Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/52

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38 NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s.x.. TAX. if. 1022. male line ? About the beginning of this century I was acquainted with a Mr. Griffith Harcourt, the proprietor of a paper- mill at Hurcott, near Kidderminster. He j was a younger brother of the then Harcourt | of Ankerwyke, and he certainly informed j me that he himself had a son. The Harcourts of Raunton who entered pedigrees in the 1614 and 1663/4 Visitations i of Staffordshire were of illegitimate descent, I but the 1583 Visitation shows six male i Harcourts of the legitimate Raunton line then apparently living, and also at least five males of the Staunton and Ellenhall family who were either then living or, if dead, were not stated to have died without issue. I have myself been acquainted with two Harcourt families in the district round Birmingham, and I don't doubt that there j are others. Probably a little research would establish | the existence of more than one legitimate j Harcourt family in the Midlands. WILLIAM F. CARTER. PLUGENET (12 S. ix. 489). Otherwise] Plokenet, Plukenet or Plogenet. Andrew: de la Bere is said (by G. E. C.) to have been the husband of Alicia Walerand. ! They had issue two sons, Sir Richard de la | Bere being the elder and Alan de Plugenet j the younger. This Alan became a promi- 1 nent personage during the reign of Edward | I., and his uncle, Robert Walerand, having bequeathed him the lordship and castle of Kilpeck, he had summons to Parliament. He married Johanna, daughter of Andrew; Wake of Tangley, Co. Hants, and died in 1299, leaving issue by her a son and a! daughter. The son, Alan de Plugenet, ; died without issue in 1319, and his sister inherited she was then known as Joanna de Bohun, Lady of Kilpeck (widow of Sir Henry de Bohun). On her death without issue in 1326/7 her cousin, Richard de la Bere, grandson of her uncle Sir Richard de la Bere, was found to be her heir. An inquiry in 1353 relating to the Plugenet property elicited that Thomas, son ofj Richard de la Bere, was cousin and heir to Alan de Plugenet, and that Alan de , Plugenet the elder was born in Dorset at j Thornton, of Andrew de la Bere and Alice j his wife, sister of William Walerand and| Robert his brother. A pedigree and ac- 1 count of the family is given in Liveing's j -.' Records of Romsey Abbey.' Banks, in his ' Dormant and Extinct Baronage,' states there was a Hugh de Plugenet of Lambourne, Co. Berks, in the reign of Henry II. (1154-89), that he married Sibil, d. and coh. of Josceus de Dinant, and had issue two sons, Alan and Josceus. The latter inherited Lambourne, and it continued in possession of his descendants for some 150 years. He does not state what became of Alan. The De Dinants came from Brittany, and possibly the De Plugenets also. No connexion can be traced between the Plugenet and the Plunkett families the latter, according to Burke r were settled in the County of Meath, in Ire- land, in the eleventh century. ALFRED T. EVERITT. Admiralty Road, Portsmouth. Alan Plugenet, or Plukenet, married Alice ^ one of the three sisters and coheiresses of Robert Waleran. A good deal of informa- tion on this family is to be found at the following references : John Batten's ' His- torical Notes of South Somerset,' p. 96 ; Collinson's ' History of Somerset,' vols. iL and iii. ; The Topographer and Genealogist, vol. i., p. 30 ; Banks' s ' Dormant and Extinct Baronage.' There are several inquisitiones post mortem of members of this family, and frequent re- ferences to them in the Feet of Fines for Somerset and Dorset and probably other counties, in the Close Rolls and Patent Rolls and in the Transactions of the Somer- set (and other counties) Archaeological Societies. E. A. FRY. Sunnyside, Gerrards Cross. " JOURNEY " (12 S. ix. 527). J. R. H. is quite right. A "journey " of trams is a "train" ("rake," "set") of "tubs" ("corves," "trams," "hutches") in the underground roads of a mine, usually hauled by ponies or by being attached with a clip to a moving rope or cable. The annual reports by H.M. Inspectors of Mines fre- quently contain the phrase. Taking at random the year 1897, one finds "run into by the full journey of tubs " (Liverpool district) ; " run over by the journey " (do.) ; " a journey of six tubs was being drawn up " (North Staffs) ; " taking out a journey of trams " (S.W. district, Glos). R. C. BAIGENT. SMOKERS' FOLK-LORE (12 S. ix. 528). This is a very old superstition, akin to the dislike of having three lights in a room, and is probably founded on the custom