Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 9.djvu/545

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Notes and Queries, July 25, 1914.



" Three Hours " devotion, c. 1789, 346 Threefold twist, invented c. 1843, 449 Thresher (Peter >, b. c. 1699, his marriage, 209 Throckmorton (Sir Robert), L Henry VII., a

letter fro > , 405 Throp's wife, " As busy as Throp's wife," 12,


Thunder, turtle affected by, 268, 335 tThurtell (John), his family and education, 28 ' Tightly," use of the word, 1629, 288 Tiles, device on ecclesiastical, 509 Tiles. Saxon, on farmhouse in Essex, 271 ' Times,' not printed on Christmas Day, 1913, 47 ; dictum on its political superiority over *' His- tories/' 307, 356 ; its original prospectus and average daily circulation, 421, 502 " Ting," verb, 1627, use of the word, 227 Tippoo Sahib, 1792, a stick inscribed, 408, 477 " Tit of tenpence," 1B32, meaning of the phrase,


Title for Albanian ruler, " Mpret," 247 " Titmarsh " in a poem by Tennyson, 487 " Tokharish " language, 190, 220* Tombstones, upright, in churchyards, 35, 91,


  • ' Touching " for the king's evil, 506

Touching wood to avoid ill-luck, 370, 418 Toward (Anthony), c. 1850, his tombstone, 410 Toward Castle, Argyleshire, its history, 410 Towers, round, of churches in the City, 170 Trade guilds in Germany as general refuges, 70 Trade Protection Agency, Stubbs's, 510 " Train band men " from accounts, 1715, 350 Tramps, their marks reproduced in exhibition,

"Trapezist," pronunciation of the word, 107 Trapnel (Anna), author of 'The Cry of a Stone,'

c. 1653,221, 271

" Trash nail," meaning of the term, 107

  • ' Tr iverse the cart," meaning of the phrase, 7

" Trawn chaer," in a will dated 1499, 488 " Tray " and " bay " of a stag, 67, 113 " Tread," its past tense, 27, 116, 158, 454, 492 " Treasure-trove," use of the term in Statham's

' Abridgement,' 187

Tree, " Court " tree of the Isle of Sheppey, 6 Tree lore of the Nigerians, 366 " Tree-ball," game played by American Indians,

1710, 67

  • ' Trenchmore, -moor," country dance, c. 1560,


" Triforium," architectural term, 1174, 228 Trilby, mentioned in 1813, 27, 97 " Trillion," the number used c. 1450, 228, 278, 315,


Trinity, hexagram a symbol of, 109 " Trod," " trode," past tense of " tread," 27, 116,

158, 454, 492 Trollope (W.), of the Six Clerks' Office, c. 1790,


Tubero (Q. Crassus), alluded to by Gray, 509 ' Tudor and Stuart Glossary,' mistakes in, 105 Tullett, surname, its origin',429 Turkey (or Levant) Company and Thomas Hill,


Turpin (Dick), his pistol, dated 1735, 414 Turtle affected by thunder, 268, 335 Twenty - Fourth Regiment, list of colonels,

87, 111, 127, 149, 170, 176, 188, 211 Twist, threefold twist, invented c. 1843, 449 Two Stones Farm, Rickmansworth, origin of

the name, 191 Typography, Greek, changes in, 72


Ulster Covenant, the " Red Hand," 195, 238,

257 Uniform of Secretary of State, South Carolina,

188 Union, legislative, England and Scotland, note in

parish register, 1707, 507

Upcott (William) and ' The A nti- Jacobin,' 47 " Upsey " in 'A Tudor and Stuart Glossary,'

105 Urton alias Stephen family, 470

Van Helmont. See Helmont. Vanbrugh (Sir John), his epitaph, 127, 193 Vancouver, tallest one-piece flagstaff, 7, 94, 254 Vasconcellos family, the name of Smith in, 96 Vegetation, new birth by fire, 14, 113, 178 Venner (Samuel), Colonel 24th Regiment, 1691,

87 Venus's ear, its use in medicine, 128, 173, 216,

276, 434 Verdon (Lesceline de), c. 1200, her marriage, 130,

255, 330, 391

Verge watch, French, the date of, 328, 413 Verne (Jules), his works published in serial form,

74, 175 Vestments, ancient, discovered in Old Hampstead,

348 Vineyard Congregational Church, Richmond,

registers, 429 Violins made on Old London Bridge, c. 1680, 247,

312 Voltaire, on the Jewish people, 49, 298 ; in

England, his notes, 308, 353 " Vossioner," on a brass in Ufton Church, 1587,

210, 390, 437, 495


' Wales, History of the Principality of,' wrongly

ascribed to R. Burton, 487 Walker (George), Governor of Londonderry, 38,


Walker (Joshua), M.P. 1818, his death, 330 Wallace (W.), of St. Thomas Island, 178 W T aller (Edmund ), lines in his ' Panegyrick,' 327,

414, 474

Walpoole (G. A.), author, c. 1784, 330 Walsingham with Queen Elizabeth, painting,

c. 1831, 288

Ward (John), composer of madrigals, 409 Warde (Capt. John), 1544-1601, of Kent, 56 Waring (R.), 1614-58, Staffordshire poet, 448,

492 Warneford (Lieut,), author of 'Tales of the

Coastguard,' 391 Warner (Rev. F.), Rector of TJpham, 1738-46,

369 Warton (Rev. T.) and the Rev. W. Mavor, c. 1781,

267 Warwick, architect of St. Mary's Church, 377,


Washington (George), lost portrait of, 78 Watch, French verge, the date of, 328, 413 " Waters," author of detective stories, 391 Ways of being lost, Hindu reference, 29 Weather prognostications of China and Japan,

327, 513