Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/316

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258 NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 S.X.APRIL 1,1 922.

'D.N.B,' it is obvious I am in error in repeating the statement that he was Master of the Horse to Charles II. Surely it would not be difficult to verify this. We have it on p. 442, ' General Stud Book,' vol. i., 3rd ed.:—

Benjamin Harenc (12 S. x. 191). Only son of Roger Harenc of Foots Cray Place, by Susanna, daughter of Daniel Hays of Wimbledon, of Henrietta Street, and Foots Cray Place, m. (setts, dated March 30, 1771) Sarah Cade (d. Oct. 31, 1810, aged 70);

King Charles II. sent abroad the Master of! d. April 15, 1812 in his 78th year (see the Horse, to procure a number of foreign horses Genealogist, N.S., xxxii., and Gent's Mag. r and mares for breeding, and the mares brought! 1810 and 1812 ). His only sister m. Sir sTnce ealar. Archibald Edmonstone, Bart. J. B. WHITMORE. J. FAIRFAX-BLAKEBOROTJGH. Grove House, Norton-on-Tees. HEATHER FAMILY (12 S. x. 190). I know i of no pedigree of the family, but if B. C.. THE CAP OF MAINTENANCE (12 S. x. 151,; cares to communicate with me direct, I 195, 231). It is interesting to note that onj may be able to give him some assistance. St. George's Day, 1482, the Sovereign, when i J. B. WHITMORE. proceeding to St. George's Chapel, Windsor, to his Garter Stall, received before the High i HENRY Ho WARTH, ADVOCATE (12 S. x. Altar a letter from Pope Sixtus IV., accom- 1 228). The Gazetteer and New Daily panied by a sword and cap of maintenance. Advertize* of May 17, 1783, states that he Beltz, in his 'Memorials of the Order of! was "the eldest son of a worthy clergyman the Garter,' states that the Archbishop | m Radnorshire. J. B. WHITMORE. of York read the letter, and then girded) the King with the sword and placed the) GEORGE' COLMAN, SEN. (12 S. x. 230). cap upon his head. The cap was thereupon His wife s Christian name was barah (see taken off again and borne on the point Faulkner s History of Kensington, p. 272). of the same sword by the Lord Stanley! She died March 29, 1771. in the presence of the Cardinal Arch- 1 J- B - WHITMORE. bishop of Canterbury, &c. BROTHERS OF THE SAME CHRISTIAN Beltz, presumably, obtained these par- NAME (i2S.ix. 497; andref. x. 59). In the ticulars from a MS. by Francis Tynne, which Acts of the Privy Council, 1613-1614, recently gives an account of the ceremonial of pre-! published by H.M. Stationery Office, is a senting the cap and sword. This MS. is, j letter to the Bailiff and Jurattes of the Isle I believe, preserved in Heralds' College. | of Guernsey (June 20, 1613) authorizing The title of " Defender of the Faith " be- 1 them to " heare and order a difference be- longed anciently to the Kings of England. | tweene two brothers, Thomas Marchant the "We are, and will be, Defenders of the | elder and Thomas the younger." E. R. Catholic Faith " is to be found in writs of j Richard II. Pope Leo X. made a present j MlLK) BUTTER AND CHEESE STREETS to Henry VIII. of a cardinal's cap tor ( 12 S. ix. 169, 214, 259, 413, 489). The his answer to Luther on the Babylonian | < Street Directory of the Principal Cities of captivity, and hence Henry is generally j the United States ' on cursory inspection delineated with a cap of this description on his head instead of a crown. gives these details : Milk Street has 19 entries, with Milk Place and Milk Lane one Now the flat red hat and also the red each, and Cream Alley one, but no Butter calotte (or skull cap) of the cardinals j or Churn Street; Dasher Street and is intimately associated with the dignity j Dasher's Alley one each, the latter being in of their office, and was first given by i Macon, Georgia, which is well provided, Innocent IV. to the cardinals in 1245 to 'having also a Dairy Lane, a Curds Alley remind them of their duty to shed their j and a Curd Street. Press, Street and blood, if needful, in defence of the Catholic ] Avenue, have one each, while Curd Street Faith; the colour of the cap having that I appears thrice (and likewise Dairy Street), special signification. | but no Whey or even Cheese. If it were Therefore, may not the origin of the cap I worth anyone's while, the kinds of cheese of maintenance be traced to the use and 1; ~ 1 ^ ^~ <*A*A v^rrmri *.>, .<?* signification of the cardinal's hat or cap A. ALBRIGHT. might be expanded beyond these : Swiss Street (5), with Alley (1), and Avenue (3), American, Street (7), with Avenue (5),