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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. ix. APRIL 25, 191*.

campaign of the conquest^of Connaught in 1235 (Ann. Loch Ce). (d) The probable 'dates for the births of Emeline and Ela de Ridelesford point to a father a generation younger than Strongbow's feoffee.

GODDARD H. ORPEN. Monksgrange, Enniscorthy, Ireland.

BLACKFRIARS : ANCIENT SCHEMES OF DRAINAGE: BIBLIOGRAPHY WANTED (US. ix. 229). The chief authority upon the Black Friars or Dominicans is the Rev. C. F. R. Palmer, in the various contribu- tions from his pen which may be found in numerous archaeological and historical jour- nals. The following is as complete a list as I know of :

Fasti Ordmis Fratrurii Praedicatorum : the Provincials of the Friar Preachers or Black Friars of England. Archaeological Journal, vol. xxxv. p. 134.

The Friar Preachers or Black Friars of Canter- bury. London, 1879. Reprinted from Archceo- logia Cantiana, xiii.

The Black Friars of Wiltshire. Wilts Archceol. and Nat. Hist. Mag., xviii. (1879).

Notes on the Priory of Dartford in Kent [Do- minican]. Archaeological Journal, xxxix. (1882).

History of the Priory of Dartford in Kent. Archaeological Journal, xxxvi. (1879).

The Friar Preachers or Black Friars of Yarm. Archaeological Journal, xxxvii. (1880).

The Friar Preachers or Black Friars of York. Yorks Arch. Journal (1881).

The Friar Preachers or Black Friars of Bever- ley. Yorks Arch. Journal (1882).

The Friar Preachers or Black Friars of Glouces- ter. Arch. Journal, xxxix. (1882).

The Friar Preachers or Black Friars of King's Lynn. Arch. Journal, xli. (1884).

The Friar Preachers or Black Friars of Shrews- bury. Reprinted from The Reliquary, October, 1885.

The Friar Preachers or Black Friars of Leicester. Trans. Leics. Archil, and Arch. Soc. (1884).

To certain volumes of The Reliquary Mr. Palmer contributed a number of papers, and to these I give, I think, a complete list of references : The Black Friars of New- castle-under-Lyme are in vol. xvii. ; those of Pontefract and of Worcester are both in vol. xx. ; Melcombe Regis is in vol. xxi. ; Oxford in vol. xxiii. ; Hereford in the same vol. ; Cardiff and Bangor are both in vol. xxiv. ; Ilchester is in vol. xxv. ; Exeter and Rhuddlan are in vol. xxvi. ; Guildford is in The Reliquary, New Series, vol. i. ; Truro and Bristol in vol. ii. (N.S.); Winchester is in vol. iii. (N.S.).

Dr. Jessopp's essay ' The Coming of the Friars,' which originally appeared in The Nineteenth Century in the early eighties, is now reprinted with other essays in a cheap

volume. Jusserand's chapter on ' Wandering Preachers and Friars,' in ' English Way- faring Life.' (1890), pp. 279-308, is a very picturesque piece of writing upon this subject.

In The English Historical Review, April, 1910, pp. 309-14, the Rev. Bede Jarrett pub- lished some valuable information under the heading ' Bequests to the Black Friars of Lon- don during the Fifteenth Century. ' The infor- mation there given is taken from wills at Somerset House, and the point of the article is to disprove the assertions made in Besant's- ' Mediaeval London,' and in The Nineteenth Century, June and July, 1909, that the number of bequests to the Friars of London in the century preceding the Reformation decreased, owing to the alleged moral de- generacy of the order. The dates chosen are between 1413 and 1504.

John Taylor, a former learned librarian of Bristol City Library, wrote upon ' The Dominicans and the Dominican Priory of Bristol ' (Bristol and Glos. Arch. Soc., vol. iii. pp. 232-40). It was Mr. Taylor's habit, when Librarian at Bristol, to collect all articles bearing upon subjects in which he was interested, and he left thousands of such volumes in the Bristol Library. Monas- ticism was one of his favourite subjects.

In The English Historical Review, vol. v. pp. 107-12, is a reprint of an important historical document, ' A Record of the English Dominicans, 1314.' The original is in the P.R.O. Further notes on this appear in the same review, vol. vi. pp. 752-3. The original is believed to be the document affixed by one of the friars to the door of St. Paul's in 1314. Vide note by A. G. Little, Eng. Hist. Rev., vol. vi. p. 752. The Dublin Review, vol. xxv., has an article upon Dominican artists' works, and there is another upon Dominican schools in ancient Ireland in vol. xix. A well-known contributor to ' N. & Q.,' the REV. W. G. DIMOCK FLETCHER, issued (I think privately) ' The Black Friars of Oxford,' pp. 27, Oxford, 1882 (printed at the office of The Oxford Chronicle). Mr. J. Robertson edited for the Maitland Club

  • Monumenta Fratrum Prsedicatorum de

Glasgu,' 1846. The Dominicans of Inver- ness are dealt with in Shaw's ' History of the Province of Moray,' vol. iii. p. 223. Touron issued in 1743-9 ' Histoire des Hommes Illustres de 1'Ordre de St. Domin- ique. ' Lacordaire edited one of the Dominican ceremonial books; and there are a number of Missals, Psalters, and other official books in connexion with the order. In the valuable ' List of English Religious Houses ' appended to Gasquet's * English Monastic Life ' there