Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/623

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1922.

Van Dyck portraits 'Two Young Cavaliers' and Jane Goodwyn, 150, 215

Van Goyen (Jan), landscape painter, 1596-1656, 8, 53

'Vanity Fair,' caricature of Charles Kingsley, 226

Vaucauson, his inventions, 331

Venice: the Sotto Piombi, or the Piombi, 6

Verlaine (Paul), his stay in England, 14, 237

Vesalius (Andreas), his mother, 349

Viles (Edward), 459

Villebois, artist, 55

Villiers (Barbara), portraits of, 251

Villiers family, 329

Virginia Company, 341

Vouillemont family, 110


Waddon: Mr. Macdonald's house at, 469, 498

Wadham (B. B.), landscape painter of Liverpool, 9, 58

Wainwright (Henry), his poem on his murder of Harriet Lane, 251, 338

Waite (Anthony), Winchester scholar, 469

Waldegrave and Wentworth families, 468

Wales, maps, 32, 115

Walker (John), subscribers to his 'Sufferings of the Clergy,' 28, 47

Walker family and the Gloucester Journal, 284

"Walking dictionary," origin of the expression, 53

Ward (Artemus) = Charles F. Brown, 54

Warner's 'Ecclesiastical History of England,' 47

Warsaw: Latin inscriptions over entrance of the Lazenki Palace, 151, 254

Washington (Thomas) of Cerne Abbas, 453

"Water measure" for apples and pears, 71

Water Theatre, Piccadilly, 331

Watson (Sir Brook), the one-legged Lord Mayor, 251, 314, 397, 438

Weake family of Norfolk, 48

Webster and Middleton's play 'Anything for a Quiet Life,' 11, 50

Wedding-ring: change of hand, 453, 495

Wellington testimonial clock tower, 79

Wentworth and Waldegrave families, 468

Werre (John la), witness to early royal charter, 242

Wesley (John), his first publication, 9, 115

Wesley (Samuel) the younger, 91

Westenhanger plot, Eachard's version, 281

West Indies: fever outbreak in early nineteenth century, 206

Westminster and St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, 268

Westminster Abbey, Looten monument in, 469

Wharram-le-Street, the "woe waters" of, 295, 473

Whately (Mary), her poems, 108

Wheeler family of Laverton, Glos., 328

White (Gilbert) of Selborne, portrait, 109, 152

White (Rev. Henry) of Fyfield, his diaries, 250

Whitechapel as an east London Norfolk colony, 345

Whitefoord family, 108, 153, 243, 285

Wilde (Oscar), his "Catalogue," 271; imprint on 1907 edition of 'Salome,' 329

"Wildrath," writer on sport, 390

Williams (Edward Ellerker), b. 1793, 180

Williams (Rev. J. de Kewer), 59

Williams (Rev. John Charles) of Buckinghamshire, 121, 146, 232

Williams family of Islington, 188, 232

Will-o'-the-wisps, cause of, 72

"Willoughby and his Avisa," 348

Willys (Sir Richard), traitor, 101, 123, 145

Wimberley (William Clark), particulars sought, 372

Winchester College, entries in account roll of, 1538-1539, 132

Windsor, privileges of the Dean and Canon of, 148

Wine: virtues of buried, 290, 356; books dealing with, 309, 355

Winstanley, his "Wonderful barrel," 331

Wollstonecraft (Mary): see Shelly (Mary Wollstonecraft)

Woman councillor, proper title for, 238

Woodham (Wodham) family, 31

"Woodman," writer on sport, 390

Woods (Nicholas), The Times correspondent in Canada, 1860, 369, 412

Woodville (R. Caton), referred to as "Villebois," 55

Woolfe (Sir Richard), 36

Wordsworth (Miss Elizabeth), lines from verse quoted, 351

Wren (Mr. Justice) of Cumberland, 230

Wren (Thomas) of Seatoller, 230

Wright (John and Christopher); gunpowder plot conspirators, 228, 280, 358

Wroth family, 372, 418, 434, 478

"Wylot," land measurement term, 48, 96, 198

"Wypers," 172, 451


Xavier (Sister), 'Just for To-day' attributed to, 94, 159


Yates family, 310, 379, 417, 430

Yatton church, Somerset, arms in, 210

York, episcopal arms of, 328, 375, 419

Yorkshire folk-lore, 70

Yorkshire land-terms: "onstand," "gairns," 89

Ypres, pronunciation of place-name, 172, 451


Zouch (Lord), d. 1625. his burial-place, 390, 434