Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/451

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12 s.x. MAY 13, i922.i NOTES AND QUERIES. 369 to have been of the family of Copley of Sprotborough. 25. Queen's Manor, Long Island, was granted in 1679 to a member of a Lloyd family of distinguished ancestry, probably that of Dan-yr-allt, Llangaclock, Carmar- thenshire. JAMES SETON ANDERSON. 39, Carlisle Road, Hove, Sussex. dguertetf. WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest j to affix their names and addresses to their queries in order that answers may be sent to them direct. FURNEUX, BERDEWELL AND DENNY FAMILIES. I should be glad of any evidences which might throw light on the following genealogical problems : Sir Robert Denny of London, knighted in or before 1390, M.P. for Cambridgeshire 1391-3, Lieutenant of the Duke of Bedford, Constable of England, was buried in St. Andrew Undershaft, Cornhill, in or about February, 1419/20, having married, before November, 1381 (as shown by a Husting deed), Amy, who in her will, 1423, names her mother " Dame Margery." According to Blomefield's ' Norfolk,' Sir John Furneux of Bergham, Cambs, and Herling, Norfolk, married, first, Isabel, who was living in 1320 ; Herling was settled in trust for Elizabeth, his second wife, in 1348 ; Amy, his third wife, remarried Robert Denny in 1384, in which year they held their first court for the third part of the Manor and advowson, which Amy held in dower. Another authority states that Sir Robert Denny married Amy, widow of John Furneux of Bergham (Sir John's only son), who was a minor in 1363, and died after 1379 and before 1390. Denny and Amy sold their life interest in the Manor, except one-seventh of a fee, to the Bishop of Ely about 1399. In the Stow MSS., British Museum (No. 324, f. 1), there is a copy of an entail upon John Furneux, Esq., son of Sir John Furneux, Knight, and Amicia, his wife, of the Manor of Bergham, and property in East Herling, with remainder to John's sister Elizabeth, dated March 16, 1396. The date may be an error of the copyist. Fine made at Martinmas, 1396. John Barnard, clerh, Robert Wedoryngsete, clerk, John Wynkeperye, Thomas Bouse and John Bebil v. Robert Denny, chivaler, and Amie, his wife the Manor of Bergham, with seven Knights' fees and the services of Sir Baldwin St. George, Sir Hugh la Zouch, Sir George Felbrigge, Sir Thomas Geneye, Thomas Crabbe and Elizabeth, his wife (daughter and eventually sole heir of Sir John Furneux), Thomas Lampit and Clement Spice for the whole life of Amye. Sir John Furneux had a sister Elizabeth, who married John de Berdewell and had Sir William, the father of Sir William de Berdewell, "the great warrior," born 1367, died 1434. Possibly Amy, Lady Denny, was a sister of the last named. Sir William Berdewell is named in Sir Robert Denny's will and John Berdewell in that of Thomas Denny, Sir Robert's son, 1429. I seek evidence as to Amy Denny's parentage and the identity of her first husband. (REV.) H. L. L. DENNY. St. Mark's Vicarage, 66, Myddelton Square, E.C.I. OLD AND NEW STYLE. I understand that up to the end of the year 1751 the civil year in the British Dominions (except Scotland) commenced on Lady Day, March 25, and that from 1752 onwards it commenced on January 1. In consequence of the adoption of " new style " in September, 1752, Lady Day " old style " fell on April 5 up to 1799 by the omission of 11 days, and on April 6 up to 1899 by the omission of 12 days, and since 1900 on April 7 by the omission of 13 days. Tfye British Treasury year ending on April 5 is said to be a survival of the *' old style " reckoning. According to the above data, up to 1799 April 5 " new style " was March 25 old style. But March 25 was the beginning of the new year and not the end of the old. Can any reader enlighten me as to the discrepancy ? ENQUIRER. WOODS, ' THE TIMES ' CORRESPONDENT IN CANADA, 1860. In Dasent's ' Life of Delane,' vol. ii., p. 9, there is an extract from a letter from Delane to Sir John Rose in Canada dated June 12, 1860, concerning the correspondent whom The Times sent there to chronicle the visit of the Prince of Wales. It is as follows : I am sending you a very pleasant fellow who is to be the historian of your Royal visit. . . . His name is Woods, and he will be known to you who read The Times as the man who described the. cruise of the Agamemnon in laying the Atlantic cable, any number of Royal progresses, the trips