Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/137

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12 s. i. F. 12, 1916.1 NOTES AND QUERIES.


AUTHOB OF FBENCH SONG WANTED (12 S. i. 11, 56). Music and words were published in the " Miscellaneous Series of Songs," No. 339, ' Cyclopedia of Music,' as given below. The heading is ' A Celebrated French Song.' The spelling is evidently wrong in places ; in one or two, however, it may be old spelling. I have copied exactly as printed.

I also wrote to Paris to Mr. Blair Fairchild, a well - known authority on old French music. He replies that he has made full inquiries, and finds that

the author is unknown. Neither Weckerlin nor Larousse gives any name. Mr. Fairchild consulted M. Expert (under- librarian of the library of the Conservatoire de Musique), who, after consulting various works, came to the same conclusion as Mr. Fairchild.

The music and words of the song are given below, in case they may be in some way a clue. The Catalogue of the British Museum gives 1856 as date of publication of the Misc. Series. In 1776 Mozart com- posed variations on the air.

MISC. SERIES, No. 339.


A vous di - rai je, Ma - man, Ce qui can

mon tour - ment


de - puis que j'ai vu sil - van-dre me re - gard - er d'un air ten - dre mon cceur



dit a chaque in - staut peat on vi-vre sans a - mant pout on vi- vre sans a - mint.


Si je rougis par malheur Une soupir trahir mon coeur La fripponne avec addresser Profitant de m'en faire blesser H41as Mama d'une faut pas J'allois mourir dans ses bras.


L'autre jour dans un bosquet II m'en fait un jolie bouquet II a paru ma hullette Et me dise ma belle brunette Flora et moins belle que toi L'amorer moins tendre que moi.


Je vous ai jure ma Maman De n'avoir jamais d'amant Mais silvandre me feu plaire II est tendre et sincere Silvandre est si charmant Puis je force mon serment.

J. S. S.