Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 9.djvu/354

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. ix. MAY 2,

equals an abbreviated title of the ' Paradoxal Discourses,' 1685 ; ' Seder Olam ' equals the edition of 1694 ; ' Man and his Diseases ' is an abbreviated title of the * Spirit of Diseases,' 1694 ; ' Devine Being ' is in- tended for the edition of ' The Divine Being,' 1693 ; ' 200 Queries ' is the edition of 1684; and ' Pre-existence ' is presumably the ' Dissertation of the Pre-existency of Souls,' 1684. If these inferences can be shown to be unfounded, or if any further light can be thrown upon the bibliographical tangle caused by the entries in the Term Catalogues, I shall be greatly obliged for such information. It is a fact that the title- pages of many of F. M. v. H.'s works differ, although the difference is merely confined to the title-pages themselves. I know as many as three different title-pages of a single work, all issued in the same year ; but I am entirely unable to find any traces of editions of 1711 which would naturally be inferred to have been issued from the entries in the Term Catalogues. F. S. .D ARROW.

Point Loma, California.

(To be continued.)

A BOOK OF FABLES. I have an old and much abused book of fables in verse, which contains no clue to date of publication, &c. It has cuts by W. Kent and J. Wootton, engraved by B. Barron, P. Fourdrinier, and J. Vdr. Gucht. The introduction begins with ' The Shepherd and the Philosopher ' :

Remote from cities liv'd a swam, Unvex'd with all the cares of gain ; His head was silver'd o'er with age, And long experience made him sage.

The engravings are curious and of interest. I shall be glad of some information about them and the book they illustrate.


A BIRD NAME. Not long ago I bought, in a second-hand bookshop, a paper-covered treatise by one George Edwards, of Market Lavington, Wilts, and published apparently towards the end of the eighteenth century. The title-page, headed ' A Discourse on the Emigration of British Birds,' gives a lengthy abstract of the contents of the little book. Among birds mentioned on this page, after such familiar names as the whinchat, willow -wren, and whitethroat, occurs the word etotoli. The name occurs again in the book itself, following those of the butcher- bird, wryneck, redstart, and willow-wren, but there it is spelt etoboli* I am curious as to the meaning of the word, and should be glad to be enlightened. J. R. H.

ST. MARY'S AT THAME. Could any reader supply me with the names of all persona interred in or under the church of St. Mary the Virgin at Thame in Oxfordshire, Eng- land ? The date of death (if possible) is also desired. There cannot be very many.

HERBERT WM. QUARTERMAIN. 29, Smith Street, Lower Riccarton, Christchurch, New Zealand.

AUTHOR OF QUOTATION WANTED. Ah, que les gens d'esprit sont betes I


University College, Nottingham.

OLD HAMPSTEAD : ANCIENT VESTMENTS. In the 1902 issue of the c Hampstead Annual ' an article appears under the title of 'A Glimpse of Old Hampstead.' It is stated therein that

"Grove Lodge, which abuts upon Constable'8

  • romantic house at Hampstead,' was once a farm-

house, and in a room at the top of the house long ago priests' vestments were discovered. Mrs. Swan, a former owner of the Lodge, remembered her grandmother telling her how when a child she used to play at games in that upper chamber arrayed in these vestments." Is anything known what became of these > and who was supposed to have originally owned the vestments ? A. B.

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION WANTED. I should be glad to obtain any particulars of the following men, who were educated at Westminster School : (1) John Broderick, admitted 1777. (2) Thomas Broderick, admitted 1718, aged 10. (3) William Brom- ley, admitted 1773. (4) Francis Brooke, admitted 1732, aged 10. (5) Philip Brooke, admitted 1720, aged 11. (6) Thomas Brookes, admitted 1729, aged \ 10.J t (7) Griffith Broom, admitted 1725, aged 15.

(8) John Broughton, admitted 1739, aged 12.

(9) Francis Brouncker, admitted 1818, aged 12. (10) Henry Brounker, admitted 1718, aged 11. G. F. R. B.

PARISHES AND PATRON SAINTS. For some centuries, apparently, the name of a parish has been determined by that of the saint to which its church is dedicated. By whom is the choice of the saint decided ? Some saints have been at times neglected, and at other times greatly favoured. For instance, I can only recall in my Continental wander- ings one important church, the Cathedral st Salerno, dedicated to St. Matthew. His name rarely occurs amongst our own church parishes formed prior to the nineteenth century. Throughout that century, how- ever, churches dedicated to him sprung up