Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 2.djvu/347

This page needs to be proofread. OCT. 28, 1916.] NOTES AND QUERIES.




TS'OTES: St. Paul's School and the D.N.B..' 341-'The Morning Post,' 342 -Shakespeare and Ephesus Statues and Memorials, 345 'The Islington Gazette.' 346 -Last Use of Stocks at La unceston Richard Russell, Bishop Bookbinders' Words, 347.

^QUERIES: Papyrus and its Products Edward Herbert M.P. Authors Wanted St. Inan, 348 Poem Wanted "French's contemptible little army" Hertfordshire Surnames Painting hy Benjamin West Heraldic Query Bombay Gra(> ' Bride of Lammermoor 'St. Genewys, 349 Edward Hayes, Dublin" News-Collector " Gillray

" Faugh-a-Rallngh " Eyes'changed in Colour by Fright Lovelace: Vanneck John Bradshaw, Regicide Hard- ing of Somerset Exchequer Bond, 1710" Felon," 350

"To give the mitten "Arthur Collins, 351.

REPLIES : The French and Frogs, 351 English Army List of 1740. 353 ' Vanity Fair 'Drake's Ship Bishop Richard of Bury's Library, 355 -Gloves : Survival of Old Customs Author of Poem Wanted Authors of Quota- tions Wanted" Mr. Davis," Friend of Mrs. Siddons, 356 Old MS. Verses Dog Smith, 357 National Flags- Faust Bibliography Sir Edward Lutwyche Farmer's Sayings King of Italy's Descent from Charles I., 358 " Don't be longer than you can help "Grave of Margaret Godolphin, 359.

TtfOTES ON BOOKS:- 1 Political Ballads illustrating the

Administration of Sir Robert Walpole.' Jottings from Recent Book Catalogues. 'Notices to Correspondents.




THE ' DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIO- GRAPHY ' contains the names of more than two hundred men who obtained their educa- tion at St. Paul's School, but of this number some 25 per cent are not given the credit of being Old Paulines. In some cases their identification as pupils of St. Paul's was subsequent to the publication of the volume of the ' D.N.B.' in which their career is recorded, but in the majority of instances the omission of any mention of the school at -which they were educated from the account of their careers can only be attributed to the incomplete researches of their biographers.

I append a list of Old Paxilines of whom

accounts are given in the. 'D.N.B.' and of

whom it is not there noted that they were

alumni of Dean Colet's- foundation :

Andre, John. Born 1751. Major in the army.

Taken prisoner in the American War, and

executed as a spy October, 1780. A monument

was erected to his memory in Westminster

Abbey b> King George III. in 1782, from the

design of Robert Adam.

Arnold, Thomas James. Born 1803. Died 1877.

F.R.S. Metropolitan Police' Magistrate. Baber, Henry. Born 1775. Died 1869. Keeper of Printed Books at the British Museum, 1812- 1837. Bellamy, Daniel, jun. Born 1718. Died 1788.


Blackmore, William. Born 1618. Died 1684. Puritan divine. Rector of St. Peter's, Corn- hill. Ejected 1662.

Boyce, William. Born 1710. Died 1779. Musical composer. Organist to the Chapel Rojal.

Boyle, Charles, 4th Earl of Orrery. Born 1675. Died 17.31. Knight of the Thistle. Soldier, diplomatist, and man of letters. Boyle, John. Born 1563. Died 1620. Bishop of

Cork, Cloyne, and Ross.

  • Boyle, Michael. Died 1635. Bishop of Water-

ford and Lismore. Boyle, Richard, Bishop of Cork, CHoyne, and Ross,

1620. Archbishop of Tuam, 1638. Bridges, John. Bom 1666. Died 1724. F.R.S.

Antiquary , Bencher of Lincoln's Inn. fBroughton, Thomas. Born 1705. Died 1774. Reader in the Temple. Prebendary of Salis- bury. Man of letters.

Browne, Samuel. Born 1578. Died 1632. Divine. Calamy, Edmund. Born 1635. Died 1685.

Puritan divine.

Campbell, Lord Frederick. Born 1730. Died 1816. Second son of the 4th Duke of Argyll. Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1767. Lord Clerk Register for Scot- land, 1768.

Carew, Sir Peter. Born 1514. Died 1575. Constable of the Tower. Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to Henry VIII. Chaloner, Sir Thomas. Born 1561. Died 1615.

Tutor to Prince Henry, the son of James I. Chamberlain, William. Born 1772. Died 1807.

Portrait painter. Champion, Joseph. Born 1709. Died 1762. Writing Master at St. Paul's School, where he taught Sir Philip Francis and H. S. Woodfall, the publisher of The Public Advertiser, in which appeared the letters of " Junius." Chiswell, Richard. Born 1673. Died 1751. Director of the Bank of England. M.P. for Calne.

Clerke, Richard. B.A. Cambridge. 1582. One of the translators of the Authorized Version of the Old Testament.

Compton, Spencer, 1st Earl of Wilmington. Born

1675. Died 1743. Speaker of the House of

Commons. First Lord of the Treasury. Knight

of the Garter.

fCowper, Spencer. Born 1669. Died 1728.

Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. . Cranfield, Lionel, 1st Earl of Middlesex. Lord

High Treasurer, 1621 to 1624. Culverwell, Nathaniel. Died about 1650. One

of the " Cambridge Platonists." Dance, George. Born 1700. Died 1768. Archi- tect. Designed the Mansion House in the C'ity of London.

Dandridge, Bartholomew. Flor. 1750. Portrait painter.

  • Was also probably at Merchant Taylor's.

t Was also at Eton.

j Was also probably at Westminster.