Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 9.djvu/466

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. ix. JCM e, wu.

century does not discover a remedy before another centenary comes round if Lord's and crickei together survive to see one. Another example o Arthur Schnitzler's work, ' Dead Men Tell N( Tales,' is contributed in a translation by Mis? Beatrice Marshall.

THE seventeen papers which compose the .Tun Nineteenth Century cover a somewhat unusually wide range of subjects. Of those which fal within our own scope, Miss Rose M. Bradley's " Mrs. Larpent and the French Refugees ' is the most lively and interesting, much more attractiv than the extracts from that worthy lady's diary which appeared in the last August number of this review. Miss Bradley, by the way, has a shrewci remark concerning the " desert " which we are preparing for the social historian of the twentieth century. The details with which the modern newspaper deals carry no " atmosphere " aboul them, and afford no equivalent for the diaries in which bygone generations pei-petuated the very form and manner of their living. Dr. Murray concludes here his account of the unpublished letters belonging to Addison's career in Ireland, a necessary piece of scholarly work which, since it tends to diminish regard for Addison, and is not concerned with any facts of outstanding interest, cannot avoid being somewhat depressing. Father Bernard Vaughan's ' The Jesuit in Fact and in Fiction ' would be even more valuable and per- suasive than it is if its egotism had been more skilfully toned down. Mr. Mayo is of opinion that in the public schools the hours of Sunday which are not taken up with divine service should be devoted to some definite occupation. The suggestions he makes strike us as eminently sensible, though we would put in a plea for the more explicit encouragement of original, self- chosen employments of the nature of " hobbies " wherever an inclination towards these can be dis- covered. Mr. Heathcote-Statham's criticism of the Salon and the Royal Academy is detailed and appreciative. He made notes on more than eighty pictures at the Salon as being worth serious .attention, esteeming M. Paul Chabas's picture, '* Pecheuses des Lunes,' the most beautiful thing there. Mrs. March-Phillipps, ' In Pursuit of Courtesy,' has a well-worn theme on which no one could be expected to make more than half-a-dozen small fresh observations even in some fourteen pages ; still, it is a good thing to be reminded of the raisons d'etre of courtesy, and to be warned .concerning our increasing neglect of it by so easy and fluent a pen. Lady Darwin's article on the work of policewomen in America, and the Com- tesse de Franquevi lie's remarks on ' Disestablish- ment and Disendowment in France and England,' both contain some items of interest apart from their main purport.

SIB HENRY LUCY'S contribution to the June Corn- hill from his recollections and diary is more than usually delightful. The chapter ' On Going Down to the Sea in Ships ' ranges from rollicking fun to tragedy, and the stories in that on ' Youthful Indiscretions ' " donnent a penser " as well as being amusing. Sir Herbert Maxwell's ' Battle of Bannockburn ' is a spirited and scholarly piece of work, which sets out satisfactorily all that is known of the events of the great day, quoting effectively from Gray the brief account of Edward's withdrawal from the scene of carnage.

As Sir Herbert reminds us," There was no battle smoke in those days to veil the butchery." Mr Bernard Holland writes of the late Alfred Lyttel- ton as those who knew him must be glad to have him written about. Miss Betham-Edwards's fourth sketch, ' From an Islington Window,' is touching as well as interesting, and has one grim paragraph in it which will prevent its being easily forgotten. Miss Margaret Amherst's sketch of Mistral has at least the value which belongs to recollections at first hand ; and a like merit has the widely different paper, ' On a Little Chalk Stream,' in which Mr. H. T. Sheringham describes the placid adventures of an angler. Mrs. Brown- ing's ' Epistle to a Canary ' here printed for the first time is an effusion supposed to be addressed by one of her pet doves to Miss Mitford's canary. It adds something, perhaps, to our knowledge of the minutiae of Elizabeth Barrett's surroundings before her marriage, and is itself happy " in parts."

THE June number of The Burlington Magazine contains an article on the new Print Gallery of the British Museum. Though not displaying exhibits entirely new, the Gallery contains many that have been acquired since the beginning of 1912. Of these Rubens's fine * Study of a Woman Kneeling ' is excellently reproduced, as also a ' Boy Carrying Fagots,' by Gainsborough. One of the most interesting features of the number is the descrip- tion and photographs of an early bronze Buddha, with subsidiary figures, in the collection of M. Worch, and recently exhibited in Paris. The piece, which is stated to belong to the Sui dynasty, is of exquisite workmanship throughout. A nobly expressive figure of the Buddha is seated on a throne of lotus, and around his head there rises a flame-shaped nimbus of the eight-petalled lotus on a background that bursts into flame towards he summit. The minor figures are worthy attendants of this wonderful statue. Mrs. S. Arthur Strong contributes an article (illustrated by numerous photographs) on the " Juppiter " column of Mainz, of which a facsimile has recently been erected near Homburg. An interesting account of the theology of the column is given, the whole forming a good illustration of the State religion of the empire under Nero. The number also includes two beautiful coloured reproductions of a miniature painting ascribed to Sultan Muham- mad. Other articles and illustrations of interest concern an English silver chalice and paten, circa 1300 ; a ' Fete at Venice,' attributed to Antonio Canale ; some English tapestries at Boughton House ; beautiful examples of Chinese nlaid lacquer from the collection of A. A. Breuer ; an article on ancient American mosaic by Mr. T. A. Joyce ; and one upon some pictures of M. jheeraerts the Younger. The frontispiece illus- ' rates two early Chinese stone statues.


WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, lor can we advise correspondents as to the value )f old books and other objects or as to the means of lisposins of them.

W H. < . (" Value of Money in the Middle Ages "). Articles on the subject appeared at 2 S. iv. 293 ; .311; 38. i. 182,238,395.