Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/471

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i2*.x.MAv2o,i922.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 385 March 1 1 Bemoving Wainscot and bords to a numerous body of insurgents was defeated the New House . . 0000 12 00 by a party o f about 400 Fencibles and Yeo- March 24 Mr Bradshaw for Mourneinge tZfUit, and to make known this battle, 002 15 00 ! about which few have ever heard, the sub- joined abbreviated account is now given. 1664 April 14 Nov. 2< Paid for Jacks Shoes and Colour- It was fought on May 26, 1798, by three inge a paire . . . . 000 03 06 i com p ame s of the Reay Highlanders,* to- Pd Stud e y Gl " ier f r . ^. ^00^05 ool&to** with the Kells Yeomanry Infantry Pd for an Indian Gowne for him at | Navan Cavalry, &c., under the command of Braudford . . . . 002 04 00 Capt. Aaron Blanche, Adjutant ot the Reays, who, " in justice to the officers and soldiers who so gallantly discharged their duty on that occasion [essays] to give a fair and impartial account thereof to the public." Paid to the Carpenters and other Workmen for Cuttinge Bailes and Thornes and Hedginge about the New House 004 11 02 Pd by that Account the Levie on the Hundred for a Bobery the Whole on Chesterton 6 12 to this . . 002 16 00 Feb. 16 Pd Mons : Bois for 9 weekes teach- Feb. 24 inge Ned to Fence . . 004 10 00 Pd by Nan Goitilow to Mr Tempest for a silver Cupp and Cover, for a present from Ned to my cousin Peacocke. . 06 00 00 Pd Mrs Mason from him for 3 weeks Bent for her House after he had the Small Pox 007 10 00 Pd her that he gave her in con- sideration of that disease in her 1665 May 26 house . . Janets Muffe 010 00 00 000 08 00 Pd to Bobinson for Covering the Graves of my Lady Peyto and my Aunt Elenor 000 02 08 Pd for layinge downe the Pave- ment on my Lady Peytoes Grave 000 05 04 1666 Charges for the Iron Gate at the Chancell at Chesterton 5 1 1 of which to this account 002 00 00 Pd the charge of my Uncle William Peyto's Burial! . . . . . . . . 001 16 06 1668 For five yeards of Phillamort Coloured Cloth at 12s per yeard . . . . 003 00 00 And for 5 yeards of Gold Coloured Bays at 2s 4d <3 yeards 22s ., 000 11 08 of fine Mixt Spanish Cloth at 006 17 06 J. HARVEY BLOOM. THE BATTLE OF TARA. (See P.R.O., W.O. 40/11.) THE Hill of Tara, in the parish of thai name, in Co. Meath, 3 miles north by wesl from Dunshaughlin, was anci'ently a chie: seat of the Irish monarchs, where they held their assemblies down to the end of the sixth century. This hill was also selected by St. Patrick as a convenient spot from which to | On the 2 2nd of May five Companies of the Beays received a route to march on the 23rd from Cavan to Dublin, t and on their arrival at Dunshaughlin the 26th, found that part of the Country infested by a very large body of rebels who had committed great depredations in that Town and neighbour- Lood two days [previously] and had taken on the 24th between Dunshaughlin and Dublin two Com- janies' Baggage with four boxes of ammunition ontaining upwards of 9,000 ball cartridges, also J3 setts of Arms, and the same complement of accoutrements and magazines complete in am- munition, after having killed three of the escort, and taking the remainder prisoners (10 in number) which belonged to a detachment of the Beays)

hat marched from Kells the preceding day for

Dublin, and notwithstanding every exertion made jy the Officer who commanded the two companies, and a troop of the 5th Dragoons who had joined

hem near Dunboyne (from Dublin), the rebels

were victorious ; the Infantry . . . were so much pressed by superior force, that they were obliged to abandon their packs. In the afternoon of the 26th May Captain Scobie (now Major) detached three companies of the Beays with one six-pounder under the com- mand of Captain Hector McLean, a small distance from Dunshaughlin, in order to annoy the Bebels, who were in considerable force contiguous to that town, where the Kells Infantry, the Navan Cav- alry, &c., joined them, amounting in the whole to about 300 horse and foot, prior to my arrival from Dublin, after providing quarters for the Beay Begiment, upon which I took command of the detached troops, and having ordered refreshment to the men, immediately marched in search of the Enemy. On the road leading to Tara, near Lord Fingal's demesne, the rebels by way of Contempt left their Compliments to the King's Troops, and requested they would give them battle, assuring them they might depend on a warm reception. The invitation was accepted with joy and emula- tion by the Loyal party; accordingly we pushed on as quick as possible; when we arrived in View of the Enemy, I perceived them to be in great algo occupied a strong position> being pos ted on very commanding ground, and having

  • A Fencible Scotch Begiment : raised Octo-

promulgate the doctrine of Christianity. ;ber, 1794. Here, too, during the disturbances of 1798, ! t About 60 miles.