Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/535

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1916.



Italian operas, first performances in London, 428,

473 Ivy Bridge, in the Strand, mentioned in a ballad,


James (G. P. R.), novelist, c. 1836, his * Fisherman

of Scarphout,' 506 Jenkinson family, Baronets of Hawkesbury and

Earls of Liverpool, 208, 373 41 Jennings Property " case, genealogical details,

329, 433, 498

    • Jerry-builder," origin of the expression, 19, 299,

415, 457 Jewish History of England, published 1821, 169,

220 Jews : and Prussian tyranny in Luxembourg,

1848, 88 ; dietetics of the people, 93 ; London

Society for promoting Christianity among,

125 Johnson (Dr. S.), on fishing, 18, 98, 157, 218 ; his

' Life ' in the 1825 Oxford edition of his ' Works,'

70, 118 ; iron knocker from his house, 246 Johnstone family of Lockerbie, Dumfries, 248,

334, 419

Jones (Tom) and his sword, 506 Jonson (Ben), his quotation from Claudian, 135 Joseph (S.), sculptor, catalogue of busts by,


Jousterant ( ), miniature painter, c. 1795,

111 Joye (Peter), founder of a free school, Blackfriars,

110, 154

Jury of Annoyance, particulars of, 287, 374 Justice, supposed miscarriage of, 1817, 289, 358,



Keats (John), his^ attitude towards religion, 108,

237 ; and philosophy, 281 Keith (Sir G. Mouat), c. 1806, his family, 30 Kelly (Michael) and Charles Dickens, 225 Kempis (Thomas a), his ' De Imitatione Christi,'

MS., 1424, 127, 171 Kennett (William), M.P. 1403, 34, 78 Kenrick,- Hales, and Stevens families, 509 Kent family, 34, 78 Kerrich (Rev. T.), 1748-1828, his portrait of

Bentham, 169, 236

Kerry, derivation of place-names of, 487 Khevenhiiller (Bartholomaus), his travels in

Europe, 1557, 181, 275 Kid gloves, glac, the first use of, 30 "' Kikoyoun," in Jonah iv. 6, rendered " gourd,"

102, 122, 257, 357

Kilimanjaro, its first ascent, 1861, 346

  • King Edward III.,' heraldic allusion in, 366, 438,

King John, tavern signs, 147, 217

King (W.), LL.D., of Oxford, d, 1764, his heart buried separately, 132, 194

King's Own Scottish Borderers, history of the regiment, 248, 314, 356, 434, 496

Kiss, turning the cheek for a, 67

Knave of Clubs, picture of, hi churches, 166

Knife: old serving-knife and the " Sire de Dan- court," 41

Knight (George), artist, c. 1850, 227, 337

Knighthood and coat armour, 449

Xnowles (J. Sheridan), album lines by, 147, 216

La Roche (Emily), her biography, 272, 334 Lace patterns, pin-pricked on parchment, 468 Lade (Sir John), c. 1750, his parents, 367 Lamb (C.), his folio 'Beaumont and Fletcher,'

267, 376 ; his " one H ," 400 ; and John

Locke, 429

Lambert (Ralph), Bishop of Meath, 1726-31, 150 Lambert family, arms of, 150 Lambeth, inscriptions in St. Mary's Churchyard

(corrigendum), 60

" Lampposts," neglect of the hyphen, 47 Landmarks of London, removal of, 34, 52 Larckin, origin of the Christian name, 268 ' Last Chronicle of Barset,' an inconsistency in,


Latin, order for the English pronunciation of, 248, 353 ; contractions, in parish accounts, 1627, 468 ; English dictionary of words in mediaeval docu ments, 489

Latton family, 79, 378

" Laus Deo," heading for ledger folio, 409, 474 Lawrence and Gedding families, 167 Lawyers employed by Winchester College, 15th

century, 361, 383 Lee (Nathaniel), dramatist, statement by Lord

Rochester, 35

Leitner family, 48, 133, 336, 453 Lemaistre (J. G.), novelist, d. 1840, 14, 54, 159 Leopold (Prince) and Isabel Hey wood, 111 " Lethargy," meaning of, in 17th century, 489 Letheuilier (W.), Westminster scholar, c. 1721, 95 Letter-Books of the city of Chester, 33 Letters, Virginian, c. 1730, names referred to in,

309, 354, 415, 454

" Leuiciana," origin and meaning of the word, 266 Lewis (John), Dean of Ossory, c. 1756, his mar- riages, 399

Lewis (Dr. Owen), Bishop of Cassano, d. 1595, 366 Library, early circulating, 1661, 27 Lies, Derbyshire saying about, 266 Likenesses, accidental, in natural scenery, 348,

438, 496

Lisle (Thomas), Westminster scholar, 1718, 58, 94 Liverpool (Earls of), the Jenkinson family, 208, 373 Livingstone (Dr. David), his heart buried separ- ately, 73, 133 Llivia (? or Goust), small " republic," records of, 42,

129, 258, 456

Loca (Joanna la), her burial-place, 128, 255 Locke (John) and Charles Lamb, 429 Locker (F.), his ' London Lyrics,' 1874, 291, 435 Lockhart (J. G.), unpublished letter of, 446 " Loke," meaning of, in street-names, 510 London : vanishing landmarks, 34, 52 ; old street name-plate, 1734, 47 ; St. Dunstan-in-the-West, the tombstones of, 57 ; Whittington's house, Crutched Friars, 73 ; George Inn, Borough, 90, 137, 175, 216, 255 ; the Shades, London Bridge, 110, 154 ; Sudbury Hospital, its location, 127, 217 ; inscriptions in St. John's Church, St. John's Wood Road, 145, 204, 306; Gothic arch at entrance of Halfmoon Street, Bishops- gate, 389 ; St. Luke's, Old Street, bibliography of the parish, 426 ; Southampton Row, Maryle- bone, 427 ; The Mount, Whitechapel, 485 London Bridge, description of the Shades, 110,154 London, City of, Coroner and treasure- trove, 483 'London Directory,' 1677, copies of, 167, 240 ' Lost Love,' by Ashford Owen (Annie Ogle), 28, 76 ' Love's Labour's Lost,' Holofernes in, 323