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352 NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 S. X. MAY 6, 1922.

kindly state where these reports are to be obtained or seen?

May I now repeat what I said in 1906 on this subject (p. 63)?—

I will not stop to inquire on whom rests the responsibilty of keeping up these memorials of the Imperial dead, but one might hope that the present representatives of those "comrades" in the old 54th who erected this monument might do something before the pathetic record of its services in such a "withering climate" (which soldiers and civilians alike have to face in their duty to the Crown) is lost altogether. But it must be done soon. The last two years even have laid their hands very markedly on the place, which is fast becoming an impenetrable wilderness overgrown with acacia bushes and prickly cactus.

And it is now sixteen years since I wrote those words!

All honour to the ladies of the "Civil Circle" in Barbados who have undertaken to put the cemetery at Needham's Point in order, the Government having consented to provide the necessary funds for the purpose. Barbados, the oldest of the British West Indian colonies, has ever been one of the most enterprising and energetic. May I venture to express a hope that its example may be followed in the other West Indian colonies, for, as Mr. Aspinall says, it certainly seems lamentable that whilst the Imperial Graves Commission is devoting such loving care to the graves of our gallant soldiers who fell in France and Flanders the old naval and military burial-grounds in the West Indies should be so sadly neglected. J. S. Udal, F.S.A.

RHYMED HISTORY OF ENGLAND (12 S. x. 249, 297).. My inquiry of April 1 has pro- duced an interesting modern rhymed version of the Kings of England and dates, but no trace of the earlier version referred to. I therefore give the further following par- ticulars. The version was apparently written in the time of George III., as the last line runs as follows : George the Third in 17-60 began to reign and still sticks to-ye. I have at present the verses referring to all the reigns (except those between Edward II. and Queen Elizabeth, Charles II., James II., William and Mary, George I., and George II.). I should be pleased to supply a copy of the verses referred to to anyone interested. R. A. S. PAGET. I have been acquainted for more than sixty years with a modified version of the " doggerel lines " quoted by G. L. at the last reference. The version with which I am familiar is broken up into stanzas of four lines, with a chorus at the end of each stanza and a stanza which precedes the first line quoted by G. L. It was also set to music. The copy I remember must have belonged to the eighteenth century and so did not contain the last two lines. The first stanza and the chorus ran as follows : The Romans in England they first did sway, And the Saxons after them led the way, And they tugged with the Danes till an overthrow Which both of them got from the Norman bow. CHORUS. But, barring all pother, Both one and the other Were all of them Kings in their turn. Probably handed down memoriter from generation to generation, they would have been varied to suit divers political or religious views. My copy, as will be seen below, sprang from a good Protestant source. I note the following variants from G. L. : s version, though my memory does not recall the whole of the lines : King William the Conqueror first (?) did reign. King Henry the First was a scholar bright, But Stephen was forced for his crown to fight. I cannot remember the line about Edward the Sixth, but it rhymed with Mary made fires and faggots .to blaze, Good Queen Bess was a glorious dame, And bonny King James from good Scotland came. JOHN R. MAGRATH. In this connexion a history of England used in schools in the early part of the nineteenth century is worth noting. It is a small volume (3 Jin. by 4in.) of 96 pp., entitled 'The History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the year 1815.' (London : Printed for Darton, Harvey, and Darton, Gracechurch Street, 1817. Price Sixpence.) The account of each monarch from the Conquest- to George III. is preceded by a verse which sums up the ruler's character and attainments. Thus, William the Con- queror is described as William, a spurious branch of Hollo's race, From Norman's Duke to England's King we trace : He conquer'd Saxon Harold, seiz'd the throne, Was brave, but proud, and partial to his own. Charles II. as Gay, sprightly, heedless, affable and lewd, In Charles's court few cares did long intrude, But Popish influence stain' d his latter day, With plots and fines, and arbitrary sway. My mother, who was put into possession of this volume at the age of ten, admitted in