Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/629

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1922. AUTHORS' INDEX. 521 Forman (W. Courthope) on ballad : " The King, the Bishop, and the Shepherd," 349, 435 Charm of St. Colme, 113 Inns, naming of public rooms in, 178 ' King John and the Abbot of Canterbury,' 435" Old Nick," 288 Swaythling (D. Andrews de). book-plate of, 236 U.S. Flag : the Stars and Stripes, 357 White (Gilbert) of Selborne, 109 York, the crossed keys at, 376 Zouche (Lord), his burial, 434 Forster (W.) on poem wanted, 152 Foster (D.) on Etherege (Sir George), 414 Etherege family and the Virginia Company, 341, 362 Fothergill (Gerald) on apprentices to and from overseas, 29, 69, 106, 248, 327, 429 British settlers in America, 178, 256, 327 Fox (C. J.) on Steam Packet Inn, 279 Watson (Sir Brook), 397 Franklin (C. A. H.) on Blyth pedigree, 348 Franklin (Henry), 289 St. Thomas's Hospital arms, 308 Freeman (J. J.) on army slang, 415 Fry (E. A.) on Plugenet family, 38 Fry (George S.) on Vice-Admiral Sir Christopher Mings, 35, 117 Fuller (J. F.) on Gen. Nicholson, his birthplace, 290, 377 Fynmore (A. H. W.) on barrel organs in churches, 254 G. (A.) on author wanted, 49 G. (D. L.) on the arms of Leeds, 56 G. (H. S.) on ornithologists, 109 G. (P. E.) on Croft and Leedes families,! 10 G. (W. H.) on author wanted, 132 Capern (Ed- ward), 175 Poem of the sixties wanted, 132 Song : ' Viva Pio, Papa, Re,' 132 Gale (Fred. R.) on coin, the adventures of a, 493 Gale (Commodore) legendary, 490 Gale (John), 490 Gamble (Mrs. A. N.) on Baron (Hartgill), 92 Henshaw and Weake families, 48 Johnson (Sir Henry) of Poplar, 318 Kendall (Henry), 191 Lee family, 71 North family of Wal- keringham, 272 Garart (Roy) on St. John the Almoner, 31 Ships, launching of, 31 Garbett (H. L. E.) on Dr. Robert Plot's ' Natural History of Staffordshire,' 440 Gardner (Eliza) on Villiers family, 329 Garrett (Robert Max) on an illustration of the Bestiary, 366 Gawthorp (Walter E.) on Abyssinian cross, 56 Arms, unidentified, 199 Engraving, ancient method of, 186 Fleet marriages, 355 Heraldry : unidentified arms, 199 Knaves Acre, 356 London Inns : " The Cock," Bow- street, 474 Royal Arms, 459 Stone sign in Lower Thames -street, 309 ; at corner of War- wick-lane, 495 Gibson (A. G.) on Erghum of Erghum, Yorkshire, 55 Gilbert (William) on Ewen : coat of arms, 218 Stone sign, Lower Thames Street, 395 Giles (Haydn T.) on barrel organs in churches, 477 Blacket( Henry), 469 Stackhouse (John), 469 Gillett (Charles R.) on sermon at St. Paul's Cross, 249 GillmanTX Arthur C.) on Gillman (or Guillam) family, 370 Gillman (Charles) on Mata Hari, 35 Gillman (lanthe A. M. S.) on Phillipps (Sir Thomas), 231 Plaistow (Catherine) of Dublin, 452 Trapaud (Gen. Cyrus), Sir Joshua Rey- nolds' s portrait of, 190 Gladstone (Hugh S.) on ' Comic Natural History,' 92 " Mata Hari," 34 Rabbits in Australia, 32 Glen (John) on Gilbert White of Selborne, 152 Glencross (Graham) on Mill Hill School : arms and motto, 210 Goman (Geo. Dinneford) on ' The Trusty Servant,' 401 Gordon-Smith (R.) on Benson and Smith families, 387 Govier (W. E.) on General Clement Edwards, 211 Gower (Robert) on " Dowle," 209 Egg folk- lore : Good Friday and Christmas, 15 " Hop- scotch," 15 Mothering Sunday, 335 Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes, 229 " Sow- moys," 216 Graham (Walter) on Byron and Campbell : a parallel, 45 Grand Officer of England (A.) on " Tuileurs," a French Masonic term, 309 Grane (G. A.) on Pawnbroker's Sign, 431 Greene (Herbert W.) on racing stable terms : " Cosh," 355 Salad, 389 Van Goyen (John), landscape painter, 53 Greenhalgh (J. Stobart) on Temple Fortune, 288 Griffith (L.) on Harcourt family, 98 Groth (C.) on Edwards (General Clement), 252 Jeary, surname, 390 Grundy-Newman (S. A.) on grantee of arms wanted, 453 Neale (William J. N.), 375 Guillemard (F. H. H.) on 'Tercentenary Handlist of Newspapers,' 279 Watson (Brook), the one- legged Lord Mayor, 437 Gunn (Donald) on Union Jack, 432 Gwatkin (E. M.) on Gillman (or Guillim) family, 415 H H. on " Blue Beard " story, 255 " IVmiy dreadfuls," 374 H. (A. E.) on Arnold (Matthew), his reference to " the huge Mississippi of falsehood called history," 119 Author wanted, 111 H. (C. L.) on author of quotation wanted, 10 H. (E. B.) on war slang, 202 H. (E. C.) on John Hoppner, his grave, 288 H. (F.) on epigram on the death of Qurrn Cliar- lotte, 372 Herbert (J. D.), 3S1 Rradcr (William), 390 Wimberloy (William Clark), HI -2 H. (F. J.) on public schools, 111 Ships, launching of, 112 H. (II. I'.) on wines, 309 H. (J. R.) on author wanted, 252 Epitaph in Tetbury Church, Glos., 254 Mull-ny n England, 59 Kirlunon.l Park : " 'Ph.- Kind's Standinge," 273 Union Jack, 496 II. (N.) on " Dowle," 474 H. (W.) on Tudor fireplace at St. Albans, 90 II. (W. B.) on Cadby pianos, ir.s (Vromonial vestments of the Judiciary, 11<> ('ot.-ii' Mid-Victorian, 417 Cotton (Adm. Sir CharloK 417 Dominoes, 17 Mendez (Moses), 137 Milburn (William), 379 " Ropont " Irg-ivst, 431 Royal Society and Ft., masonry, 175 Shooter's Hill: projected military cemetery. 330 Smith (John Frederick), 393" Tight," equine'term, 417 Van Dyck portraits, 215