Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/575

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12 s x. 17, 1922.] NOTES AND QUERIES, 473 notable celebrity and ingenious inventor, mentioned passim by Evelyn in his Diary, Sir William Petty. ' E. A. G. STUART. Alor Star, Kedah, Malay States. EIGHTEENTH -CENTURY GERMAN PRINCI- PALITIES (12 S. x. 371, 415). Reference may be made to William Bet ham's ' Genealogical Tables ' (1795). Table 524 is ' The Old and New Partition of Anhalt with the House of Anhalt- Zerbst.' The next is ' Continua- tion of the last Table with the New Partition of Anhalt.' The first of ' The Line of Zerbst and Coethen ' is Sigfrid, Prince of Anhalt Zerbst, Dessau, and Coethen, 1299 or 1310. The last is Frederic Augustus, born 1734. According to Betham (Table 446) the father of Sophia, wife of Charles William, Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst, was Augustus, Archbishop of Magdeburg, Duke of Saxe- Weissenfels and Saxe-Halle. ROBERT PIERPOINT. SALAD (12 S. x. 389, 436). According to the Spanish proverb, four persons are wanted to make a good salad : a spendthrift for oil, a miser for vinegar, a counsellor for salt, and a madman to stir all up. ( ' The Art of Dining,' by Abraham Hayward, Q.C. ; see his Essays, 1858, vol. ii., p. 427. The second edition of ' The Art of Dining ' is dated 1853.) This proverb (again in English only) is reproduced in ' Hints for the Table ' (Anon., 1859), p. 33. Vincent Stuckey Lean, in ' Lean's Collec- tanea ' (1902, vol. i., p. 496), quotes from Giovanni Torriano, ' Piazza Universale di Proverbi ; or, A Commonplace of Italian Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases' (1666), " A far un insaluta, ci vuol un prodigo, un bisbettico ed un avaro." This may be translated For making a salad one wants a spendthrift, a madcap and a miser. Bisbettico (spelt bisbetico), according to Baretti's ' Dizionario Italiano ed Inglese,' means " maggot -headed, maggot-pated, whimsical, full of whims." In ' Proverbi Toscani,' raccolti da Giuseppe Giusti, ampliati da Gino Capponi ' (1873, p. 377), is the following : L'insalata vuole il sale da un sapiente, 1'aceto da un avaro, 1'olio da un prodigo, rivoltata da un pazzo e mangiata da un affamato. This same proverb in Venetian is given in

  • Raccolta di Proverbi Veneti,' fatta da

Cristofero Pasqualigo (sec. ed., 1879, p. 299) as follows : La salata vol el sal da un sapiente, 1'aseo da un avaro, 1'ogio da un prodigo, missiada da un mato e magnada da un afania. (A salad wants salt from a wise man, vinegar from a miser, oiE from a spendthrift, stirred by a madman and eaten by a hungry man.) ROBERT PIERPOINT. i I suppose MR. GREENE knows what Ford j says in ' Gatherings from Spain' (chap, xi., ! p. 147, in Everyman's Library). I think the | date of Ford's travels was about 1840. HARRY K. HUDSON. SEA-SERPENT STORIES (12 S. ix. 210, 274, 318, 394). To the information previously given, add the sea-serpent story by Kipling, entitled ' A Matter of Fact/ in ' Many Inventions.' H. K. ST. J. S. "SAPIENS DOMINABITUR ASTRIS " (12 S. j ix. 509 ; x. 12). The following allusion I has not yet been adduced on this subject and may be of interest : The Poet sayeth, that " the wise man shall rule even over the stars," much more over the earth (Spenser, ' A View of the Present State of Ireland,' 3). H. K. ST. J. S. THE WOE WATERS OF WHARRAM-LE- STREET (12 S. ix. 430; x. 295). Anyone interested in this should compare the Woeburn, located by R. Blackmore near Steyning, in Sussex, ' Alice Lorraine,' chap. Iv. H. K. ST. J. S. " LOVE " IN PLACE-NAMES (12 S. x. 130). Isaac Taylor, * Words and Places ' (p. 431, Everyman's Lib. ed.), gives Lofings as a family and examples of their places of settlement Lovington, Soms. and Essex, also Louvagny in Normandy, &c. There was a Loveney Hall in Essex. I suppose the Lovington, Essex, is the estate in Great Yeldham. Morant says the .owner was Governor of Quebec. I dare say Lovington, Illinois, U.S., took its nante from the Essex estate, as did Springfield, Illinois, from Springfield, Essex. A. M. C. BREDON HILL (12 S. x. 390). There is a poem entitled ' Bredoii Hill,' of seven verses with five lines each, in A. E. Hous- man's ' A Shropshire Lad ' (London, 1896), and others about the neighbourhood will be found in the same volume. ARCHIBALD SPARKE. On applying to Chappell's, 50, New Bond Street, one can get a copy of ' In Summer- time on Bredon,' a beautiful song, bearing the name of author and composer. It was much sung by the late Gervase Elwes, and often recited to the same music by Henry Ainley. FRANK LAMBERT.