Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 1.djvu/76

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. i. j^aa, me.

the Rev. John Johnston, Rector of Clondevadock, co. Donegal, and widow of William Babington of Urney, same county; and thirdly, June 30, 1759, Mary, only daughter of Sir Christopher Musgrave, Bart, of Eden Hall, co. Cumberland, widow of Capt. Hugh Lumley alias Raincock of Ballymaloe, co. Cork. Wm. Jackson Pigott.

Manor House, Dundrum, co. Down.

Resemblances between Semitic and Mexican Languages.—It has been said by Dr. le Plongeon in his book 'Queen Moo' (Kegan Paul) that the words "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani," are phonetically identical in the Maya language of Yucatan with "Hele, hele lamah zabac tani," the meaning of the latter being, "Now, now, I am fainting, darkness covers my face"; also that this Maya language is similar to the ancient Egyptian Semitic script, and that the writing on the wall, "Mene, mene," &c., has in Maya exactly the same meaning as is given in our Bible. Can these statements be verified? W. L. King.

Paddock Wood, Kent.

Tharp Family.—Wanted some particulars as to pedigree and place of residence before 1650; also date when first entitled to bear arms. C. P.

PHILLOTT WILL WANTED. Where could I find the will of a Joseph Phillott who died in Bath in 1729 ? It is not in Somerset House. D. C. PHILLOTT, Lieut. -Col.

BROOKS' ' ANCIENT WAR ODES.' I wonder if any readers of ' N. & Q.' can tell me any- thing about a work with this title. I have an eight-paged pamphlet or, say, a prospectus headed :

" Extract from Ancient Irish War Odes.

" The Genius of the Island, singing an Exhorta- tion to one of her gallant Sons at the Battle of Talavera, July 27th and 28th, 1809."

On the back of the first page is a dedication which runs, " Inscribed to Lieut. -General the Right Honourable Sir Arthur Wellesley, by Captain R. Ousell, Aug. 18, 1809," As the pamphlet is in a much-worn condition I cannot say more about it, but the contents are extracts from the book apposite to the battle, in which the great general is told to

Obey the Bard- Stop stop Napoleon ! Check his pride And rush resistless on the inveterate foe ! The imprint on the title-page is, " Isle of Wight ; printed by Musson and Taylor Newport, 1809." THOS. RATCLIFFE.


SHRINES AND RELICS OF SAINTS. Would some reader give information concerning local shrines or relics which were held in repute for the cure of specific diseases and infirmities, such as the shrine of St. Hilde- ferth at Swanscombe, which was resorted to by persons mentally afflicted ; the shrine of Sir John Schorne, by persons afflicted by the ague ; and the tomb of Bishop Byttbn (the ISaint) in Wells Cathedral, by those suffering from the toothache ? C.

OLD - STYLE TABLE TO FIND EASTER. I have a Book of Common Prayer bearing the date of 1738 which contains an Old-Style table " to find Easter for ever." I am anxious to know the authorship of this table, having an idea that the celebrated Dr. John Pell was concerned in it. I shall feel greatly obliged if any reader can give me some information in regard to it.

Pell was associated with Bishop Cosin in the revision of 1662. S. W.

MARIA THE JEWESS. She is credited with the discovery of hydrochloric acid. Who was she ? M. L. R. BRESLAR.

ROSICRUCIANS. Information desired con- cerning the Societas Rosicruciana, of which Dr. W. R. Woodman was the Supreme Magus from 1878 to 1891, as recorded on his tombstone in Willesden Churchyard.


LIFE OF JOHNSON IN THE 1825 OXFORD EDITION OF HIS WORKS. Who was the author of this ? He was a contemporary of Johnson, for he speaks (p. Ixvii) of his " long acquaintance " with Johnson.

J. F. R.

STROWBRIDGE, SCHOOLMASTER, 1718. One of this name received boarders in London in 1718. Was he a master at one of the great London schools ? I am unable to refer to any of the printed Registers.

A. T. M.

BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION WANTED. I should be glad of further information con- cerning the careers of the following persons :

(1) Edward Holt, who graduated M.A. at Oxford from Pembroke, Feb. 19, 1638/9;

(2) John Holt, who was admitted a scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1669;

(3) John Holt, who was admitted to West- minster School in 1749 ; (4) Robert Holt, who was admitted to the same school in 1776 ; (5) T. Holt, who was at the school in 1 795 ; (6) Arthur Home, who was admitted to the school in 1821 ; (7) Joseph Hooke, who was admitted to the school in 1751;