Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/11

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12 S.X.JAN. 7, 1922.] NOTES AND QUERIES. LONDON. JANUARY 7, 1922. CONTENTS. No. 195. NOTES : Thomas Chippendale, 1 The so-called Spanish Architecture of Arras, 3 The Sotto Piombi, or the Piombi, Venice, 6 English Army Slang as used in the Great War Early Ball Games Privileges granted by 'the Lord of the Manor Fieldingiana, 7 Mrs. Joanna Stephens, 8. QUERIES .Disraeli Queries" Sunt oculos clari qui cernis ~ sidera tanquam " Vangoyen, a Dutch Painter Psalm Ixxxiii., 8 Erghum of Erghum, Yorkshire John Wesley's First Publication Index Ecclesiasticus The H6tel Vouille- mont Pio Nono Thirlwall and Bunsen Biographical De- tails of Artists so ught The " Abyssinian " Cross, 9 Nathaniel Eaton William George Eveleigh 'Not So Bad As We Seem ' : Charles Knight " Moliere " : an Anagram Authors wanted, 10. REPLIES :Mary Wollstonecraft : Lady Mary King, 10 'Anything for a Quiet Life 'The Fifth Petition in the Lord's Prayer, 11 " Sapiens dominabitur astris," 12 George Trappe The Gender of " Ship " Principal London Coffee-houses of the Eighteenth Century Vice- Admiral Sir Christopher Mings, 13 ' The Beggar's Opera ' in Dickens- William Spry of Exeter Verlaine at Stickney Hatchments, 14 Egg Folk-lore: Good Friday and Christmas " Hop- scotch " : Derivation of Word Early Standards Title of Anno Quinto Edwardi III. Verbalized Surnames Pharaoh as Surname The House of Harcourt, 15 Thomas Edwards, LL.D. Moses Griffiths, Copperplate Engraver The Chim- ney-sweeper's Climbing Boys Bombers in Charles II.'s Navy, 16 Dominoes Turner Family, 17 Authors wanted, 18. NOTES ON BOOKS : ' A New English Dictionary ' ' Eng- lish Organ-Cases.' Notices to Correspondents. THOMAS CHIPPENDALE. (See 11 S. xi. 10.) AT the above reference I contributed to your pages a somewhat long article on the " Master Cabinet-maker of St. Martin's Lane " as he has been aptly described by a modern writer and his more immediate family, by way of supplementing Colonel ChippindalPs interesting account of the Chippendale family that had appeared in your columns, and I included references to one or two other modern authorities. It was generally supposed at that time that there were three Thomas Chippendales son, father, and grandfather in more or less the same way of business, the greatest of the three, of course, being Thomas Chip- pendale No. II. One of the authorities I had laid considerable stress upon Was Miss Constance Simon, who, in her charming book on ' English Furniture Designers of the Eighteenth Century' (1905), gives an excel- tent account of the Chippendale family as then known in London, and whose conclusions I had generally followed. She states (p. 24) that Thomas Chippendale the second Was born and spent a part of his early life at Worcester (though she gives no authority for that statement) and that both father and son were settled in London before 1727. In Colonel Chippindall's reference (US. vi. 407) which of course preceded mine he stated that the Chippendale family came from Otley, in Yorkshire, and that if Thomas Chippendale came from Worcestershire it was only as part of his route to London. I, however, cited Erdeswick's ' Survey of Staffordshire' (1844), as showing that the name must also have had a Midland habitat, if it were true, as stated by that author (p. 468), that the family of Chip- pendale once owned the estate of Blakenhall in that county. I also gave other authorities upon old furniture of that period and its makers (Mr. Litchfield, Mr. K. Warren Clouston, and Mrs. R. S. Clouston) for believing that our Thomas Chippendale was a native of Worcestershire, though the date of his birth was quite uncertain. No further discussion upon the subject seems to have taken place since my article appeared in 1913 ; but now, owing to the further labours of Colonel Chippindall and of my friend, Mr. A. W. Chippindale (to whom Colonel Chippindall would appear to have communicated the result of his later dis- coveries, though neither of these gentlemen, I believe, claims any relationship to the great cabinet-maker), a great deal has been learnt that sets at rest many vexed questions on the subject, and which I have my friend's permission to make use of in ' N. & Q.' if the editor should so desire. In the first place, a fairly complete pedi- gree has now been compiled showing the immediate direct ancestors of our great Thomas Chippendale, hitherto generally believed to be Thomas Chippendale No. II. This dates from the latter part of the seven- teenth century, and discloses a John Chip- pindale of Farnley, in the parish of Otley, Co. York, as the grandfather of " our " Chip- pendale, whose own father's name was also John, and not Thomas (No. I.) as hitherto supposed. This John Chippindale, junior, married, at Otley, Mary, the daughter of , Thomas Drake, a mason of Otley, whose son