Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 9.djvu/347

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ii s. ix. MAY 2, i9H.] NOTES AND QUERIES.



CONTENTS. No. 227.

NOTES: The First English Newspaper, 341 Legends from Lourdes-Webster and the ' N.E.D.,' 343 -Parish Registers Altar Frontals from Lanherne Convent Licensed Victualler Parish Clerk, 344 The Adelphi Grosvenor Square: Print The late Edward Marston Botany Bay, 345 The " Three Hours " Devotion " Remittance men "Women's Parts acted by Men, 346.

QUERIES :-The Roll of the Baronets The YoungerVan Helmont, 347 -A Book of Fables A Bird Name -St. Mary's at Thame- Author of Quotation Wanted -Old Hampstead : Ancient Vestments Biographical Informa- tion YVanted-Parishes and Patron Saints, 348-Jame s II. or William III. ?-Sir Alexander Percy-Judas Iscariot Coleridge's ' Nightingale '-Hampshire' Visions of the Western Railways,' 349 Lost Scatue of Diomede by Sergei Train Band Men" Amener de Feyns " : " Pape " Old Etonians Registers of Hawkhurst,, Kent Marten of Broad water, Sussex, 350.

REPLIES : Death Folk-lore, 350 Fox of Stradbroke St. Pancras, 352 Milton's Epitaph : The Second Folio Shake- speare Voltaire in England Dido's Purchase of Land, 353 James Morgan Taylor Sisters, 354 Simon Ive, 355 Episcopal Registers of Bangor and St. Asaph Push- Plough " Kemendyne "Authors Wanted, 356 " Bur- ganes " Prints transferred to Glass, 357 Adjectives from French Place - Names -^- Wilson's Buildings " Bore " Heraldic" Mister " as a Surname Carthagena Medal, 358.

NOTES ON BOOKS : ' The Reign of Henry VII. from Contemporary Sources ' " Fellowship Books " ' The Cathedral Church of Glasgow ' ' The John Rylands Library ' ' Edinburgh Review ' ' Fortnightly Review ' ' Cornhill ' ' Scottish Historical Review.'


THE present writer, in an article with the above title, printed in The Nineteenth Century and After for March this year, discussed the origin of the English newspaper press.

The following list of Corantos, the subject of that article, acquired by the British Museum in November, 1912, may be of use to collectors and bibliographers to whom the volume in which they are all contained is not readily accessible.

All are " half sheets in folio," and there- fore true " papers," and should not be termed newsbooks, like the pamphlets of 1622 to 1665, and each is printed in two columns on ach side (two pages). None of them is numbered, and the first has no title. The imprint, in each case, is at the end.

1. (2 Dec., 1620.) Imprinted at Amsterdam by George Veseler, Ao. 1620. The 2 of Decemem- ber [sic]. And are to be soulde by Petrus Keerius, dwelling in the Calverstreete, in the un vcertaine time.

2. (23 Dec., 1620.) Corrant out of Italy, Ger- many, &c. Imprinted at Amsterdam by George Veseler, Ao. 1620. The 23 of December. And are to be soulde by Petrus Keerius, dwelling in the Calverstreete in the uncertaine time. (Black- letter.)

3. (21 Jan., 1621.) Corrant out of Italy, Ger- many, &c. Imprinted at Amsterdam by George Veseler, Ao. 1621. The 21 of lanuari. And are to be soulde by Petrus Keerius, dwelling in the Calverstreete, in the uncertaine time. (Black- letter.)

4. (31 March, 1621.) Courant out of Italy, Germany, &c. Imprinted at Amsterdam by George Veseler, Ao. 1621. The 31 of March. And are to be soulde by Petrus Keerius, dwelling in the Calverstreete in the uncertaine time. (Black-letter.)

5. (9 April, 1621.) Coxirant out of Italy, Ger- many. &c. Imprinted at Amsterdam by George Veseler, Ao. 1621. The 9 of April. And are to be soulde by Petrus Keerius, dwelling in the Calverstreete, in, the uncertaine time. (Black- letter.)

6. (5 July, 1621.) Courant Newes out of Italy, Germany, Bohemia, Poland, &c. Printed at Amsterdam. By George Veseler. The 5 of luly, 1621. (Black-letter.)

7. (9 July, 1621.) Courant Newes out of Italy, Germany, Bohemia, Poland, &c. Printed at Amsterdam. By George Veseler. The 9 of July, 1621. (Black-letter.)

8. (9 July, 1621.) Corante ; or, Newes from Italy, Germanic, Hungarie, Spaine, and France, 1621. Printed at Amstelredam by Broer lonson, dwelling on the new side behinde Borchwall in the silver Can, by the Brewery, the 9 of Julv, 1621.

9. (15 July, 1621.) Courant newes out of Italy, Germany, Bohemia, Poland, &c. Printed at Amsterdam. By George Veseler. The 15 of July, 1621. (Black-letter.)

10. (20 July, 1621.) Corante ; or, newes from Italy, Germanic, Hungarie, Poland, Bohemia, and France, 1621. Printed at Amstelredam by Broer lonson, Corranter to his Excellencie, the 20 of luly. (Marked on the margin, in a contem- porary handwriting, " The second.")

11. (29 July, 1621.) Newes from the Low Countries. Printed at Altrnore by M. H. July 29, 1621. (Black-letter.)

12. (2 Aug., 1621.) Corante; or, newes from Italy, Germany, Hungaria, Bohemia, Spaine, and Dutchland, 1621. Imprinted by Broyer lohnson, Corantere to his Excellency, the 2 of August, 1621. (Marked in the same handwriting, " The third.")

13. (10 Aug., 1621.) Corante; or, Newes from Italy, Germany, Hungaria, Polonia, France, and Dutchland, 1621. Imprinted at the Hage by Adrian Clarke, the 10 of August, 1621. (Black- letter.)

14. (9 Aug., 1621.) Newes from the Low Countries, or a Courant out of Bohemia, Poland, Germanic, &c. Printed at Amsterdam by loris Veseler, August 9, anno Dom. 1621.

15. (6 Sept., 1621.) The Courant out of Italy and Germany, &c. At Amsterdam. Printed by George Veseler. The 6 of Septembre, 1621. (Black-letter.)

16. (12 Sept., 1621.) The Courant out of Italy and Germany, &c. At Amsterdam. Printed by