Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 2.djvu/553

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Votes and Queries, Jan. 27, 1917.



Fielding (Henry) : and John Ranby, 11 ; and the Collier family, 104 ; corrections in his ' Voyage to Lisbon,' 515

Fieldingiana : Miss H and, 16, 38, 137, 179; ' Essay on Conversation,' Dr. Thomas Brewster, ' Mist's Weekly Journal,' &c., 441, 535

Field-names, the origin of, 129

4 56th Foot, Discourse on the Consecrating of the New Colours of,' 1819, 188

Finger, the fourth, called " pink," 209, 258

Finlay and Jennings families, 488

Fire putting o\it fire, 530

Fireplaces, " aitch " stones built into, in Northum- berland, 8, 57

Fires in Cornhill during the eighteenth century, 461

Fires lighted near cornfields in England, 427, 518

Fisheries at Comacchio, descriptions of, 210, 257, 334

Fishing-rod, mention of, in the Bible or Talmud, 308, 450, 480

Fitzgerald (Mrs. Edward), d. 1890, her pictures, 330

Fitzgerald family, 530

Flag, national, of Scotland, and lion rampant, 71, 138, 175

Flags, national, their origin, 289, 358, 455, 537

Fleet, histories of the river, 106

Fleet Street parishes, rate-books of, 1768 to 1800, 310

Fleetwood (John), his letter on contraband, 1710, 281

Fleetwood (Paul), b. c. 1688, d. 1727, his descen- dants, 409, 535

Fleming family, 291

Fletcher family, 48

Flower (Barnard), King's glazier, and Bishop Fox, c. 1510-20, 330

41 Fly "=vehicle becoming extinct, 32, 95


Asiago, some customs of, 48, 134

Bible and salt, 390, 478

Birds: nightingales, yellowhammers, and

peacocks, 190

Bull-baiting superstitions, 447 Calendar, Latin verses on superstitions, 71.

117 Chime-hours, effect of being " born in," 136,

194, 216, 397 Ear tingling, charms to " cut the scandal,"

310, 413

Elder-wood, superstitions about, 136 Farmers, weather rimes of, 29, 77, 117, 159 Blair, red, the prejudice against, 128,

196, 239, 379 Horse-chestnut, horseshoe marks on, 172,

237, 294 House and garden superstitions, 89, 138, 159,

214, 419

House, new, risks of entering, 509 Midsummer and Twelfth Day fires, 427, 518 Mussel-duck, some supposed habits of, 487 Peacocks, 530

Babbit, superstitions relating to, 10 Sea folk-lore, 10 Touch wood, origin of the superstition, 330,

418, 498

Touching a sailor for luck, 13, 112, 259

Touching for the kind's <'vil, 114

Ford Castle, Northumberland, built in 1287, 8, 36

Ford, Northumberland, " aitch stones " built into

fireplaces in, 8, 57

Forest (Blessed John) and the image of Darvell

Gadarn, 1538, 27 Forrester, Simpson, Dickson, and Anderson

families, 428 Fort Jerome, St. Domingo, and H.M.S. Argo and

Sparrow, drawing of, 377 Fortune Theatre, the sceond, disaster to, 408,

537 " Forum " of Bath, origin of the term, 429, 495,

532 Fox (Bishop Richard) and Barnard Flower, c.

1510-20, 330 Fox (Sir Charles) and the Crystal Palace, 108 France : travels in, during the Revolution, 108 ;

the Marshals of, from 1185 to 1870, 182, 235,

279, 378 Fraser (Sir Alexander), physician to Charles II.,

227 Frederick II., his phrase about " the diplomats,"

148 Freedom of a city in a gold box, earliest records of,

228 French, their custom of eating frogs, 251, 293,

351, 415

" French's contemptible little army," first ap- pearance of the phrase, 349, 532 Frewen (Dr. Thomas) of Rye, d. 1791, his paren- tage, 229, 315 Frogs, the French custom of eating, 251, 293, 351,

415 Fromond's Chantry, Winchester, the chaplains of,


Gadesden (Augustus W.), Fellow of the Society of

Antiquaries, c. 1840, 469, 518 Gale (Theophilus), Nonconformist tutor, b. 1628,

209, 279

" Galoche," description of the game, 115 Game, largest bag for a day's shooting, 55, 139

Games :

Cricket, origin of the term " hat trick,"

70, 136, 178, 375, 416 Cricket, meaning of the term " yorker," 209,

276, 376, 416, 478 " Crookern," origin of, 470 " Galoche," 115 Playing cards, 1857, 19 Snap cards, 210 Garden and house superstitions, 89, 138, 159, 214,


Garden bed shaped like a coffin, 134 Garland family, M.P.s of, 368 Garrick (David), 1717-79 : date of grant of arms

to, 49 ; his friends, 307 Gascoigne (Thomas) at the Earl of Shrewsbury s

funeral, 1560, 268, 373 Gavelkind, the survival of the custom, 15 " Gavelock," meaning of the word, 1620, 430,

516 Gay (John), 1688-1732, his ' The Beggar's Opera,

490 Gennys family of Launceston and Plymouth,

114 Gentlemen present at the funeral of Earl of

Shrewsbury, 1560, 268, 372, 420, 436 Geography, map of America, c. '1720, 265 George III., his private secretary, Bishop, 410 George IV. and the prerogative of mercy, 401,


German papers and ' N. & Q.,' 266 German princes fallen in the War, 1916, 428