Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 9.djvu/551

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Notes and Queries, July 25, 1914.



Cuningham (H.) on " From this enormous state," ' King Lear,' 245. ' King Lear ' : " Clamou: moisten'd," 165. ' King Lear ' : rearrange ments of the text, 381

Cup pies (J. G.) on Clemintine Stirling Graham William Macnie of Stirling, 129

Curious on Leyson family, 248

Curry (J. T.) on Milton queries, 216. Voltaire on the Jewish people, 49

Curtis (JT.) on forms of the name James, 278 Throwing a hat into a house, 136


D. on " lona," 490

D. (C.) on Cowlard, 514. ' Marriage,' by Susan

Perrier, 169 D. (T. F.) on " nuts to " (a person), 386.

Bath in the Strand, 5: " Sough," 198 D. (T. L.) on last criminals beheaded in Greai

Britain, 365 Damant (Mrs. H. Castell) on George Inman

328 Darrow (F. S.) on the younger Van Helmont, 86

128, 169, 207, 347, 367 Darwin (W. E.) on Mrs. Hutchinson : a portrai

by Lawrence, 170 Davies (Dr. A. Morley) on Blackfriars : ancieni

schemes of drainage, 416. Parishes in two

or more counties, 132, 273. Verne (Jules)

175 Davy (P.) on Napoleon III. at Chislehurst : Miss

Howard and Comte de Be"chevet, 509 Deedes (Prebendary Cecil) on Anno Domini

172 Delafield (J. Ross) on Knights Templars anc

Knights of St. John of Jerusalem temp

Edward II., 189. " Master " and " gentle- man," 510

Denny (Rev. H. L. L.) on Naundorff case, 101 Dhai (Clan) on Queen Elizabeth and Walsingham

painting by Devis, 288 Dibdin (E. Rimbault) on ' Shepherdess of the

Alps,' 68 Dickinson (H. W.) on Wilkinson's 'ron chapel,

308 Dickson (Frederick S. ) on chronology of c Tom

Jones,' 425 Diego on ' Chevy Chace ' parody, 478. Rhubarb,

274. Scott's ' Rob Roy,' 516. Trilby, 97 Dixon (Ronald) on " cousins and half-cousins,"

273. Grahame (Clementina Stirling), 236 Dobell (Bertram) on unique book : Anna Trapnel,

221 Dodds (Edwin) on Swinburne Hall, 'co. Yorks,

9 Dodds (M. H.) on authors of quotations

wanted, 315. Burlesques of mystery plays, 34.

Death folk-lore, 352. Sambel (Sumbel) :

Wells, 18 Douglas (J. B.) on wife of Admiral Butterfield,

Douglas (W.) on Mrs. Behn's ' Emperor of the

Moon,' 275. Moss, an actor, 335. Palmer's

royal mails, 273 Douglas (W. C.) on authors of quotations wanted,


Dow (J. M.) on early map of Ireland, 208 Downes (A. H. C.) on partition of Poland, 11 Drake (Wilfred) on Gilbert family, 112. Heraldic,

372, 492

Dramatist on Anthony Munday, 57

Drennan (C. M.) on Chaucer's prioress, ' C. T.,'

Prol. 136, 365 Duignan (W. H.) on place-name Barnet,

265 Duke (Louis A.) on Jeffreys family, 10. Musical

Congresses, 10 Dunheved on Joseph Branwell, 389. Cowlard,


Dunn (Dr. Courtenay) on authors wanted, 109 Dunning (March C.) on fire-walking, 152. Ways

of being lost : Hindu reference sought, 29 Durham (J.) on altars, 275. Name of Durham,

117 Durning- Lawrence (Sir Edwin) on Second Folio

of the Shakespeare plays, 1632, 11, 74, 172,

294 Dwight (R. H. W.) on Mr. Dwight of the Treasury

Office, 71. Purchass, eighteenth century,

170 Dyer (A. Stephens) on Buckeridge Street and

Alley, 50. Durant (Rev. Josias), 169. Locke

family, 114. Micah, Admonition, Argent, as

female names, 27. Murder of a priest near

Reading, 130. Page family, 191. Pocock

(Edward), the Orientalist (1604-91), and his

ancestors, 8. Wright (Sir George) of Richmond,



Eala on Silvio Pellico's ' Duties of Man,' 408.

"Stile "="hill," 430 Edelleute on Soncef family in Russia and America,

408 Eden (F. Sydney) on Middlesex : ancient painted

flass, 49. Old painted glass at Maldon, Essex, 61 Editor * Irish Book Lover ' on P. McTeague, 249.

Maxwell (William Hamilton), 293 Edmunds (A. J.) on is " Mongolian " " Sogdian "

or " Tokharish " ? 190

Edwardes (D. J. W.) on David Burges, 150 Edwards (Fredk. A.) on Sir Francis Galton in the

Sudan, 498. Gothaven, 394 Edye (Laeut.-Col. L.), on opera pass, 309 Eldredge (Zoeth S.) on " Seven Seas," 207 Ellacombe (Canon H. N.) on will-o'-the-wisp,

108 Ellis (G.) on Dick's ' Summer Morning on the

Thames,' 410 Ellis (H. D.) on " Bushel and Strike," 393. " Kj-

bob " : derivation wanted, 396 Ellis (M. A.) on forms of the name James,

151 Emeritus on fire-walking : physical explanation,

49. Personal names in India and in Iran, 77 Evans (Guy) on Gothaven, 394 Evans (J.) on Haseldine and Carter families,

129 Evatt (Surgeon-General G. J. H.) on Bouner

ordination in Queen Elizabeth's reign, 386 Everitt (A. T.) on Admiral Sir Thomas Hopson,

1643-1717, 16

F. (E. M.) on choirboys in ruffs, 94. " Dilling," 56. Duppa (Brian), Bishop of Winchester. 308. Heart-burial, 275, 398. Picture-cards, 56

F. (H. A.) on David Burges, 254. Duff (Major- General Patrick), 215

F. (H. H.) on ' To One in Paradise,' 511