White Gale, in 1760, and the youngest, Jonathan Gale, in December, 1768. Robert Gale afterwards went from Hilton to Chaldon West, where he died 2 Aug., 1792, aged 58, his will being in the Bland- ford Probate Registry. His tombstone is in the churchyard at East Chaldon (Chaldon Herring), where he was churchwarden. Any other information concerning him will be welcome.

2. Marriage, between 1785 and 1794, of Jonathan and Sarah Gale ?

F. R. GALE. 103, Abingdon Road, Kensington.

SHAFTESBURY'S ' JUDGMENT OF HER- CULES.' In his introduction to his edition of the ' Second Characters ' of Shaf tesbury (Cambridge University Press, 1914) Dr. Rand tells us that the essay ' A Notion of the Historical Draught or Tablature of the Judgment of Hercules ' was first printed in French in the Journal des Sqavans for November, 1712, " a fact," he goes on to say, " which has strangely escaped the atten- tion of bibliographers." I have looked in vain for the essay in the Journal des S$avans for 1712; and I may mention also that it does not appear in the Bibliotheque Choisie of Le Clerc, who was to have been asked to get it printed. Can any of your readers tell me where it appeared in its French form ?

H. B.

BRIEFS. In this parish, as in many others, the registers contain a list of briefs collected for various objects. I have read a good deal on the subject, but can find no informa- tion as to the number of churches in which each brief was directed to be read. Was the area the Rural Deanery, the Arch- deaconry, or the diocese ? It surely could not be the whole of England !

E. L. H. TEW.

Upham Rectory, Hants.

AUTHORS WANTED. (1) Will some reader kindly give me chapter and verse for a dictum, 'attributed to some Victorian poli- tician, asserting the superiority in political value of The Times newspaper over the

  • Histories ' (sic) of Thucydides ?

H. K. ST. J. S.

Ashfield, Bedford.

(2) " My camp is in the West." A set of verses with the above refrain appeared in The Star many years ago. I should be glad to know the author's name, and if the verses ever appeared in a volume.


Where can I find the poem containing the following words ?

" God give us men at a time like this, men of great hearts, strong minds, true faith, and willing hands :

Men whom the lust of office does not kill, Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy, Men who possess opinions and a will, Men who love honour, men who cannot lie.'

God give us men.

I am told that they are from a poem by J. G. Holland, entitled ' Wanted,' but I cannot trace either the poem or the writer. ROBERT J. PATERSON.

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION WANTED. I should be glad to obtain any information about the following Old Westminsters :

(1) Henry Haddon. admitted 1731, aged 14 ;

(2) James Haldene, admitted 1737, aged 10 ;

(3) Jonathan Hall, admitted 1718, aged 9 ;

(4) Moses Hall, admitted 1741, aged .1 :

(5) Percy Francis Hall, admitted 1811 :

(6) George Hallam, admitted 1769 ; (7) Robert Spencer Ballet, admitted 1794 : (8) James Hallett, admitted 1788 ; (9) John Hallett, admitted 1781 ; (10) John Douglas Hallett, bom 1 Oct., 1805, admitted 1816 ; (11) Edward Halliday, admitted 1732, aged 10; (12) Nicholas Halpen, admitted 1740, aged 12 ; (13) Vanham Halt, admitted 1739, aged 13 ; and (14) William Halse, born 25 May, 1817, admitted 1827.

G. F. R. B.