Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 9.djvu/55

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n s. ix. JAN. 17, ion.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


preparation a new edition of ' Nollekens anc his Times,' by John Thomas Smith, whicl Mr. Wilfred Whitten 'has edited with numerous notes.

The original edition of this work has long been a favourite one to extra-illustrate, anc I should be glad to hear from anybody who possesses or knows of a Grangerized copy .


The Bodley Head, Vigo Street, W.

FIELD -MARSHAL SIR GEORGE WHITE. A photographic portrait in colours of the late Field-Marshal appeared in some Army maga- zine in the late nineties, I think. Can any reader tell me who took it and where it appeared ? He was shown in a kilt of the Gordon Highlanders, so that the photograph was of older date than its reproduction.


123, Pall Mall, S.W.

VOLTAIRE ON THE JEWISH PEOPLE. The following sentence is said to occur in some critical notes written by Voltaire on Bossuet's ' Discours sur 1'Histoire Universelle ' :

" II [Bpssuet] a fait ce qu'il a pu pour donner quelque eclat a ce malheureux petit peuple juif, le plus sot et le plus meprisable de tous les peuples."

I should be greatly obliged for an exact reference. JOHN T. CURRY.

'JOCK ELLIOT.' Sir Walter Scott, in his Notes to ' The Antiquary,' mentions the lively tune,

My name it is little Jock Elliot, Arid wha dare meddle with me. I have never been able to find more than two verses of this spirited ballad if it is a ballad and should be pleased to hear some- thing respecting it. The indexes to ' N. & Q. ' contain no clue. RICHD. WELFORD.


VICE-ADMIRAL SIR CHARLES HAMILTON. The above officer was Governor of New- foundland July, 1818, to October, 1825. At all events, a successor was appointed at the latter date. I should be obliged if I could, for historical reasons, find his repre- sentatives. DAVID Ross McCoRD, K.C. Temple Grove, Montreal.

GILBERT FAMILY. In the registers of Marldon, near Paignton, Devon, there is a record of the marriage of " John Gilbert, Esq.," to "Madam Ann Curtiiy " (pro- bably Courtenay), dated 14 July, 1712. These names do not appear in the pedigree of the Gilberts of Compton Castle, close to

Marldon, and I shall be glad of any informa- tion that may be forthcoming in regard to the history of this couple.

GILBERT T. CARTER. Greyeliffe, Torquay.

R LE OF SUCCESSION. Is there any rule or custom in English procedure which would ba" the children of a second marriage from succession in the case of an earldom For instance, the direct descendant is John, the son of John. He leaves no issue, but has a half -bro the-, Harrison. Doe? the succession go to Harrison's children, or does the line revert to the first John's brother's children ? HISTORICUS.

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

MIDDLESEX : ANCIENT PAINTED GLASS. I shall be grateful for references to pre- eighteenth -century painted glass of a do- mestic character (not church glass) now within the modern county of Middlesex i.e., the old county, excluding that part of it within the county of London.


Maycroft, Fyfield Road, Walthamstow.

FIRE -WALKING : PHYSICAL EXPLANATION. In the last instalment of ' The Golden Bough ' (3rd ed., part vii. vol. ii. pp. Iff.) Dr. J. G. Frazer has discussed the ceremony of fire-walking. Various explanations have been suggested to account for the supposed immunity of the performers from burns caused by walking over the fire. Some give a psychological explanation ; others dwell on the fact that the feet of persons who habitually walk barefoot become indurated. With these explanations I am not now con- cerned. It has been suggested that some substance is applied by the performers to their feet before they enter the fire. May I request some chemist or physiologist to say if there are any substances calculated to produce this effect ? Are such substances, vegetable or other, easily obtainable in places like India and Fiji, where fire-walking s common ? Have any experiments to test the value of such prophylactics ever been nade, and, if so, where can I find a record of them and of their result ? EMERITUS.

PICTURES OR PRINTS WITH " BROKEN- LXLASS " EFFECTS. These are seldom met with, but I have lately seen it stated that here are three or four such in the Wiertz Gallery at Brussels. I possess a small aquatint, " A View from Nature. Published by S. Hollands, 11 Vauxhall Walk, Lambeth, November 5th, 1819," engraved by J. Alais