Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/368

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[12 S. I. MAY 6, 1916.

11. 1405-6, John Champflour, counsel ; styled " squyer " in 1405-6 ; fee, 20s., last paid in 1407-8 (roll of 1408-9 missing).

12. 1405-6, Thomas Trovey, clerk of accounts and lands at 40s., and for next two years at 20s. a year ; again in 1417-8 and onwards at 26s. Sd. ; and last paid (13s. 4d.) in 1423-4. The office of clerk of accounts was paid for under " stipendia servientium "

'in and after 1423-4, Thomas Ferrour being paid that year 26s. Sd.

13. 1405-6, John Fromond, steward (" senescallus terrarum Collegii ") for Hants and Wilts at 51. , and in and after 1414-5 also for Middlesex and Berks with the fee in- creased to 61. 13s. 4d. ; but until 1414-5 he regularly declined the fee, receiving (as the roll of 1410-1 states) " nil quia nil voluit recipere." He died in November, 1420. See 11 S. xii. 294, 433.

14. 1405-6, Thomas Holmes, attorney in the King's Bench (cf. No. 8 above) ; fee, 6s. Sd., raised in 1407-8 to 13s. 4d. In 1409-10 he is mentioned as " nuper attorna- tus Collegii," and a reward of 20d. was given to his clerk.

15. 1407-8, William Byngham (Bengham), attorney in the Common Bench ; fee, 6s. Sd. (with a reward of 3s. 4d.) in 1407-8, and afterwards 13s. 4c?., last paid in 1424-5 (roll of 1425-6 missing).

16. 1407-8, John Hals, counsel (" juris- peritus," " consiliarius "), and in and after 1413-4 " sergeaunt " or " serviens legis " ; fee, 13s. 4:d. (with extra reward of 6s. Sd. in 1411-2), last paid in 1421-2 (roll of 1422-3 missing). He became serjeant in 1413 (Pulling's ' Order of the Coif '), and was appointed a judge of the Common Pleas in 1423 and of the King's Bench in 1424 (Foss). The Account-roll of 1431-2 con- tains, under ' Custus forinsecus cum donis,' the entry : " In v lagenis vini rubri emptis et missis ad Hals justiciarium domini Regis et ad Torcopeler' existentes Wynton in festo Translationis sti Swytthuni, iijs. iiijof." As to Torcopeler, see ' Turcopolier ' in the ' N.E.D.,' " the commander of the turcopoles or light-armed soldiers of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem."

17. 1407-8, William Wawayn and Thomas Broun, clerks to John Wakefeld, attorney (in the Common Bench) of William Perot and Alice his wife when vouched to warranty in the suit between the College and Thomas Camoys as to the manor of Eling, Hants. (Cf. Kirby's ' Annals,' 17.) The clerks were paid " nil adhuc " in 1407-8, but afterwards a fee of 13s. 4d., last paid in 1412-3. As to Thomas Broun, see No. 26 below.

18. 1409-10, Thomas Emory, attorney in. the Common Bench ; no fee mentioned, and the entry struck out.

19. 1409-10, John Mist (Myst), auditor of accounts of bailiffs and farmers ; fee, 13s. 4rf., last paid in 1418-9 (rolls of 1419-2O and 1420-1 missing).

20. 1409-10, John Gyles, steward's " locum tenens " in Hants and Wilts ; paid, this year and next, 13s. 4d.

21. 1409-10, Robert Ticchefeld, clerk of lands and accounts ; fee, 20s., and lateir usually 40s., last paid in 1416-7. For his successor see No. 12 above.

22. 1410-1, Henry Kesewyk, " sollicitator Collegii in curiis [or curia] domini Regis " ; usual fee, 13s. 4c?., but sometimes with a reward, e.g., of 26s. Sd. in 1411-2. Died in 1420. See 11 S. xii. 496.

23. 1410-1, William Faukener (Fauconer) r counsel ; fee, 20s., not paid after 1411-2. The will of one William Fauconer, of Kingsclere, Hants, was proved P.C.C. 1413.. Cf. ' Viet. Hist. Hants,' iv. 260, 261.

24. 1413-4, Richard Wyot, counsel ; fee,. 20s., last paid in 1418-9 (rolls of 1419-20 and 1420-1 missing).

25. 1413-4, John Broun, attorney in the Common Bench ; fee (only this year), 6s. 8cL Perhaps really the same as No. 26.

26. 1414-5, Thomas Broun (Brown), at- torney in the Common Bench ; fee, 6s. Sd. r last paid to him as attorney in 1443-4 ; but see No. 40 below. Perhaps late clerk to John Wakefeld, see No. 17 above.

27. 1421-2, Richard Wallop, steward ;. fee, 51., last paid in 1429-30. Presumably not the same as No. 7 above.

28. 1421-2, John Arnold, notary ; fee,. 6s. Sd., only this year, but roll of 1422-3 missing.

29. 1421-2, Edmund Nyngge (Nenge) r auditor ; fee, 13s. 4d., last paid in 1428-9 - r but in 1424-5, when he acted, not as auditor,, but as clerk of lands, he got 30s. for f ths of the year, under ' stipendia servientium.'

30. 1423-4, Mr. Robert Heete, notary ; fee, 6s. Sd. Fellow of the College ; died February, 1432/3. See 11 S. ix. 466,- xii. 313.

31. 1424-5, Walter Cordray, auditor; fee, 13s. 4d., last paid in 1426-7 (roll of 1427-8 missing).

32. 1428-9, Robert Colpays, attorney in the Common Bench ; fee, 10s., but in and after 1433/4 13s. 4c?. " ex ^peciali gratia," last paid for part of 1445-6 (see roll of 1446-7). He founded an obit which was- first kept at the College in 1446-7.