Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 2.djvu/519

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12 B. ii. DEC. 23, 1916.] NOTES AND QUERIES.

lieutenant-colonel llth Dragoons), June 2 1756, till May 7, 1757.

Earl of Home, captain and lieutenant colonel 3rd Foot Guards, April 10, 1743 captain and lieutenant-colonel, July, 1743 brevet-cc lonel, Nov. 29, 1745.

John Cope, Gentleman Usher to George IT. was the second and younger son of Sir John Cope, 6th Bart., M.P.', of Oxford who d. Dec. 8, 1749.

Wade's Horse (ante, pp. 84, 312).

Hon. William Bellenden, apparently secon c lieutenant-colonel 3rd Horse Guards, 174" till reduced, Dec. 25, 1746.

Delete the paragraph on p. 312 relating to William Wade.

Ruishe Hassell was never major of the Blues, but he was major of Wade's Horse, July 11, 1741, to June 1, 1744. He died " in Hassel's Buildings, June 6, 1749 ; he bequeathed his estate of above 2,OOOZ. per aim. to his wife, sole daughter and heiress of late Lord Stawell of Alder- maston, Berks " (Gent. Mag.). She was his second wife. Her father was William, 3rd Lord Stawell, who d. 1742, when the title went to his brother, Edward, 4th and last Lord Stawell, who d. 1755 (when it be- came extinct), leaving an only surviving child, Mary, created Baroness Stawell, 1760. She married (1) the Hon. and Right Hon. Henry Bilson Legge, M.P., Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1754 to 1755, and 1756 to 1761, who d. 1764 ; and (2) the Earl of Hillsborough (see ante, p. 137).

John Ball was major of the regiment, June 1, 1744, to March 26, 1748. The Gent. Mag. records the death on Feb. 11, 1768, of " Major Ball, who commanded Wade's horse at the taking of the Highland deserters in Ladywood. (See vol. xiii. p. 273.)"

Marlborough' s Dragoons (ante, pp. 85, 313)-

Samuel Gumlev's marriage is given in The Gent. Mag., Sept. 10, 1751, as " Hon. Col. Gumley, brother to the Countess of Bath, to the relict of late Colvil, Esq."

Robert Abbott, major of the regiment, April 24, 1742 ; cornet and major 4th Troop Horse Guards, June, 1745, till reduced, Dec. 25, 1746 ; first major 1st Horse Guards, July 17, 1749 ; second lieutenant and lieutenant-colonel thereof, June 5, 1754, till Aug. 8, 1755.

William Wentworth was one of the Prince of Wales's four Gentlemen Waiters (100Z.) in 1734 (? appointed 1727), but not in 1741 ; and one of his two Gentlemen Ushers, Daily Waiters (150Z.), in 1745 till 1751.

Henry Gore, guidon and major 2nd Horse- Guards," May 1, 1745, to 1749. Query son of Humphrey Gore, colonel of the regiment,. 1723 to 1739.

Elias Brevet was in 1761, but not in 1770,. on half-pay of captain of Brigadier-General Pocock's Foot (reduced).

Francis Rainsford was on half-pay of cor- net en second in Hawley's Royal Regiment of Dragoons, reduced 1748, from that date* until he d. between 1772 and 1777.

James Surtees became lieutenant in Haw- ley's Dragoons (the 1st Royals), Aug., 1743,.. and afterwards captain.

Lieut. B. Gallotin made captain in the- regiment, December, 1744.

North British Dragoons (ante, pp. 85, 313).

In July, 1740, " Sir Thomas Hay, Bart., a captain in the Scotch Grej-s, m. the Lady. Byron " (London Mag.). She was Frances,, widow of William, 4th Lord Byron, whose third wife she had been, second daughter of William, Lord Berkeley of Stratton. The London Magazine gives the death, on Dec. 20, 1751, of " Hon. Sir Robert Hay, of Linplum, in Scotland, bart., who had served many years as lieutenant-colonel of the- Scots Greys, and behaved as a brave and gallant officer."

Alexander Forbes was major till he suc- ceeded Sir Thomas Hay as lieutenant-colonel of the regiment, June, 1745, to Feb. 3, 1747.

George Macdougal succeeded Forbes as major, June, 1745, and as lieutenant-colonel Feb. 3, 1747, till Nov. 29, 1750.

George Mure, second son of James Mure- >f Rhoddens, Ireland (and brother to William Mure, who succeeded to Caldwell, co. Ayr, and d. 1722), was lieutenant-colonel Scots Greys, and (with his brother Capt. Alexander Mure) was wounded at Fontenoy. He mar- ried Jane Rattray of Craighall, widow of. Sir J. Elphinstone of Logie, co. Aberdeen, and his descendants settled at Herringswelh House, Suffolk (' Landed Gentry '). I think, however, that Burke made a mistake in stating that he was lieutenant -colonel of the Scots Greys. He succeeded William Laurence as captain-lieutenant of that regi- ment in December, 1740 (Gent. Mag., where is called More), but I cannot trace him. as holding field rank.

William Wilkinson made captain in Lord Bury's 20th Royal Regiment of Foot,, March 18, 1750 ; major 56th Foot, Dec. 21,, L755 ; lieutenant-colonel (new) 72nd Foot* April 19, 1758 ; lieutenant-colonel 50th Foot, Aug. 24, 1758, till May 22, 1761 ; serving in Germany, 1761 ; a Gentleman.