Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 2.djvu/561

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 27, 1917.



  • Sabrinae Corolla,' Greek and Latin verses, the

editors, 149, 197, 237

Sailor, men ning of stripes on his collar, 13 ; touching him for luck, 13, 112, 259

St. Barbe (Mrs. Frances) = Shelley, c. 1590, 171

" St. Bunyan's Day," St. Swithin's so called, 129

" St. Catherine's tresses," Spanish saying about, 18

St. Domingo, drawing of Fort Jerome, 377

St. Francis Xavier, translations of his hymn, 329, 418

St. Genesius, actor, martyred c. 286, 189, 236

St. Genewys, patron saint of a Lincolnshire church, 349, 418

St. George the Martyr, Queen's Square, 93, 155, 271

St. George's Church, Bloomsbury, the statue on, 29, 93, 155, 195, 238

St. Inan, his life and writings, 348, 438, 518

" St. Jane," in a letter of Keats, 1817, 369

St. John (Mrs.), a cousin of Oliver Cromwell, 171, 217, 236

St. Kilda and influenza colds, 468

St. Luke's, Old Street, bibliography of the parish, 133, 176

St. Madron's Well, Penzance, cures since 1641, 9, 58, 396

St. Mary, Battersea, inscriptions in the church, 125, 145

St. Newlyn East, cross and inscription in church- yard, 228, 317, 418-

St. Nicholas, legends of, in stained glass, 374

St. Patrick, English carvings of, 17

St. Paul's School and the ' Dictionary of National Biography,' 341

St. Peter as the gatekeeper of heaven, stories of, 90, 177, 217, 273, 339

St. Sebastian, the manner of his death, 149, 212

St. Swithin's Day called " St. Bunyan's Day," 129

St. Theodora, her canonization, 449

St. Thomas A, Becket, hymn attributed to, 228, 271

Salisbury Cathedral, monumental inscriptions and heraldry in, 47

Salt and Bible, superstitions, 390, 478

Salvin (Osbert), naturalist, his mother, 229, 317

Sampson (Marmaduke B.) of ' The Times,' his death, 529

Sancho (Ignatius), his friends and correspondents, 289

Sandford family, 291, 395

Sargent and Duncan families, 470

Sarum Breviary, verses in calendar, 71, 117

Sarum Missal, printed by Morin, Bouen, 1514, 489

Satan as an angel of light, 181

Saunders (Erasmus), Winchester scholar, 1547, 319

Savages, the keen sight of, 410, 536

Savoy Chapel Royal, inscriptions in the burial- ground, 425, 498

Scoble (Right Hon. Sir Andrew R.), K.C.S.I., K.C., 1831-1916, 390, 438

Scotland, national flag of, and lion rampant, 71, 138, 175

Scott (Sir W.) : reference to 2nd baronet in un- published letter, 18, 57, 114; MS. of his 'The Bride of Lammermoor,' 349 ; his ' Old Mor- tality,' 367, 498; his letter to Mrs. Maturin, 629

  • ' Scread " or " screed," meaning of the word, 208,


Sea : folk-lore relating to the, 10 ; ninth wave

always the largest, 410 Seals: corporate, the custody of, 148, 238; on

Anglo-Saxon charters, 169 Seize-quartiers, meaning of the right to, 447 " Sem," caricaturist, c. 1850, his identity, 49,

215, 273 " Septem sine horis," meaning of the motto, 310,

377, 436

Service, greatest recorded length of, 327, 397, 412 Shakerley (Robert) at the Earl of Shrewsbury's

funeral, 1560, 268, 373 Shakespeare (W.) : his falcon crest, 35 ; a usion to,

1653, 147, 279 ; his statue on the portico of

Drury Lane Theatre, 208

Shakespeariana :

' Comedy of Errors ' and Ephesus, 345

' 2 Henry IV.,' Falstaff and the Fleet

prison, 1

' Macbeth,' the three witches in, 142 ' Richard III.,' Act IV. sc. v., Sir Christopher

Urswick, 259, 516

' Romeo and Juliet,' the apothecary in, 207 ; Act I. sc. ii., " One fire burns out another's burning," 530

Satan as an angel of light, 181 Sharp (Richard), 1759-1835, " Conversation

Sharp," 250 Sheepshanks (Rev. R.), 1794-1855, his biographies,

188 Sheepshed, Leicestershire, Hebrew inscription,

109, 195 Sheffner <Thomas), his position at Court, 1832, 29,

94, 200

Sheldon (William), Fellow of the Society of Anti- quaries, c. 1769, 469 Shelley ( ) = Mrs. Frances St. Barbe, c. 1590,

his genealogy, 171

Shenley, Herts, the whereabouts of, 33, 99 Sheppard or Shepherd family of Blisworth,

Northamptonshire, 391, 477 ' Sheridaniana,' published 1826, the author of,

488 Ships, use of the definite article with the names

of, 370

Shooting, largest bag of game for a day, 55, 139 Shortyng (Matthew), D.D., of Merchant Taylors'

School, d. 1707, 396 Shrewsbury (Roger de Montgomery, Earl of),

1066, his descendants, 29 Siddons (Mrs. S.), her friend " Mr. Davis," c. 1779,

290, 356 Side-saddle riding, books on, prior to 1880, 28, 73,

99 Signatures: symbols attached to, 50, 117 ;'

"doctrine of signatures," in connexion with

medicinal plants, 128, 197, 293 Simpson, Forrester, Dickson, and Anderson

families, 428 ' Sir Gammer Vans,' old nonsense story, 410, 498,


Skinner (Mose), American humorous writer, 251 Skull, iron nails driven into, 75 " Skull slyce," a fish, mentioned c. 1519, 509 Sleddall (John), inventory of his goods, 1620,

words in, 430, 516 Slonk Hill, Shoreham, origin of the name, 188,

317 Smith (C. Manby), his ' The Working-Man's Way

in the World,' 1853, 16, 110, 175, 279 Smith, Dog Smith, mentioned in ' Disci >ursrs

concerning Government,' c. 1680, 291, 357