Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/59

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i2S.x.jAN.2i f i922.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 41 LONDON. JANUARY 21, 1922. CONTENTS. No. 197. NOTES : Annamaboe, 41 The Royal Society and Free- masonry, 42 Oliver Starkey, 43 Glass-painters of York : the Hodgson Family, 44 Byron and Campbell : a Parallel, 45 Needham's Point Cemetery : James Sims, 46 A New Criticism of Casanova's ' Memoires ' Schoolmasters in 1714 and 1759 ' Castle Daly ' and GaJway, 47. QUERIES : Ruvigny's Plantagenet Roll ' British Melo- dies ' Portrait of Nelson by H. Edridge Land Measure- ment Terms Henshaw of Uttoxeter and Cheshunt : Weake of Norfolk Armstrong, 48 J. M. W. Turner and Haddon Hall King Famiy Book-plates ' The Running Horse,' Piccadilly George Henry Harlow Sir Robert Hesilrigge, Bart. Dalstons of Acornbank Turner Family Final " den " in Kentish Place-names Authors wanted, 49 Translators wanted, 50. REPLIES : ' Anything for a Quies Life 'Jacob Tonson as a Spy on Prior, 50 Fieldingiana Gervase de Cornhill ' Not So Bad As We Seem ' : Charles Knight, 51 Psalm Ixxxiii. The Fifth Petition in the Lord's Prayer Col. Chester's Extracts from Parish Registers " Sunt oculos clari c.ui cernis sidera tanquam," 52 " A Walking Dic- tionary "Cardinal Newman and Wales Vangoyen, a Dutch Painter " ' Heads ' as the pieman says " G. E. J. Powell, 53 " Artemus Ward " " Time with a gift of tears," 54 Erghum of Erghum, Yorkshire St. Peter the Proud, London Fullolove Surname Villebois, Painter Blessed Oliver Plunkett Disraeli Queries Freedom of a City, 55 The Arms of Leeds Dante's Beard Gentleman of the Poultry Nicholas Grimald Rudge Family School Holidays The Aby&sinian Cross, 56 British Settlers in America Biographical Details of Artists sought Meiler Magrath, Archibishop of Cashel Brothers of the Same Christian Name The Rev. J. de Kewer Williams Norris and Eyre Families Mulberries ' A Newcastle Apothe- cary,' 59. NOTES ON BOOKS : ' Authors' and Printers' Dictionary ' ' A Dictionary of English Phrases 'The Quarterly Review. Notices to Correspondents. JJote*. ANNAMABOE. CAPE Coast Castle was settled by the Portuguese in 1610, but soon fell to the Dutch. It was demolished by Admiral Holmes in 1661, but all the British Settlements, factories and shipping along the coast were destroyed by the Dutch Admiral De Ruyter in 1665. In 1667 this Cape was confirmed to the English by the Treaty of Breda. Anamabu is a town and fort in the Gold Coast Colony, and had a population of 5,000 in 1899. P.R.O. T.l/343,p. 134. Gentlemen Your favour of yesterday, we received this morning, and thank you for the promise of assistance in protecting the privilidges of the British Subjects Trading to this place, too rriuch invaded by the French and too little protected from Home ; But at this time shall have no occa- sion to trouble you, The French Ship having sailed hence before we received your Letter we are Gentlemen Your most humble Serts SAML ROWLES ALEXR GRAHAM CHRISTOPHER BENNETT WILLIAM CAULFIELD JAMES CARR DAVID BRUHANAZ Polly in Annamaboe Road 20 March 1750 [Addressed on the back] To the Honble The President and Council for Transacting the Affairs of the Royal African Compy of England Cape Coast Castle [Endorsed] A Letter of thanks from Sundry English Captains at Annamaboe. P.R.O. T.l/343 fo. 146: Annamaboe, May. 28th 1750 Gentlemen We the underwriters desire you will supply us with some shot of several sorts, vizt : 41i 3 ditto 2 ditto if you can spare 4 sixpounders gunns ; according to your promise to us all, when at Cape Coast ; we Intend to keep Anna- maboe Road clear of the French as we have made a beginning all ready so that we may be well prepared with shot, we have a great quantity yet but we Can't tell what may happen we have Gunn'd & man'd 4 Vessels fltt for the purpose so we are determin'd to keep the road Clear for they allways bid above us we will protect the British right or sink, we remain Gentm Your most humble Servts JOHN MEADOWS RICHARD RIGBY Gentlemen, ALEX GRAHAM When I was at JOSEPH YOWARTS DixCove I lent you 40 CHRISTOPHER BENNETT shot I should take it MICHAEL BARSTOW a favour if you would POLLIPUS HAMMOND send me them in 3 lb Ri> JENKINS shot by the Bearer SAML ROWLES hereof PETER JAMES I am yr most He St POLLIPUS HAMMOND. [Endorsed] To The Honourable ye Presedent and Councill Residing at Cape Coast Castle. P.R.O. S.P.Dom., Naval, 133. An account of the French Officers going on Shore at Annamaboe with Proposals to the Fanteens ; and the Answer they received from them [sic] People, vizt : The French Officers, in form, yesterday" went on Shore, and was in form met by all the Caboceers