Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 9.djvu/92

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. ix. JAN. 31, 1914.

'Diary,' 1652)? Was he George Evelyn of Huntercombe ?

Sir John Evelyn of Ditton was nominated one of the sequestrators of the estates of malignants. No such Sir John occurs in Bray's pedigree. Is he Sir John of Lee Place, Godstone ? and is this Sir John the same as the M.P. for Bletchingly ?


T. & G. SEDDON, EARLY VICTORIAN MANUFACTURERS OF FURNITURE, GRAY'S INN ROAD. Can any one give information about this firm, which seems to have dis- appeared without leaving successors ?

I have two fine specimens of their work, which for some time were in the possession of Alderman Lawrence of the City of London, -at his Brighton residence. On a label, of which the printed character appears to be of the first half of the nineteenth century, the firm is described as " Manufacturers to Her Majesty." The tables are also signed, in writing, " Rees " no doubt the name of a skilled workman. As collectors are now paying considerable attention to Early Victorian furniture, it would be interesting to know something about the Seddons and Rees, their artificer. B.

THE YOUNGER VAN HELMONT. (See 11 S. vii. 307, 378, 468; viii. 54.) I thank MESSRS. E. E. STREET, D. L. GALBREATH, and C. S. JERRAM for their interesting and helpful answers to some of my former queries in regard to Francis Mercury van Helmont.

Can any of your readers inform me in what library or libraries a copy of any of the following works, by or attributed to "Francis Mercury van Helmont, is known to exist ? I shall be grateful for any information in regard to these :

Alphabet of Nature. Printed for Thomas Howkius in George- Yard, Lumbard Street, London, circa

Apparently the translator of this work into

English was Dr. Daniel Foot. I have the Latin,

German, and Dutch eds., but desire information

in regard to the English ed.

<Boethius) Des Herrn Sever. Boetii ...... Trost und

Uuterricht ...... in fiinf Buchern verdeutscht mit

beygefiigten Anmerkungen, Sulzbach, 1667 idem, ans Licht gestellet von Friedrich Roth- Scholtz, Niirnberg bey J. D. Tauber seel. Erben,

Kurtze Vorstellung der zur edlen Chymie gehorigen Wissenschafft bestehend in CLLtL Aphorismis ...... Uebersetzet und zura Druck befordert von

D. David Kellnern, Nordh. circa 1699. 1st ed.

I know about the 3rd ed.. and possess a copy of the 2nd, in which, however, the last two lines of the title-page are torn away.

Von Kranckheiten, circa 1690.

I am acquainted with the Dutch, English, and Latin eds., but not with the German. De attributis divinis, circa 1690. Narrow Path of Divine Truth described from living Practice (by F. M. v. Helmont). Printed for Thomas Howkins in George - yard, Lumbard Street, London, 1693.

I believe that this was published anonymously. Some Premeditate and Considerate Thoughts upon the four first Chapters of the first Book of Mosis called Genesis, delivered by (Franciscus Mer- curius van) Helmont, translated from the Latin copy, printed at Amsterdam, 1697. Printed for S. Clark in Lombard Street, Lond9n, 1701.

I am acquainted with the Latin, Dutch, and German eds., but not with the English. Hell Verhandeling von der Helle en van Christus nederdalinge der Helle, Groningen, 1694.

I believe this was published anonymously. Verhandlung von der Hollen und von Christi Niederfahrt zu der Hollen, 1698.


Treatise concerning Hell and concerning Christ's Descent into Hell, London, circa 1694.

Doubtless also anonymous, and apparently also published in French as De 1'Enfer, and in Latin as De Inferno, circa 1695. Giildener Artzney-Schatz neuer niemals entdeckten Medicamenten wider allerhand Leibeskranck- heiten, 1703, 17*23; also given as Giildener Artzney- Schatz aus den Schriften Helmonts und Boyle, Basel, Konig, 1723.

I possess the Thesaurus novus experiential Medicae aureus, Basel, Konig, 1704. Natur-Kiindigung, circa 1690. Paradoxal Discourses (of F. M. v. H ) in Latin, circa 1692, perhaps published as Tractatus de Microcosmo et Macrocosmo.

1 am acquainted with the English, Dutch, and German editions.

Boekje van der Wederkeer van de Zielen der Menschen, circa 1690.

Anonymous, presumably published at Ams- terdam.

200 Questions sur la revolution de 1'ame, Londres, 1684, or perhaps the title should be Deux cents problemes faits en faveur de la revolution.

I am familiar with the English, Latin, and German editions, but not with the French.

F. S. DARROW. Point Loma, California.

(To be continued.)

HEWITT AND LEDLIE FAMILIES. (See 11 S. vii. 165.) I have obtained further information about " Capt." James Waller Hewitt. He was appointed a second lieutenant in the 1st Regiment of Foot on 9 May, 1811, lieutenant on 7 Julv, 1813, and was placed on half -pay on fci Jan., 1818. I have a letter written by him dated from Woodbridge, Suffolk, on 22 Dec., 1852, and another dated from Marlborough House, Castle Hill, Reading, on 7 Feb., 1859. He died 9 July, 1867, aged 89.