Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/163

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12 S. X. FEB. 18. 1922.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 129

and soon after was one of the founders of the two adjoining towns, Washington and Maysville.

Of this town of Washington, Collins, in his 'History of Kentucky,' has this interesting note:—

The most celebrated school in the west at the time was in Washington, 1807-12; that of Mrs. Louisa Caroline Warburton Fitzherbert Keats, sister of Sir George Fitzherbert of St. James's Square, London, and wife of Rev. Mr. Keats, a deaf and uninteresting old gentleman, relative of the great English poet, George (sic) Keats.

Henry Lee was appointed Captain of Militia in 1786 by Patrick Henry, Governor of Virginia; in 1787-8 he represented Bourbon Co. (now Mason Co.) in the Virginia Legislature, and in the latter year cast one of the 168 votes which ratified the Constitution of the United States by the narrow majority of 10. He was surveyor of Mason Co. in 1789; was appointed, 1792, Lieutenant-Colonel by Governor Isaac Shelby, the first Governor of Kentucky; and in the same year (in which Kentucky was made a separate State), Lee was one of the Commissioners who selected Frankfort as the State capital.

In November, 1794, he was placed by President Washington in command of an army raised to suppress an insurrection in the western counties of Pennsylvania, and in 1798 was made Brigadier-General by Governor James Garrard. He died at Maysville, Mason Co., Kentucky, Oct. 24, 1845, in his 89th year. W. Clark Durant.


We must request correspondents desiring information on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries in order that answers may be sent to them direct.

"Firdor."—In Arber's 'Term Catalogues,' i. 135 (1), is the following entry:—

An exact Map, or Delineation, of the City of Bristol and Suburbs thereof. In Four Sheets, encompassed with a large Firdor shewing most of the principal Buildings therein contained. . . .

What is the meaning of "firdor"? Is the word met with elsewhere? The meaning which suggests itself is "border," but search in dictionaries old and new is without result. Dr. Henry Bradley has kindly verified "Arber" with the original and finds the spelling is correct so far as that is concerned. Is it possible that the printer of the original 'Term Catalogue' made a mistake? The map itself is of great interest but comment on it must be left to Mr. John E. Pritchard, F.S.A., who has been the means of the discovery of a very fine copy. Roland Austin.

Scarlet Hunting Coat.—Why called "pink"? Search in various works of reference fails to reveal an explanation. Roland Austin.

Pseudo-titles for "Dummy" Books.—Many years ago there appeared in 'N & Q.' lists of sham titles, adapted for the backs of dummy books, laid upon sham shelves, masking doors in libraries. 'Extinct Titles' was one, 'Thoughts upon Wood' was another. For a row of folios at the bottom I remember 'Auctorum ignotorum omnia quae non supersunt.' Can any old subscriber give the references to these lists? Edward Heron-Allen.

Graves of Polish Exiles in Britain.—I should be glad to hear of any graves or memorials in the British Isles of Polish exiles. The only ones I know are those of Ostrowski, Nowosielski, Darasz, and Worcell in Highgate cemetery, and that of Stolzman at Haverigg, but no doubt there are many scattered about the country. Laurance M. Wulcko.

142, Kinfauns Road, Goodmayes, Essex.

Regimental Chaplains, H.M. 84th Regiment.he following meagre particulars of the chaplains to the regiment are known. Can any reader supply information as to the date and place of birth, education, and careers before appointment to and after leaving the regiment?

William Parry, Jan. 9, 1759, to Dec. 25, 1764; joined the Bengal Establishment Nov. 4, 1762; died in Calcutta, April 13, 1769.

John Bethune, June 14, 1775, to 1783; died 1817. It is probable that he was domiciled in America both before and after this service.

Thomas Beamish, Nov. 2, 1793

Thomas Beaumont, March 1, 1794, to 1797.

Second Battalion, 84th Regiment.—Alexander Mackenzie, July 12, 1777; transferred to 77th Foot, 1782.

William Duncan, Aug. 1, 1782 (v. McKenzie transferred), to 1783.

(Both the above probably were domiciled in America.)

John Mason, Nov. 15, 1794, to full pay, 1795; died on service in the Red Sea, 1799. Mazingabbe.