Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 2.djvu/86

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [123. n. JULY 22, 1910.

Gentleman." This has fourteen lines by Spenser as prefatory verses, together \vit h some < illicit, and. apart from' slight shaving, seems a. line and com- plete not dear at 101. 10s. The other is a seventeenth-century transcript of Sir Philip Siihi' -\ '- translation of the Psalms offered for '2'2l. I'".-*. Tliis particular copy is thought to have been executed at Penshurst by some member of the Sidney family, and to be of not much later date than the copy }>\ Da vies from which, in 1823, the first printed edition of this translation was made. A note in MS. on the fly-leaf indicates that Steele took from this copy the psalm which he printed in No. 18 of The Guardian the first part of the work to be printed at all. Sidney's

  • Arcadia. ' appears in the Catalogue No. 125 of

M.---IS. Hill in-a copy of the eighth edition, 1633 {21. 2s.), and in one of the thirteenth edition, 1674 (27. 15s.), and this firm has also a copy of his - Works ' as published in three 8vo vols. in 1725 (2/. 28.).

A personage belonging to our period who appears hi three or four catalogues is Marguerite of Navarre. Messrs. Sotheran have the edition of the ' Heptameron ' brought out in 1872 (from that of Claude Grujet in 1559), in 6 vols. (IL 15s.), and a German translation recently published in Munich, elaborately " got up " and illustrated, hi -2 vols. (It. Is.). Mr. Heffer of Cambridge (Catalogue No. 151) has the translated edition brought out hi 1894 by the Society of Biblio- philists, in 5 vols., to be had for 31. 3s. ; and also the 1897 facsimile of Elizabeth's translation of 4 The Mirror of the Sinful Soul ' (Is. 6d.). Messrs. Hill offer two other copies of the Society of Bibliophilists' ' Heptameron ' a large-paper one for 41. 15s., and a small-paper one for 31. 18s. 6d.

Of Rabelais we made a note of the following copies : ' (Euvres,' in the Edition Variorum of 1823-6, 9 vols. (4:1. 10s. Sotheran) ; ' (Euvres ' in the great edition brought out 1868-1903 in Paris with Introduction, notes, <fcc., by Marty- Laveaux HI. 10s., Messrs. E. Parsons & Sons' Catalogue No. 279) ; the English translation of these pub- lished in 1807 (11. Is., Heffer) ; and two copies of the translation by W. P. Smith published in 1893 (II. Is. 6d. and 11. 12s. 6d., Sotheran). Erasmus is best represented by a copy of Nicolas UdalTs trans- lation of the ' Apophthegms,' black-letter, 1542 (41. 10s., Heffer). Of Montaigne we noticed in Messrs. Parsons 's Catalogue a copy of the recent edition of Cotton's translation in 10 vols., offered for 31. 18s. ; and in the Catalogue of Mr. P. M. Barnard of Tunbridge Wells a copy of the 1635 edition of the ' Essais,' issued under the editorship of Mile, de Gournay (31. 10s.). The last-mentioned Catalogue (No. 109) is of quite outstanding interest, abundantly illustrated, and annotated with a scholarly carefulness and judgment. Out of some thirty items we have marked as particu- larly attractive we may mention three : a ' Pabule & vita esopi,' from the press of Gerard Leeu of Antwerp, 1485, having hi it the autograph of Alexander Boswell, Edinburgh, 1758 (18t.) ; a fine ' Hone ' (Paris, about 1493), of which Mr. Barnard gives a very full account, linking it to similar works of the time (521. 10s.) ; and a copy of the ' Kirchen Ordnung ' of Nuremberg, printed by Johann Petreium, 1533 (28?.).

In the Catalogue of Messrs. E. Parsons, which we have had occasion to mention above, and have found uncommonly attractive, the fifteenth and

sixteenth t . titnries furnish a number of delightful There are two fine MS. ' Hone ' fifteenth- century French, both richly decorated for which respectively 1402. and 100 guineas are ask.',! ; and there is also a set of sixteen illuminated miniatures on vellum, illustrative of the Passion Flemish work of the fifteenth century which is offered for 160Z. We may also mention a copy of the Venetian ' Appian,' 1477 (30 guineas), arid a set of 26 woodcuts by Urs Graf on the Passion, 1507 (211.).

Mr. Reginald Atkinson, hi his Catalogue No. 20, describes many good things which we should like to have space to mention : the following must suffice. He has the Catalogue of fifteenth-cent uiy Incunabula hi the British Museum three 4 to vols. issued in 1908-13 (51. 5s.). He has " Breeches " Bible, 1595 (21. 7s. 6d.). And he has the first edition of the account of " what passed for many years between Dr. John Dee and so->ie Spirits," published in 1659, which he offers for 51. 10s.

Messrs. Maggs's latest Catalogue (No. 347) gives a list of their books on Art and allied subjects. Our two centuries receive illustration in the works on ' Costume ' of Racinet, 1888, 6 vols. (281.), and Lecomte, 1820, 2 vols. (181. 18s.) ; and there is also a copy of Vecellio, ' De Gli Habiti Antichi et Modern! ....,' a first edition, Venetia. 1~>'.<\\ (10J. 10s.). A very interesting set of entries is that under the heading ' Emblems,' including five or six fifteenth- century books, the best of which is the Bocchius, ' Symbolicorum Quaestionum de Universe Genere quas Serio Ludebat,' 1555 (81. 15s.). Beham's ' Twelve Apostles,' 1545-6 (81. 8s.), and ' Hercules,' 1542-8 (16Z. 16s.) : a collection of 19 engravings by Hoffer, c. 1530 (14Z. 14s.) ; some sixteenth-century designs for lace and embroidery in a Venetian reprint of sixteenth-century designs by Zoppino, Taglienti, and Burato (31. 18s.) ; and Le Pois s ' Discours sur les Medalles et Graveures Antiques,' Paris, 1579 (21. 5s.), may serve as miscellaneous examples; together with the designs of Du Cerceau (1550) for ornaments of jewellery and goldsmiths' work (91. 15s.). Under ' Portraits ' we find the first edition of De Bry's ' Icones Quinquaginta,' in 4 vols., 1507- 1599 (151. 15s.) ; and Lodge's ' Portraits ' of illus- trious personages, which begins with the sixteenth century, 1821-34 (251.). Leaving aside several other tempting items, we mav mention in con- clusion the ' Faits de Guerre et Fleur de Chevalerie ' of Vegetius, in Gothic letter, printed at Paris in 1536 (Ql. 6s.).

The Athenceum now appearing monthly, arrange- ments have been made whereby advertisements of posts vacant and wanted, which it is desired to publish weekly, may appear in the intervening weeks in 'X. & Q.'

to <E0rrrsp0nfottts.

WB cannot undertake to answer queries privately, nor can we advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means of disposing of them.

B. Many thanks for reply, anticipated at p. 76.