Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/13

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12 S. I. Jan. 1, 1916.]

St. Ives,' and in 1886 'Municipal History of Huntingdon'? This was about the commencement of any attempts at writing anything about the county, and, so far as I know these were the only local articles in the series. Although I was told by my friend the late Theodore Watts-Dunton that he had contributed to it, I have failed to find anything by him.

(15) 'St. Neots Parish Almanac,' 1883-98

(16) 'Free Church Sunday School, St Ives, Illustrated Almanack.' Sheets, 1886-9 Sunday School Union, 56 Old Bailey London, E.G.

(17) 'Jarman & Gregory's "Hunts County Guardian" Almanack and Directory,' St. Ives, 1888-93, 8vo (with County Map, 4d, I have not seen).—It has lists of fairs, members of the County Council carriers, magistrates, and clergy of Huntingdonshire.

1892. Frontispiece, Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Fenstanton.

1893. Frontispiece, North Hunts Constitutional Club, St. Ives.

(18) 'The "Hunts County Guardian" Almanack and Directory.' Sheets, St. Ives, 1889-93.

(19) 'The Saint Ives Wesleyan Sunday School Almanack for 1889.' Sheet, 2 Castle Street, City Road, B.C.

(20) '"Hunts County News" Almanack and Year-Book for Huntingdonshire,' Huntingdon, 1891-1903," 8vo.—Contains full information as to the various county authorities and local bodies, public institutions, places of worship, &c.; and 1903 adds "a Gazetteer of the whole county."

(21) 'Wells's Almanack and Directory for St. Neots and District,' St. Neots, 1891-1901, 8vo. Zachariah Wells, 1891-7; Wells & Son, 1898-1901.—Contains full information as to the various local authorities, places of worship, public institutions, &c., in St. Neots and neighbourhood.

1893, 1894, 1897, 1898. Very useful record of local events.

1895. Local chronological landmarks; and a short account of the stained-glass windows in St. Neots Church, and by whom presented.

1896. A thick-paper edition, 2d. (fifth year of publication); and an Édition de Luxe, 2s. (Two only printed.)

(22) 'Mrs. Wallis's Kimbolton Almanack,' 1890-94, 8vo. (Mrs. Adelaide Selena Wallis, Post Office, Kimbolton.)—Kimbolton local information.

(23) 'The "Huntingdonshire Post" Constitutional Almanack,' 1894. Large sheet, printed by McCorquodale & Co., Ltd. Portrait of A. H. Smith Barry, M.P., and another copy with portrait of Hon. Ailwyn Fellowes, M.P.

(24) 'The "Huntingdonshire Post" Almanack and Diary,' 1895, Huntingdon, 8vo.—This is a specially interesting number, containing several outline sketches, and a 'Calendar of local events' as the Calendar; Carlyle's description of St. Ives; and verses by E. J. Naish of St. Ives, viz., 'Hemingford Abbots Church,' 'Hemingford Grey Church,' and 'A Summer's Day.' (Even some early German almanacs contained pieces by poets.)

(25) 'Wrycroft's Almanack for St. Neots and District,' D. S. Wrycroft, St. Neots, 1900-1905, 8vo.—Contains original articles:

1900. Historical Notes. Trades Directory. The Town of St. Neots, with illustrations.

1901. James Toller, the Eynesbury Giant, and portrait frontispiece.

1902 . A Short Sketch of the Life of the celebrated Saint "Neot." Frontispiece, Alfred's Famous Jewel. Summary of Chief Events.

1903. A Brief Account of the Circumstances which led to Two Atrocious Attacks on the Person of Ann Izzard (of Great Paxton) as a reputed Witch.

1904. The Great Bridge of St. Neots (frontispiece). Witchcraft in Huntingdonshire. Summary of Chief Events.

1905. The Great Frost of 1814, 'Snowed Up.'

(26) 'St. Neots Advertiser Almanack,' P. C. Tomson, St. Neots, 1901-16, 8vo (½d. 1888, and afterwards 1d.).—I subjoin a selection from the contents:—

1902. The Windows of St. Neots Parish Church [By William Emery. Died Dec. 1, 1915.]

1903. The Charities of St. Neots.

1904. Links with the Past. By J. Wright. The War in South Africa—local names.

1906. The Great Robbery at St. Neots in 1829.

1907. A Huntingdonshire Jury in 1619, &c.

1909. St. Neots Paper Mills.

1910. St. Neots Bridge (illus.).

1911. Interior of St. Neots Church (illus.).

1912. A Musical Genius who lived at St. Neots in the Eighteenth Century. [By J. W.]

1913. Huntingdonshire and the Volunteer Movement of Fifty Years Ago. [By J. W.]

1914. The Hawthorn Hunter of Southoe Turnpike Gate. By Joseph Wright.

1915. Some Happenings in Huntingdonshire One Hundred Years Ago. [By J. W.]

1916. List of St. Neots Men serving in the Army and Navy.

(27) 'W. Goggs & Son's Almanack and Year-Book,' Huntingdon, 1904, 8vo.—Contains Huntingdon Directory, Magistracy, &c.

(28) 'South Hunts Liberal Calendar,' 1905. Large sheet, with five portraits.