Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/427

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12 S. X. MAY 6, 1922.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 349 Charles has issue Herbert, Isabel and James. Jessica Mary married Captain James Frank- lin, 77th Regiment, of whose children Harry married Lady Edith Curzon and Violet Maude married Sir Humphrey de Trafford, Bart., Lord of Trafford. Charlotte married Charles Franklin, M.R.C.S. Anne married Charles Pratt, and Emily married Captain Prescott Knight. The portion of the pedigree that requires checking is that between the end of the College of Arms pedigree and James Blyth. The Blyth arms are, Ermine, three stags trippant gules, attired or ; a chief azure. Another branch of the family (see Coll. of Arms MSS.) bears the same coat but without the chief azure. I shall be very grateful to anyone who can throw any light on the matter. Anyone really interested can have a copy cf the pedigree by asking for it. C. A. H. FRANKLIN. St. Thomas's Hospital, S.E.I. ESQUIRE AND ESSAYIST. Ten or twenty years ago, in. a second-hand bookshop in Little Clarendon Street, Oxford, I noticed a volume of essays, bound in elaborately stamped black cloth, with a gilt -lettered title, of which I only remember the last word ; the book was stated to be "by [So-and-so] Esquire." The title-page of a law book sometimes describes its author or compiler as " Es- quire " ; and, if the whim had struck Charles Lamb, he would not have hesitated so to designate himself. But surely there were not many who so adorned the outer cover of their books, so that I am not un- reasonable in asking for help with the name of the early Victorian scutifer and that of his somewhat stodgy book. Q. V. JOHN TATHAM, DRAMATIST AND CITY POET, b. about 1612 ; d. about 1665. One of his sonnets in ' Ostella ' (12mo ed., London, 1650, p. 112) is addressed: To my mother, Mris Dorothy Tatham, one of the Daughters of Christopher Percy, of Manson, in the County of Dorset, Esquire, then Justice of the Peace and Quorum, and High Sheriff of that County. Christopher Piercy of Manston was Sheriff -of Dorset in 1585. This dau., Dorothy, is not given in the pedigree quoted in Hutchins's ' History of Dorset,' vol. iii. The registers at Manston, Sturminster Newton, only date from 1614, and no Tatham-Piercy marriage, or issue, is to be found recorded. The present writer suggests that John Tatham, the dramatist, was of .London, and maybe son of John Tatum, whose house in Aldgate Ward, called the Smith's house, is mentioned in Stow's ' Sur- vey of London ' (p. 28, ed. 1618). Can any reader give the correct parentage of the dramatist ? HENRY CURTIS. THE LYTTELTONS AND THE POPISH PLOT. In Chambers' s ' Biographical Illustrations of Worcestershire ' it is stated that when George, Lord Lytfcelton (1709-1773), re- built his house at Hagley he was allowed by his Majesty to remove the barrels which the Lyttelton family were ordered to bear in memory of their share in the Popish Plot, As far as I know the Lytteltons had no share in the Popish Plot, and the family being by that time of the Protestant religion, I wonder if it may not have been a mistake for the Gunpowder Plot, in, which two of the family were involved and in conse- quence executed. The mark of the barrels would seem to bear out this conjecture. Perhaps some of your readers would be able to elucidate this. M. WYNDHAM. CAPTAIN STAFFORD BETTES WORTH HAINES. I shall be grateful for any in- formation regarding this officer of the old Indian Navy. He was resent at the capture of Aden in 1839, alid from that year until 1854 was Political Resident in charge of the fortress. Did he leave any descendants, and is a portrait of him in existence ? H. WILBERFORCE-BELL. ' THE KING, THE BISHOP, AND THE SHEPHERD.' Can any reader tell me where I can find an old ballad so entitled ? W. COURTHOPE FORMAN. CLARENCE GORDON ("VIEUX MOUS- TACHE "). Will some American reader tell me whether Clarence Gordon (b. 1835), who wrote boys' stories and was special agent in charge of investigations of live meat stock in the U.S.A., is identical with Clarence W. Gordon who wrote a pamphlet (1883) on ' Live Stock on Farms, 1880.' No book of reference gives " Vieux Moustache " or " W." Is " Vieux Moustache " still alive ? 37, Bedford Square. J. M. BULLOCH. VESALIUS. In The British Weekly, March 30, 1922, it is stated that his mother was an Englishwoman named Isabella Crabbe. Who was she ? Who were her parents and what was her birthplace ? M. A. OXON.