Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 9.djvu/50

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. ix. JAN. 17, i9H.

comedy ' The Unfortunate Fortunate.' In the last Baron expresses his Royalist sym- pathies more boldly :

A great mind, mauere usurpt Power, or thrall, Is free in Caris brook as in Whitehall.

Of the ' Epigrams, &c.,' some are ad- dressed "To my Lady E. K.," one is an epitaph on Sir John Suckling, one is ad- dressed to "Leigh the Linguist,"* one to " Mr. Robert Brownrigg," one to Mrs. Diana Willoby,f another to Lady Venetia Grey (on either's marriage), and one is ' L T pon the Picture of my Nephew Mr. lohn Man,' " a young man, Whose fittest Epithet is Cyprian." G. C. MOORE SMITH.


(7 T o be continued.}


THE following copy of legible inscriptions in Holy Trinity Churchyard, Shaftesbury, was taken during July, 1901. and June, 1909. Those having a date of death before 1850 are given in full, whilst most of the later inscriptions are abbreviated, but supply -all needful particulars.

Abbreviations: H. = a headstone; T. = a tombstone; F. = a flat stone; f=a stone cross; C. = a coffin-shaped stone ; "in*R." after any of the above letters indicates that the stone is enclosed in railings.

Parts enclosed in brackets indicate that he letters or figures are illegible, and have been supplied by the transcriber, or that they are doubtful, owing to the decayed state of the stone.

In my original MS. the transcriptions are spaced out, line for line, as on the monu- ments, and written according to the styles of lettering.

On the Triangular Plot where the Churchyard Old Cross stands, and South of Church.

H. In Memory of Robert Hillier who died April 17th 1759, Aged 48 years ; Also of Ann his \Vife who died December 2nd 1775, Aged 68 years ; Also of Ruth their Daughter who died March 10th 1781, Aged [3] years.

H. Here lieth the remains of Judith Frampton who died July 10th 17[3]9, Aged... . .years.

  • Was this Leigh the lawyer at whose house in

Holborn Howell probably lived after his release in 1650?

t "Diana, d. and coheir of Francis Willou^hby, nth Baron Willoughby of Parham, married to Iieneage Finch, 2nd E. of Winchilsea, 21 May, 11)45. If this is the lady in question, Baron must have written the epigram at the age of 15.

H. To the Memory of Francis Rollstone of Stoke in the county of Stafford, who departed this Life November 19th 1786, Aged 52 years. Farewell my Wife and Children dear ; I am gone to rest, you need not fear, My end you know, my Grave you see, Therefore prepare to follow me. Also of Mary wife . . . . [Rollsltone who died.. [***]!. ...

H. In Memory of Robert Osborne, born June 25th 1789; Died Deer. 29th 1817. In Memory of Maria his wife, Born April 3rd 1786, Died Octr. 27th 1847. Also in Memory of Robert their Son, Born March 21st 1822, Died July 2nd 1844 ; Also to the Memory of William their Sou, Born July 29th 1813, Died August 23rd 1854.

C. Sacred to the Memory of Samuel Tans- [w]ell, Born June [2] 1783, Died Januarv 15th 1847.

H. In Memory of Ann, Wife of James Imber who died May the 18th 1787, aged 29 years. In Memory also of Maria Daughter of James and Ann Imber who died Deer, the 16th 1800, Aged 19 ; Also Lydia their Daughter who died July the 4th 1806, Aged 18 [?].

H. Here lieth the Body of Thomas, Son of Thomas and Ann Imber, who died April 26th 1749, Aged 2 years. Also Sarah Daughter of the above Thomas and Ann Imber, who died in her infancy, 1756. Also the body of Thomas Imber who died March 16 1787, aged 74 years.

H. In Memory of John Upjohn who died June ye 29th 1782, Aged 66 ; Also Elizabeth his Wife who died Sept. ye 2 1782, Aged 54. Sarah their daughter died Sept. 6 1812, Aged 48. Ed- ward their son died February 21 1775, Aged 9 years. Elizth. daughter of Ja. and Hannah Up- john died March 11 1810, Aged 21.

Learn from the Emblem of the Glass, How swiftly time and Life do pass ; Now while they list improve them well, How soon they '11 end thou canst not tell. H. In Memory of [Will]iam Meader [who] died January 3 1830, Aged 65 years. A[Ls]o of his two Sons, George [th]e elder, who died June 19th 1805, Aged 10 years. George th[e] younger who died Novr. 15th 1807, Aged 1 year. Also of his Grandson, Henry William Meader who died September] 22nd 1816, Aged 2 years.

H. In Memory of Jane, The wife of Isaac Watts, born November 20th 1795, died February 25th 1844, Also three of their children. Ann, born September 29th 1828, Died September 14 1831. Jane Eliza, born July 17 1831, Died June 8 1835. Eliza, born December 29th 1835, Died February 18th 1844. Also in Memory of

he above Isaac Watts, born June 28th 1794,

Died February 1st 1857 ; Also Elizabeth their Daughter born April 16th 1823, Died March 20th 1861 ; Also Eliza Jane their grandaughter [sic] born Feby. 18th 1849 Died Jany. 11 1861.

H. In Memory of Thomas Fricker who de- parted this life October [?]7 1762 Aged 87 years. Here lieth the body of Thomas son of the above Thomas Fricker who departed this life May 25 . . . .[under ground].

H. [Here lyeth] the body of Robert Dole who dyed April 24 1724 ; Also the body of Elizabeth Wife of Robert Dole who died April 14 17[4]5 ; Also the Body of Robert Dole who died in Decem- ber 1722 aged six weeks.