Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 2.djvu/452

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 s. 11. DEC. 2,

The O'Noills of Ulster. By Thomas Mathews.

Dublin, 1907.

The History of Belfast Shipbuilding. Paper

read at Meeting of Statistical and Social

Inquiry Society of Ireland, Dec. 20, 1910. By

Prof. C. H. Oldham. Dublin, 1910. 'The Ulster Land War of 1760. By F. J. Bigger,

M.R.I.A. Dublin, 1910. (Deals exclusively

with a phase of Ulster life never hitherto fully

written about.) Cuchulain of Muirthemne : the Story of the Men

of the Red Branch of Ulster. By Lady

Gregory. 1911. The People and Language of Ulster. By C. C.

Russell. Belfast, 1911. The Ulster Calendar of Persons and Events. By

Alex Riddell, Sandown Road, Knock, Belfast.

Belfast, 1911. The Story of the Irish Society. By John Betts.

London, 1913. Ulster Folk-Lore. By E. Andrews, F.R.A.I.

London, 1913. Ftolen Waters : a Page in the Conquest of Ireland.

By T. M. Healy, M.P. Dublin, 1913-16.

(Deals with the title to the two great fisheries

in Northern Ireland, and includes State Papers,

MSS., Inquisitions, &c.) Ulstermen : their Fight for Fortune, Faith, and

Freedom. By Rev. T. M. Johnstone. Belfast,

1914. The Ulster Scot : his History and Religion. By

Rev. James B. Woodburn. 1914. O'Neill and Onnond : a Chapter in Irish History.

By Diarmid Coffey. Dublin, 1914. Aileach of the Kings. By Bishop O'Doherty.

Catholic Truth Society, Dublin, 1915. Craobh Ruadh : or, the Red Branch Knights. By

M. J. O'Mullane, M.A. Catholic Truth Society,

Dublin, 1915.

.Journal of Ulster Archaeological Society. Belfast. Memories of '98. By Rev. Wm. S. Smyth.

Belfast. History of the Volunteers of 1782. By Thos.

MacNevin. Dublin, n.d. Ulster Round Towers. Belfast, n.d.

WILLIAM MACARTHUB. 79 Talbot Street, Dublin.

(To be continued.)

SIB THOMAS BBOWNE : COUNTERFEIT BASILISKS. Readers of the ' Vulgar Errors ' may remember ,the reference in Bk. III. chap. vii. to the fact that counterfeit basi- lisks were frequently contrived out of the skins of " Thornback skaits or maids" ; and the following directions for their manufac- ture from Misson's ' Nouveau Voyage d'ltalie,' 1691 (1st ed.), pp. 117-^8, may be interesting. Misson is speaking of the collection of rarities in the cabinet of the Comte Mascardo at Verona :

"Je ne scay si vous n'avez jamais veil de ces pr^teudus animaux qu'on appelle des Basilica. Cela a uncertain petit air dragon qui est assez plaisant : 1'invention en est jolie, et mille gens y eont trompez. Cependant ce n'est rien autre chose qu'une petite raye : on tourne ce poisson d'une certaine maniere, on luy eleve les nageoires en

forme d'ailes: on luy accommode une petite langue en forme de dard ; on ajoiite des griffes, des yeux d'email.avec quelques autres petites pieces adrpite- ment rapport/es ; et voila la fabrique du Basilic."


THE WALTEB OB WALTERS FAMILY OF PEMBROKESHIRE. The following extracts are taken from Titus & Eliz. Evans MSS., vols. i. and xxviii., which contain transcripts made by me of the two earliest Church Registers now belonging to St. Mary's, Haverf ordwest. The first Register is marked No. IA (and includes a fragment of two leaves), and the other No. IB. The frag- ment and the two registers are ragged and rotten.


1601. "Seeundo Aprilis, Henrieus Waters filius Johannis Waters."*

1603. "Jacobus filius Johannis Wafillegiblel." Jan. 12.

1691. Ann Walter, dau. of Thomas Walter. Born Dec. 13, bapt. Dec. 16.

1692. Lydia, dau. of James \Valter. Bapt. Oct. 24.

1695. Elizabeth ..Walter, dau. of Tho. Walter. Bapt. July 17.

1696. A Child of James Walter's. Born Oct. 30.

1696. John Walter, son of Thomas Walter. Bapt. March 3.

1697. William Walter, son of Morgan Walter. Bapt. April 16.

1698. KogerWalter, son of Morgan Walter. Bapt. April 24.

1699. Fronces, dau. of Morgan Walter. Bapt. June 22.

1702. Francis, son of Morgan Walter. Bapt. April 26.

1705. Frances, dau. of Thomas (? Walter). Bapt. Jan. 20.

1708. John, son of John Waters.* Bapt. Oct. 2.

1709. Jane, dau. of Thomas Walter. Bapt. Nov. 27.

1712. Henry, son of John Waters.* Bapt. June 21.


[1594.] Owen Walter. Dec. 23. L?1599.] William Waters.* April 25.

1683. Elizabeth Walter. July 4.

1684. Jane Walter. Buried in ye Chancell, Feb. 27.

1685. William Walter, Gent. Buried " in Jesus lie," Feb. 15.

1686. Evan Walter. Buried in churchyard, Feb. 20.

1688. Fransis Walter, dau. of Mr. Henry Walter. Buried in ye Chancell, July 23.

1690. William, son of Henry Walter. Buried in ye Chancell, May 16.

1695. Jane Walter. May 5.

1697. Will, son of Morgan Walter. May 11.

1698. Roger Walter, son of Morgan Walter. May 5. 1701. Mrs. Walter. Buried Oct. 3.

1703. Fronces Walter. Buried Nov. 12.

J. T. E., Rector of Stow-on-the-Wold. Newport Castle, Pern.

  • Possibly a scribal error.