Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 2.djvu/10

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[12 S. II. July 1, 1916.

The list commences (pp. 3-5) with four Troops of Horse Guards, having the following officers: —

First Troop of Horse Guards. Dates of their present commissions.


First Lieut. Col. . . Second Lieut. Col. Fir 4 Major Second Major . '.




Lord De La War (1) John Blathwait, Eldt. Lord Carpenter (2) Jonathan Driver Lord Wallingford (3)

f William Ca vail I Thomas Baton

i John Elves Robert Fairfax . .

fSsme Clarke, Eldt. I Peter Hawker . .

"| Edward Bedford Tustan McCarty

f Thomas Twisden I William Ryder . .

"i William Cullinge ' Peter Shepherd

Elliot Lawrence

Adjutant . . 30 Aug. 1737. 9 Sept. 1715. 24 Jan. 1729-30. 30 June 1737. 15 July 1737.

14 June 1734.

22 July 1738.

29 May 1739.

9 July 1730.

10 May 1720. 14 June 1734. 12 Feb. 1738-P 29 May 1739.

8 Dec. 1733. 14 June 1734. 22 July 1738.

7 Feb. 1738-0.

12 Feb. 1738-9.

The ranks of Exempt, Brigadier, and Sub-Brigadier existed in the Horse Guards only, and they continued so until 1788, when they became Captain, Lieutenant, and Cornet respectively.

The word "exempt" is French, and was used for an officer of cavalry who commanded in the absence of his superior, being thus exempt from ordinary military duties. It was probably pronounced as a French word, and survives at the present time as "Exon" in the Yeomen of the Guard.

Brigadier in the sense of a junior rank of officers of the Horse Guards, is not given in the 'Oxford English Dictionary,' although Sub-Brigadier is. The establishment of N.C.O.'s and men (all ranks) was 161.

(1) John, 7th Baron. Created Earl De La War, 1761. Died 1766 ('D.N.B.').

(2) George, 2nd Baron (peerage of Ireland). Died 1746. Peerage became extinct in 1853.

(3) Charles, Viscount Wallingford. Died 1740. He was a son of Charles, the so-called Earl of Banbury. The House of Lords decided in 1813 that the claim to this title was not good.

[Second Troop of Horse Guards.


First Lieut. Col. Second Lieut. Col. First Major Second Major


Brigadiers. .


Adjutant . .

Earl of Hertford (1) Henry Cornwall Tomkins Wardour Philip Roberts . . Arthur Edwards

{Thomas Levett Mark Anthony Saurin. Charles Clarke Joseph Fleming

Thomas Johnson William Gough William Merchant Joseph Otway

John Brattle Francis Desmarete William Rustall Benjamin Carpenter

Joseph Scudder Dates of their present commissions.

8 Feb. 1714.

8 Dec. 1709.

21 May 1733.

13 Oct. 1727. 21 May 1733.

3 April 1729. 21 Mav 1733.

14 Mar. 1733-4. 26 Oct. 1738.

18 Feb. 1728.

3 Oct. 1732.

21 May 1733.

26 Oct. 1738.

3 Oct. 1732.

21 May 1733.

25 Feb. 1737-8.

26 Oct. 1738.


(1) Algernon Seymour, eldest son of the 6th Duke of Somerset. He was transferred to the Royal Regiment of Horse Guards in May, 1740.