Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 9.djvu/376

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. ix. MAY 9,

Hector of Upham. Yet the dates tally, and it does not seem likely that there could have been two men of the same, or almost the same, name living at the same time.

His name appears in the parish register at the head of baptisms, marriages, and burials as " Ferd Warner, Rector," but this may have been inserted by the curate-in-charge at the date of his collation to the benefice, and is no proof that he ever resided or officiated there.

I should be grateful for further informa- tion on the subject, in default of which I must conclude that this my predecessor is identical with the distinguished man whose memoir is given in ' D.N.B.' He is not men- tioned in the lists of Oxford or Cambridge graduates. E. L. H. TEW.

Upham Rectory, Hants.

DAWE'S PORTRAIT OF GOETHE. I have recently had an interesting correspondence with Mr. Houston Stewart Chamberlain of Bayreuth regarding the portraits of Goethe, He informs me that a portrait with which Goethe himself was greatly pleased (indeed, he said " it is the most resemblant of all my portraits ") was made in 1819 by George Dawe. The portrait has been engraved several times, but so eminent an authority as Dr. Hermann Rollett, the author of ' Die Goethe Bildnisse, biographisch - kunstge - schichtlich dargestellt ' (Vienna, 1883), has been quite unable to trace the original. If any reader of ' N. & Q.' can enlighten me as to the whereabouts of the painting. I shall be greatly obliged. JOHN LANE.

The Bodley Head, W.

" THE PEACOCK WITHOUT TEMPLE BAR." The redoubtable Curl! is said probably to have " succeeded to Smith's business on the same premises, changing the sign of the house from the Angel and Bible to that of the Peacock," in 1705 or 1706 (' D.N.B.,' Mr. Tedder's ' Edmund Curll '). In 1709 he published there, for one thing, Theo- phrastus's and La Bruyere's " Characters.

Made English by Several Hands. The

Fifth Edition." Mr.^ Tedder says he moved to other premises in 1710.

I have a pamphlet published by " A. Dodd at the Peacock without Temple-Bar. 1713." This A. Dodd was probably the master printer who died some time between 1721 and 1724 (cf. A. Dobson, ' Eighteenth Cen- tury Vignettes,' Third Series, 125-7; and N. & Q.,' 1 S. x. 217), leaving his business to be conducted by his widow. The firm of A. Dodd continued in business at " The Pea- cock " to 1744, and perhaps later.

Can any of your readers bridge the three years' gap, and tell me whether A. Dodd was ever connected with Curll, mayhap as appren- tice ? and whether any books were issued from " The Peacock " in the years 1710-12 ?

R. H. GRIFFITH. University of Texas, Austin, Texas.

TOUCHWOOD. I have seen in a shop- window as a " mascot " a tiny gnome of wood called " Touchwood," with metal limbs. On the card to which it is attached are the following lines :

Eastern wisdom gave me birth.

You know luck will straight depart Save you instantly touch wood ; Touch it [the gnome's head] as you see me do, So the happiness I shed Safely will encompass you. Can any of your readers give authority for the first line ? PHCENIX.

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION WANTED. I should be glad of any particulars concerning the following men who were educated at Westminster School : (1) Thomas Bridge- water, admitted 1744, aged 14. (2) Charles Brydges, admitted 1723, aged 9. (3) Ed- mond Brydges, admitted 1718, aged 13.

(4) Francis Brydges, admitted 1718, aged 9.

(5) George Briggs, admitted 1819, aged 10.

(6) William Thomas Briggs, admitted 1822, aged 13. (7) John Edward Bright, admitted 1818, aged 11. (8) George Broadbelt, ad- mitted 1718, aged 9. (9) Parry Broadhead, left 1701. G. F. R. B.

WALTER DE LECHLADE. In attempting to elucidate the story of the murder of Walter de Lechlade, Precentor of Exeter, in 1283, 1 am searching for information concern- ing the victim. Local histories, episcopal registers, and documents at the Public Record Office and British Museum have been examined, but I have a vague impression of having read long ago an account of Lechlade in an historical publication, possibly The English Historical Review. I should like to find this article, and should also be glad of any information from sources other than those mentioned above.


IRISH WILLS AND REGISTERS. Can any reader of * N. & Q.' tell me where a list of Irish wills, and any Irish register of deaths, from 1770 to 1830,' can be seen ?

There are two or three dates of Power wills and deaths I am anxious to trace. Replies may be sent direct to J. J. PIPER.

Cintra Park, Upper Norwood, S.E.