Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/97

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12 S. X. Jan. 28, 1922.]

Jeanie Deans, after her interview with Queen Caroline, was "dazzled and sunk with colloquy divine." So Was Adam on one occasion in 'Paradise Lost,' bk. viii. C. W. B.

Title of "K.H." (12 S. ix. 529 ; x. 36).—Incidental confirmation could be given by information furnished by Mr. Robert Pierpoint of the fact that a Knight of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order, was not entitled, as such, to be called " Sir," but it is not made clear whether a Knight Commander of that Order was in the same case.

The generally confirmatory information is to be found in Joseph Foster's 'Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage of the British Empire' for 1881, (vol. i., p. 745). A list is given which "contains only the names of such Knights of the Order as are natives of this country," it being noted that "the Guelphic Order has not been conferred by the British Crown since the death of William IV., when the British Sovereign ceased to be monarch of Hanover." There are named four Knights Grand Cross (the Duke of Cambridge, the Marquis of Donegal, Viscount Falkland, and the Earl of Wilton), one Knight Commander (Sir Woodbine Parish), and fifteen Knights, the cautionary mark being prefixed to these last, "It is uncertain whether the below-named are all living" (Lieut.-Col. John Austen, Lieut.-Col. Alexander Barton, Lieut.-Col. William Beresford, Major James Briggs, Gen. Sir Richard England, Gen. Sir Abraham Josiah Cloëté, Adm. George Thomas Gordon, Major John Salisbury Jones, Lieut.-Col. Donald Macpherson, Captain Moreau, Thomas William Nicholson, George Antoine Ramsay, Major Archibald Stewart, Gen. Pringle Taylor, and Major Robert Henry Willcocks).

Of these Sir Woodbine Parish, who was made K.C.H. in 1837 and died in 1882, does not appear to have had any other Order of Knighthood conferred upon him, and yet he was always styled "Sir" ('D.N.B.,' vol. xini., p. 213).

General Sir Abraham Cloëté is given by Foster (vol. ii., p. 704) as "K.C.B., 1854, K.H., Knighted, 1854," but this omits the date of the conferment of the K.H., which, according to the 'D.N.B.' (vol. xi., p. 120), was 1836, being followed in 1854 by knighthood; and he died in 1886. General Sir Richard England (who died in 1883) is noted by Foster (vol. ii., p. 708) as "G.C.B,, 1855, K.H., 1855"; but the 'D.N.B.' (vol. xvii., p. 371) awards him the K.C.B. in 1843, with the G.C.B. subsequently won by his Crimean services, including the direction of the attack on the Redan. The latter does not specify the K.H., but that may have come from his activities as Brigadier-General during the Kaffir War, 1836 and 1837. Alfred L. Robbins.

Baron Grant (12 S. x. 31).—The distich inquired for appeared at the foot of a coloured caricature of Albrecht Gottheimer (anglice Albert Grant) drawn by "Ape" (Carlo Pellegrini) and published in Vanity Fair in the earliest seventies. The second line ran:

Wealth without honour is a barren grant.

According to my memory the lines were:—

Title a king can give, honour he can't,
Title without honour is a barren grant.

There were two other lines, of which all that I remember is that one ended with (?) "dilemma" and the other with "Emma." The latter word was an allusion to the Emma mines, a speculative investment, promoted, I think, by Baron Grant. Robert Pierpoint.

The couplet in question originated, I believe, in the Stock Exchange, as I have heard that it was affixed to the wall at one of the entries—probably Capel Court—where it remained but a very short period. The lines, as I remember them, ran.:—

A king can a title give: honour he can't,
A title without honour's but a barren grant.

2, Mecklenburgh Square, W.C.I.

I find I have two versions of these lines:—

Titles the king can give; honour he can't.
Title without honour is a Baron Grant,


The Queen makes Barons,
Gentlemen she can't;
For barren honour
Is a Baron Grant.

but I do not know from whence I copied them. Mary Fortescue.

Of course you've heard the news that Baron Grant,
To gain what most he seems to want,
A good repute has promised to reclaim
Wild Leicester Square, so long the West End's shame.
But will the world forget those flowers of Grants
Are but the products of his City plants?
And who for shady walks would give him praise
For wealth thus spent when gained in shady ways?