Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 2.djvu/530

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The Mines of Wicklow. Dublin, 1856.

Guide to Wicklow. By Heffernan. Dublin,

1865. Views in co. Wicklow. By T. L. Bowbotham.

With Notes by Rev. W. J. Loftie. Dublin,

1876. History of the Clan O'Toole, and other Leinster

Septs. By Rev. P. L. O'Toole. Dublin, 1890. Glendaloch : its Story and its Ruins. By Sir

John R. O'Connell, LL.D. Catholic truth

Society, Dublin, 1909. The Stones of Bray, and the Stories they can tell

of Ancient Times in the Barony of Rathdown.

(I).'.iN with the history of a large part of co.

Wicklow.) By Rev. G. Digby Scott, M.A.

Dublin, 1913. The O'Tooles, anciently Lords of Powerscourt

(Feracualan), Fertire, and Imale. By John

O'Toole. n.d.


Notes and Records of the Ancient Religious Foundations at Youghal, co. Cork, and its Vicinity. By Rev. S. Hayman. Youghal, 1854.

History of Youghal. By Pagan. Youghal. 1858.

Guide to Youghal, Ardmore, and the Black Wati-r. By Rev. Samuel Hayman. Youghal, 1860.

Guide to St. Mary's Collegiate Church, Youghal. By Rev. S. Hayman. Cork, 1868.

Council Book of the Corporation of Youghal, from 1610 to 1659, from 1666 to 1687, and from 1690 to 1800. Edited by Richard Caulfield. Guild- ford.

N.B. An account of every Irish County, Town, Parish, and Village is in ' A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland,' by Samuel Lewis London, 1837. WILLIAM MACABTHUK.

79 Talbot Street, Dublin.

AN ENGLISH ARMY LIST OF 1740. (See ante, pp. 3, 43, 84, 122, 163, 204, 243, 282, 324, 364, 402, 443, 482.)

THE regiment next following (p. 40) is one of the six regiments of Marines raised in 1702, with headquarters at Taunton and Bridgwater, its first Colonel being George Villiers.

These six regiments were included in the reductions of 1713, but thiee of them were reinstated in March, 1715, incorporated with the regiments of the line, and authorized to rank in the line from the dates of their original formation, this regiment becoming the 31st Foot.

In 1782 it received the territorial title "Huntingdonshire," and since 1881 has been designated " The East Surrey Regiment " :

Colonel Handasyd's Regiment of Foot.

Dates of their present commissions.

27 June 1737

Dates of their first commissions.




Captain Lieutenant


Colonel .. .. William Handasyd (1)

Lieutenant Colonel Beckwith

Major . . . . Anthony Ladeveze

f Edward Legard (2)

Robert Blakeney

William Williamson

William Drummond

Robert Douglass j Peter Haviland ^ James Baird . .

John Pollock (3) ( Frederick Porter (4) I Charles Vignoles (5) | Francis Mears . . i Richard Abbot J Robert Ryves . . | James Vignoles (6)

Henry Hvat

Charles O"'Hara

Charles Cockburne

Walter Pringle

(1) Was Lieutenant-Colonel of the 15th Foot before being appointed to the Colonelcy of [this regiment. Died at Hammersmith, Feb. 27, 1745, then being Brigadier-General.

(2) Major, Feb. 3, 1741.

(3) Captain, Nov. 15, 1740.

(4) Captain, April 25, 1741.

in 17 ( 55 Captain ' Lieutenant > A P ril 25 ' 1 . 741 5 Major, July 22, 1751. Still serving in the regiment (6) Captain, April 1, 1744. Still serving in the regiment in 1755.

2 July 1737

Ensign, 1695.

. . 29 May 1732

Lieutenant, 2 April 1706.

20 Dec. 1717

Captain, 20 Dec. 1717.

23 April 1720

Ensign, Sept. 1715.

25 July 1726

Ensign, 28 Aug. 1711.

Mar. 1726-7

Lieutenant, 1686.

29 May 1732

Ensign, 1721.

Aug. 1727

Lieutenant, July 1714.

20 June 1735

Lieutenant, 1 Oct. 1717.

21 Feb. 1735-6

Ensign, 11 Feb. 1716-17

17 Nov. 1721

Ensign, 22 June 1719.

22 Oct. 1723

Ensign, 1 Mar. 1717-18.

11 Aug. 1730

Ensign, 17 Nov. 1721.

Sept, 1730

Ensign, 26 May 1704.

30 Nov. 1730

Ensign, Oct. 1721.

6 Nov. 1732

Ensign, 15 Dec. 1721.

23 Feb. 1732-3

Ensign, 21 Mar. 1723-4.

20 June 1735

Ensign, 1710.

21 Feb. 1735-6

Ensign, 1712.

14 Jan. 1737-8

Ensign, 20 June 1735.