Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 9.djvu/499

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us. ix. JUNE 20, i9i4.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


AN OXFORD COPTIC DICTIONARY (11 S. ix. 450). The dictionary in question was that published by Archdeacon H. Tattam (see ' D.N.B.') ; it was published in 1835, the two editions of his ' Coptic Grammar ' appearing in 1830 and 1863 respectively. The ' Dictionary ' was doubtless an inferior work in the eyes of Peyroii, who was (for his day) a scientific and philological in- vestigator of the first order ; Stern justly says of it : " Nur mit Vorsicht zu be- nutzen " ; but Tattam's services to an appreciation in England of Coptic literature, and of the Copts themselves, ought not to be forgotten, and many of the most interesting Coptic MSS. in various English collections are the result of his fruitful Egyptian travels. S. G.

LANCASHIRE PROVERB (11 S. ix. 427). This proverb may not claim to be Lancas- trian. I heard it more than sixty years ago, and often in Derbyshire, as " What conies over the Devil's shoulder goes back under his thigh." There w T ere several ways of putting it ; nor was the application far to seek. THOS. RATCLIFFE.


CHARLES I. : JOHN LAMBERT AND LIEUT. - COL. COBBETT (US. ix. 430). Of General John Lambert Prof. Firth says :

" Though Lambert's military duties kept him at a distance during the king's trial, there can be little doubt that he approved of it (Rushworth, vii. 1367)."

Lieut. -Col. Ralph Gobbet was ordered to remove the king from the Isle of Wight to Hurst Castle ; secured good treatment for Charles at Hurst Castle ; and conducted him from that gloomy lodging to the mainland. On 14 Oct., 1659, Cobbet was sent by the Com- mittee of Safety into Scotland, but on his arrival was committed close prisoner in Edinburgh Castle by Monck. In April, 1660, he was arrested near Daventry by Ingoldsby, together with Lambert, Okey, Axtell, Cred, and others. But Okey and Axtell managed to escape.

ALEXANDER SMITH'S ' DREAMTHORP ' (11 S. ix. 450). 3. Sir Henry Irving, in his address at the University of Oxford of 26 June, 1886, on ' Four Great Actors,' says :

" Coleridge is reported to have said that to see (Edmund) Kean act was ' like reading Shakespeare by flashes of lightning.' "

DUBBER FAMILY OF GLOUCESTERSHIRE (US. ix. 449). See 'Surrey Archaeological Collections,' v. A. R. BAYLEY.

OLD ETONIANS (11 S. ix. 350). Joseph Lyons Athill, elder son of Dr. John Athill of the Island of Antigua, West Indies, was born there 30 Aug., 1748. He was some- time a member of the House of Assembly and a judge, married 24 April, 1775, Mi>. Christian Livingston, widow, and dkd 13 Sept., 1790. V. L. OLIVER.

(US. ix. 449.)

George Boscawen, admitted 1754, left 1761 ^ almost certainly son of General George B. by Anne, dau. of John Morley Trevor of Tre- vallyn, co. Denb. He was born 4 Sept., 1745,. andwasM.P. for St. Mawes, 1768-74, and forTruro, 1774-80. He married Annabella, second daughter of Rev. Sir William Bun- bury of Bunbury, co. Chester, fifth baronet (1681). George the father was third son of Hugh, first Viscount Falmouth.


[MB. A. R. BAYLEY also thanked for reply.]

c ANECDOTES OF SOME DISTINGUISHED- PERSONS ' (11 S. ix. 450). The compiler of the above book was William Seward (1747-99), who contributed a series of papers called ' Drossiana ' to the European Magazine, beginning in October, 1789, p. 243. These papers formed the basis of his anony- mous " Anecdotes of Some Distinguished persons, chiefly of the present and two pre- ceding centuries. Adorned with sculptures (supplement), &c.," 5 vols., 1795-97 (which passed into a fifth edition in 4 vols. in 1804). This was followed in 1799 by 2 vols. of ' Biographiana.' For biographical details of Seward see ' D.N.B.'

ARCHIBALD SPARKE, F.R.S.L. [C. W. S. also thanked for reply.]

PARIS IN 1780 AND 1860 (11 S. ix. 169 r 415). If these years are meant to include those between, perhaps the following may be useful :

" A New Picture of Paris ; or, The Stranger'* Guide to the French Metropolis, by Edward Planta. Fifteenth edition, considerably enlarged. London : Printed for Samuel Leigh, 18, Strand ; and Baldwin, Cradock & Co., Paternoster-row ,. 1827."

" Galignani's New Paris Guide for 1854,. Paris, A. and W. Galignani & Co., Rue Vivienne,. No. 18." Both of these books are profusely illustrated-

ANGLESEA HOUSE, DRURY LANE (11 S. ix. 229, 277). According to ' A New View of London ' (Edward Hatton), 1708, p. 21,. Cradle Alley (ante, p. 277) was on the S.W. side of Drury Lane, near Long Acre.