Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/337

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12 s.x. APRIL s. 1922.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 275 not dated. Published by David Bryce, Amen Corner. ' Gamblers Wife ' no second title by Mrs. Grey, who wrote a good many other novels. No date in my copy. Published bylClarke Beeton and Co., Fleet Street. J. B. CAP OF MAINTENANCE. (12 S. x. 151, 195, 231, 258.) THE " cap of maintenance " is twice shown in the St. William window at York. In both cases it is worn by the Lord Mayor dignitaries save only the King himself and during divine service in the Minster. He is therefore shown with the cap on his head, but is evidently in the act of raising it in response to some compliment or toast. The hat has a square crown, the sides turned up and lined with ermine, with a large " ouch " in front. JOHN A. KNOWLES. I would like to say that I quite agree with C. S. that it would be highly desirable for the " ancient documents " to be in the possession of the Master of the Rolls, but their having passed to the Liddle family himself and not by his sword-bearer as it is at the present day. In the panel repre- senting St. William's Enthronization Feast, the Lord Mayor, who is the central figure, is shown seated at table wearing the cap whilst all the other guests are uncovered. The artist has been at particular pains to bring out this point, for the chief magistrate has claimed the right to wear the cap of maintenance and carry his sword upright in the presence of all civil and ecclesiastical and not being in my possession makes me unable to do as C. S. suggests. The description I gave of them as " ancient documents " is not my designation, but that of the learned authorities who in- spected them. Their full texts were given in an article upon Old Families which appeared a long time ago. I have only copies attested, as compared with the originals and found correct. The original document which I do possess goes back