Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/402

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328 NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s.x. APRIL 29, 1922. mentioned Thomas Tichborne was born at | Hartley Mauditt about 1567, and educated; at the English Colleges at Rheinis andj Rome (1584-94), and, having been ordained I a priest, ministered to the Catholics of Hampshire. After his rescue in 1598, he was betrayed by an apostate, and suffered at Tyburn, April 20, 1602. "He steadily i promoted the cause of peace in the various ! disturbances at Rome and in England j which preceded the establishment of the Archpriest " (see 'The Venerable Martyrs j of England ' and the authorities there cited). ARTIGLIERE MALEDETTO. uerteg. WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries in order that answers may be sent to them direct. THE CROSSED KEYS AT YORK. T read that the Dean and Chapter of York have presented to the Minster choristers cap- badges representing " the crossed keys, one gold and the other silver, surmounted by a royal crown proper worked in gold." Since when has one of the York keys become silver ? Since when have the Dean and | Chapter blazoned the crown ? ST. SWITHIN. Miss ANN HARRISON. I shall be glad if somebody can tell me in what year the | portrait of this lady, at one time head mistress of the Friends' Girls' School, York, was hung in the New Gallery, Regent Street, and who was the painter of it ? ST. S WITHIN. WHEELER FAMILY OF LAVERTON, GLOS. The pedigree of Wheeler, alias Fowke, of Laverton, Glos., is given in the Visitation of Gloucester, 1682/3, edited by Fenwick and Metcalfe. Apparently they had no arms, but were included presumably because of their official position, Henry Wheeler ! (d. 1681) having an appointment in the | Cursitor's Office in Chancery Lane, as his; father Thomas had before him. ( 1 ) Are there any records of appointments or | nominations to the Cursitor's Office ? (2) I The pedigree states the family was descended j from Garvard's Court, Co. - . Where is this place ? (3) Has any reader, with I access to the Gloucester wills, transcripts j or summaries of the wills of the following ! members of this familv which he could i lend me ? Win. Fowke (1561) ; Agnes Wheeler, als. F. (1566); James F. (1572); Thomas W., als. F. (1611) ; Richard W., als. F. (1612) ; Richard W., ate. F. (1627). E. ST. JOHN BROOKS. Greenbank, Weybridge. " SEIZE QTJARTIERS " WANTED. Will someone who has access to the British Museum be kind enough to give me the seize quartiers, or as nearly complete seize quartiers as possible, of the following : 1. Maria Teresa, of Cybo-Malaspina. Duchess of Massa and Carrara (1725-1790), who married Ercole III. d'Este, Duke of Modena. This should be found in Litta's ' Famiglie celebri.' 2. Charles Thomas, Prince of Lowenstein- Wertheim-Rosenberg (1783-1849), and his wife, Sophia Louisa, Countess of Windisch- graetz (1784-1848). His father was Dominic Christian (died 1814). They were ancestors of the Queen of the Belgians. 3. Napoleon. I have not seen Colonna de Cesari Rocca's ' La verite sur les Bona- partes avant Napoleon ' (Paris, 1899) or Colle's ' Genealogia della famiglia Bona- parte ' (Florence, 1898). MAHLON K. SCHNACKE. 781, Portland A. venue, St. Paul, Minn., U.S.A. ANNA SEWELL. I take the liberty of writing to ask if any reader could give me a biographical sketch of Miss Anna Sewell, the author of ' Black Beauty,' a book that has done more for the cause of animal protection than any other book ever written. ' Black Beauty ' is well known here in the United States, having been read by millions of people, but unfortunately few, if any, know anything of the life and history of its author. Many do not even know that she was an Englishwoman, and I doubt if any ever saw in print a portrait and biographical sketch of the distinguished authoress who has done such a great work in bringing about the humane treatment of animals particularly horses. GEORGE FOSTER HOWELL. New York. [Anna Sewell (1820-1878) was the elder child and only daughter of Isaac and Mary Sewell. Mary Sewell, who in her youth and early woman- hood belonged to the Society of Friends, was the author of the ballad ' Mother's Last Words,' men- tion of which has recently cropped up in our columns, and also of many other popular verses and some stories. Anna was born at Yarmouth, but the family moved soon after to London and thence, in 1835, to Brighton, where they lived for ten years. Next for several years they lived in country places in Sussex, and about 1858 went to