Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/299

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12 s.x. APRIL 1,1922.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 241 LONDON, APRIL 1, 1922. CONTENTS. No. 207. NOTES : An Early Royal Charter hitherto apparently un- published, 241 Whitefoord of that Ilk or of Miltoun, 243 Mary Seymour : Lady Bushell, 244 Old London Bridge James Fo"t, Accra, Gold Coast, 245" Grave" and " Gres- som " Shakespeare and the Pelican Legend, 246 A Seven- teenth-century Oxfordshire Plumber and Glazier, 247 Northern Superstitions of To-day Apprentices to and from Overseas, 248. QUERIES : De Heringeshae, 248 Sir Henry Johnson of Pop- larRhymed History of England Sermon at Paul's Cross, 1577 Mothering Sunday, 249 Frances Calderon de la Barca

    • Southam Cyder " Linnaeus and the Mile End Nursery-

manKatharine Buckeridge of Ipsden. Oxon Henry White's Diaries, 250 Busick Henry Furnesse " To send to Coventry "Barbara Villiers The Rev. George Sackville Cotter Holofernes Cooke The One-legged Lord Mayor " Tour d'ivoire " Henry Ellis Boates of Liverpool Wain Wright's Poem on his Murder of Harriet Lane, 251 Erigena quoted by Matthew Arnold Authors wanted, 252 REPLIES : General Clement Edwards, 252 The Vine Tavern, Mile End, 253 Barrel Organs in Churches The Montfort Families Epitaph in Tetbury Church Glos Lazenki Palace, Warsaw : Latin Inscriptions, 254 Latin Proverb : Origin Sought De Kempelen's Automaton Chess-player Chalk in Kent and its Owners Sur- names used as Christian Names Blue Beard. 255 Unidentified Portrait on Wood Panel A Gunpower Plot in 1615 British Settlers in America Knaves Acre, Lam- bethDescendants of Richard Penderell ' Othello,' 256 "The ball and mouth " Erghum Armstrong Freedom of a City Arab (or Eastern) Horses, 257 The Cap of Maintenance Benjamin Harenc Heather Family Henry Howarth, Advocate George Colman, Sen. Brothers of the Same Christian Name Milk, Butter and Cheese Streets, 258. NOTES ON BOOKS : ' The Pastons and their England ' ' Dante : Poet and Apostle ' ' The Churches of the City of London ' Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne ' ' Lists of Records of the Treasury, &c. f at the P.R.O.' ' A Shake- speare Dictionary ' ' Bibliographies of Modern Authors, No. 4.' Notices to Correspondents. AN EARLY ROYAL CHARTER HITHER- TO APPARENTLY UNPUBLISHED. I NOW send, with abbreviations extended, the second of the two charters referred to in my former note (12 S. ix. 481). [A.D. ? 1189.") John, Count of Mortain, con- cedes and confirms to Robert son of Robert fitz Harding two parks and deer-leaps in the same and warren and his own dogs in the vills of Berue and Inglescumbe. Johannes Conies Moretonie omnibus Vice- comitibus, forestariis, baillivis suis salutem* Sciatis me concessisse et hac presenti carta mea conftrmasse Roberto filio Roberti filii Harding ij parcos et saltatoria in eisdem parcis et waren- nam et canes suos in villis de Berue et Ingles- cumbe illi scilicet et heredibus suis habendum de me et heredibus meis Quare volo et firmitsr precipio quod ipse et heredes sui habeant et teneant illos parcos et saltatoria et warennam et canes suos in illis duabus villis de me et heredi- bus meis sicut carta patris mei Henrici Regis Anglorum testatur Et ne quis nostrorum super hoc eis molestiam inferat vel gravamen Iliis testibus Stephano Ridel Hainone de Valonniis Radulpho Morin Johanne la Werre Magistro Alardo Henrico de Munfort Apud Bristowe This charter (which I will name Charter B) is mentioned, though it is not given, by John Smyth of Nibley, in his ' History of the Berkeleys ' (temp. Car. I.), which justi- fies a pretty safe conjecture that it is a stray from Berkeley Castle, as indeed I suspect the former charter recently pub- lished by me in * N. & Q.' must also have been. In this charter Count John, who was always hard up, confers extraordinarily generous hunting rights on Robert, a younger son of his father's old friend Robert fitz Harding of Berkeley. To get at the date of it we must first fix the date of another charter of John "(Charter C), which is in the muniment room of Berkeley Castle, and of which Jeayes, in his ' Catalogue of the Berkeley Charters,' gives the following abstract (p. 21) : John, Count of Mortaigne quitclaims to Robert son of Robert fitz Harding his service due to him for his land until he [John] repays to the said Robert the 60 marks which the latter lent to William Earl of Gloucester [Johns father-in-law.] Witnesses. STEPHEK RIDEL. RALP DE AREDEN. HAMON DE VALOIGNES. HENRY DE MUNFORT. RALP MORIN. MASTER ALARD. JOHN LA WERRE. Apud Bristowe. If from this test-clause we strike out the name of Ralf de Arden we shall find that the witnesses of Charter C are precisely those of Charter B, while the grantor, the grantee, a^d the place of testing are also identical. We may conclude, there- fore, that both charters passed at the same time. The first three witnesses of Charter C, namely, Stephen Ridel, Hamon de Valoignes and Ralf Morin were probably John's witnesses, while John la Werre, Ralf de Arden and Henry de Munfort attested probably on behalf of Robert fitz Harding. Ralf de Arden ceased to be Sheriff of Here- fordshire on Sept. 29, 1189. If he attested while still in the neighbourhood as Sheriff, the date of the charters cannot be later than Sept. 29, 1189. But the subject- matter of this Charter C suggests a date not earlier than Aug. 29, 1189, when John married Isabella, daughter and heir of William, Earl of Gloucester (ob. 1173), son of Robert, Earl of Gloucester, Henry I.'s famous bastard son. Between Aug. 29, 1189, and Sept. 29, 1189, both these charters may therefore have passed.