Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/167

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1:2 S. X. FEB. 18, 1922.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 133

morte sed senectute bona, intestatus: sepelitur in choro." The "intestatus" tersely expresses disappointment at the lack of benefactions under a will.

Kirby ('Annals,' p. 229) stated that More gave the College its "Election Cup," an error which was unfortunately repeated in Sir Charles Jackson's 'History of English Plate' (1911), ii. 653. It was really the gift of Dr. John White, who resigned the wardenship on Oct. 1, 1554, after his appointment as Bishop of Lincoln. A copy of White's letter accompanying the gift, dated from "Bugdeane" (Buckden, Hunts) Aug. 20 (1555), and signed "Jo. Lincolniensis," occurs in our "Register G," f. 233b.

The word "botagium," which I translated above merely as "botage," is said in D'Arms's 'Lexicon' (1890) to signify "prse- statio pro vino quod in botis seu vasis vinariis distrahitur," which apparently means "pay- ment for (or duty on) wine sold in butts or wine-jars," but it seems to me just possible that the word, as used in the above passage and elsewhere in our accounts, is equivalent to " batillagium," and means " boatage or boat-hire." The Warden and his party rode from Winchester to Brentford, and frequently went thence by boat to Queenhithe, to put up at " Trumper's Inn," a house which the College owned in Little Trinity Lane. The Easter progress (" progressus Pasche ") was one of two progresses which the Warden used to make annually, to visit the College estates. It generally took him to Har- inondsworth in Middlesex, where the manor then belonged to the College, and it was perhaps from that neighbourhood that More " rode to Parliament " towards the end of April or early in May, 1539, and attended Convocation as Archdeacon of Lewes, to give his opinion or vote on " the Six Articles " (see ' Letters and Papers (Hen. VIII.),' vol. xiv., Pt. I., Nos. 860 and 1065(4) ). These documents (to which MB. WAINE WRIGHT referred) prove that More was then still Archdeacon of Lewes. In that capacity he had been summoned to Convocation in November, 1529 (' L. & P.,' vol. iv., Pt. III., No. 6047, p. 2700) ; in 1534-5 he was named as Archdeacon of Lewes in ' Valor Ecclesiasticus ' (i. 300) ; and he apparently continued to hold the office until his death, when his successor from 1542 to 1551 was John Sherry or Shirry (see ' D.N.B./ Hi. 99). It has been stated that Robert Buckenham was the Archdeacon in 1531 (' Le Neve's Fasti,' by Hardy, i. 263) and in 1547 (Dallaway's ' Sussex,' under ' Chichester,' p. 109), but these dates cannot be correct, as I pointed out at 9 S. ix. 425. In the ' D.N.B.' (vii. 199) there is an account of Robert Buckenham (D.D., 1531) which ignores his connexion, if any, with the Archdeaconry of Lewes. In 1529, while Prior of the Black Friars, Cambridge, Buckenham g reached against Latimer. By June, 1534, e had found it expedient to leave England on account of his adherence to Rome ('L. & P.,' vol. vii., Nos. 805, 807), and next year, while abroad, he was helping Henry Phillips in the proceedings against William Tyndale, which ended in Tyndale 1 s horrible death at Vilvorde. Though the fact is not mentioned in the ' D.N.B.,' Buckenham and Phillips were attainted for treason by our Parliament of 1539 (* L. & P.,' vol. xiv., Pt. L, No. 867, p. 402), but I cannot say whether either of them, being caught in this country, suffered the penalties of attainder. Dallaway (p. 143) said : The entrance to Chichester-house, from the South-street, leads through Canon-gate, which was greatly repaired by Edward Moore, Warden of Winton College. . . . Footnote : " Arms carved in stone, affixed. 1. Wykeham. 2. A fess dancette between 3 estoiles, Moore, Warden of Winton College." In 1912, when it was decided that the shields of our Wardens should form part of the decoration of the College Chapel, I was unaware of the above passage. An authority at Heralds' College was consulted about Warden More's arms, and as he re- ported them to be " Azure, on a cross argent five martlets sable, in dexter chief an annulet or," that shield was used. I should be glad now of further information about the arms at Chichester. More is described in our Register of Scholars (1492) as of Havant, son of a College tenant, but I do not know his parentage. H. C. Winchester College. ADAH ISAACS MENKEN (12 S. ix. 273, 313, | 374, 477, 519; x. 32, 79, 97, 115). With i courtesy to SIR WILLOUGHBY MAYCOCK, I her only well-based biographies are those in T. Allston Brown's ' History of the American Stage ' (1870), and by her friend Edwin James (about 1882, with new facts and maybe one fib from herself). Adding a few sound items from elsewhere, the story is briefly this : The merchant James McCord's daughter Adelaide was born at Chartrain (now Milne-