Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/625

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1922.



A., on James Adair, 94

A. (A.B.) on. Wellington testimonial clock tower, 79

A. (A. S. E.) on street noises, 340

A. (F. J.) on song: Camptown Races, 218

A. (L.) on London mounted police, 468

A. (B.) on author wanted, 351

A. (S.) on Chinese festival for departed relatives, 429 Inishglara (antiseptic island), 489

A.-L.(R.A.) on eighteenth-century Etonians, 208

A.M.I.N.A. on launching of ships, 112

Abbatt (W.) on author wanted, 34 "Standfast (George)," 490

Abrahams (Aleck) on automata: exhibitions in London, 269, 396 Caenwood, 30 Daniel (George), 417 De Kemplen's automaton Chess-player, 72, 156 Dibdin (Thomas Frognal), 461 Fire-engines, early, 338 Fleet-street, 323 Fleet-street taverns, 396 "Foregate, Strand," 330 Knaves Acre, Lambeth, 256 London Bridge, old, 314 Lower Thames-street: The Steam Packet Hotel, 207 "Penny Dreadfuls," 333 Phillipps, Sir Thomas, 231 Stowe House: sale of contents, 1847 and 1921, 69 Threadneedle-street (51), 488

Ackermann (Alfred S. E.) on Bears, 72 Beef, effect of eating, 310 Bats, tailless, 431 De Kemplen's automaton chess-player, 113 Foods, national, 431 Frogs and snails as purifiers of water, 310 Heredity, 431 Mulberry trees, 772 Rain and fishing, 72 Will-o'-the-wisps, 72 Wine, buried, 290

Agathoclea on Penderell family, 256

Aitken (B.) on author wanted, 132

Albright (A.) on "Cap of Maintenance," 258

Meyler (William), 234 Phillipps, Sir Thomas, 231

Aldrich (S. J.) on Bible: early editions in Latin, 427

Anderson (A.) on General Clement Edwards, 131

Anderson (G. A.) on De Kemplen's automaton chess-player, 155 Knaves Acre, Lambeth, 190 Penderell family, 169 Siddons (Mrs.) and King's Lynn, 94

Anderson (James Seton) on British settlers in America, 368

Anderson (P. J-) on (Vouch (II.), artist, 229 Smith (John 1'Yederick), novelist, SiMt Andrews (Herbert C.) on Groombridge Place, Kent, 490 St. Brendan, incident in wanderings of, 413 Angier (C. J. Bruce) on Aucher and Depedene families, 149 Erghum of Erghum, Yorkshire, 9 Anscombe (Alfred) on Gnor Anegon of Ancaster, 445 Anstey (L. M.) on Cullen (William), 437 Gun- powder plot in 1615, 208 Milburn (William). 416 Oldmixon family, 296, 357 Bhymed History of England, 352 Borne, rhyming his- tory of, 430 Stephenson (Edward), 279 Tavern signs :, " Hand and Pen," 168 War slang, 202 Apperson (G. L.) on twenty-four-hour clock, 106 Arab on Arab (or Eastern) horses, 91 Ardagh (J.) on Abercrombie (John), horticul- turist, 313 Chimney-sweepers' climbing boys, 16 Coin, the adventures of a, 493 Drugging of Darnay in ' The Tale of Two Cities,' 151 " Dummy books," pseudo-title for, 197 Gez- reel's Tower, 199 Griffith (Moses), copper- plate engraver, 16 Holborn : demolition of Middle Bow, 239 Vine Tavern, Mile End, 191 Woods (Nicholas), 413 Armstrong (T. Percy) on Dante's beard, 56 Emerson and Dr. Johnson, 167 Fieldingiana, 7 French plans for invading England, 388 Inscriptions on an icon, 33 Mothering Sunda . 396 Murders in Italy, 336 Petrograd, pic- tures in the Hermitage at, 114, 175 Place- names, use of " at " or " in " with, 234 " St. Fraunces Fire," 452 Armstrong (Bev. W. B.) on Armstrong family. :~> Artigliere Maledetto on Tichborne family of Hartley Mauditt, 327 Aspinall (Algernon) on Barbados : Needham's Point Naval and Military cemetery, 23, 393 Sims (James), naval schoolmaster of II. M.S. Bacchante, 46 Austin (Koland) on " Firdor," 129 ' Gloucester Journal,' 261, 283 Granger's ' Biographical History." 150 Lords of the Manor, privileges granted by, 7 Parliamentary election in March. 1666, 27 Pocock (Nicholas), artist, 57 Scar- let hunting coat, 129 'Tercentenary Handlist of Newspapers,' 191, 213 B lnnjr B. (B.) on author wanted, 498 Clocks : and short hand, 468 Waddon, 498 B. (C. C.) on author wanted, 18 H. (('. W.) on literary allusions in I>icken*, 74 B. (E. A. B.) on " House of Husbandry," 189 " The Parler within the Manor Place," 168 B. (E. W.) on author wanted, 460 B. (F. E.) on inscriptions on an icon, 117