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12 8. III. MARCH 31, 1917.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


to his Steward and other domestick- Officers in his Quarters to go before me and provide for me and my whole Company very good Lodging and noble Entertainment there y* night, and y e nexl morning att breakfast ; which he would nol p'mitt me to refuse, because Bonn was reduc'1 to so ruinous a Condition as not to afford any thing like a lodging or Entertainment. All y whole Country through w* we pass't between Bonn and francfort was so much allarm'd att y e March of y e Imperiall-Troops, y* we found no inhabited Village without Pallissades and Bar- rieres, so y* we were forc't to make so very un- equall divisions of our day's journys and waite so many houres in y e night before admittance y' it extremely harrass't my small-Equipage and Especially my Coach-horses (y e ways being universally bad beyond expression by y e passage of horse baggage and Canon immediately before us : ) Nor indeed had we beene at all permittee to pass in many places by y e Extreme feare anc jealousy of y e inhabitants y* kept all their gates . and barrieres shutt against y e Imperialists anc Saxens on our side y e River, if one of y e Duke of Lorrain's Trumpetters sent to conduct one from Mons r de Bouflers w th his letters to y e Camp at Bonn to desire a cartel for y 8 mutual Exchange of Prisoners had not very much facilitated our passage. I meane this of Villages and Passes where only Peasants had y e guard, & those very little above them in understanding y Command ; for wherever I had y e good fortune to finde officers of any sense or Superiority y e honour of y e Character his Ma*? has beene pleas'd to give me, and the King's Latine Passe Y r Lop: sent me to y e Hague, prov'd both of them so powerfull a Protection to me, y* they not only gave me a speedy and easy admittance but cover'd me with so much respect & favour from all persons, as made me very sensible, to my great pleasure & advantage, in how great a Veneration the King of England's Person & Reputation is in all these parts of the world. Att my Arrivall att Francfort my Equipage was all so tired, y 1 1 was forc't to rest there two or 3 dayes, during which repose I had the honour to waite on the Princesse of Tarente,* a Lady of Extraordinary Merit and Virtue, as she is of great quality, <fc that has a most profound Respect and Admiration for our King and for the great and Princely Virtues and truly heroicall Qualitys w th w"* it has pleasd God to endowe his Ma*?. This Lady was pleasd to make me promise her y* I would endeavour to gett her the King's and Queen's pictures, w h I assur'd her she should have so soone as I had rec" 1 them my Selfe, of w 01 * I had y e honour of a promise, att my leaving England. We went to her Chappell, and heard a french sermon there, where we found a little Church of Refugiez gather'd under her Wing : ye Magistrates not having hitherto p'mittd any public Exercize of y e Reformed Relligion there which they suppose prejudiciall to their Commerce. Dr. Fabritius being arrivd at Francfort y e day before I left y e place, I waited on him y' Evening, rec d y* re- turne of my visit from him y e morning I came away ....

  • " L'une des fenames les plus illustres du

Refuge." See A. de Chambrier, ' Henri de Mir- mand,' p. 178 (quoted from Kilchenmann, op. cit, p. 67). She was the daughter of William V.,, Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel.

From Frankfort to Nurembergh we were putt into continuall apprehensions of y e Imperiall or- Saxen-Troops, and were miserably entertained and lodgd upon straw, notwithstanding" which we had reckonings which might be properly and truly calld ransomes, w th out abatement. Att Nurenbergh I recd. y e same night I arrivd, a complement from y e Magistrates, and an houre after a Visit from the 2 chief e of them, w ft all y e demonstrations and Expressions possible of respect to the Kings Person and government and Joy for his Ma*- vs Prosperity. I having presented them with a small Collation and Wine (as y Custome of y e Country is) they drank y e King's and Queen's healths with a great deale of Zeale and affection. As soone as they were gone I recet : their Present of Wine & Sweetmeats w cb was large and handsome, and I gratified y e Bearers, as I thought became y e honour of my character. The next morning early, before I went, I return'd their Visit, and thanks for their present, W* I was oblig'd to do at their Towne-house, because it was their houre of Assembly. They recet: me in a Roome of State next to their Councell-Chamber, and att my taking Leave they conducted me downe to the Street-gate. I should have told Y r Lop: y 4 at Francfort Mons r Escher overtook me, and con- tinued his way thence towards Switzerland by Augsburgh by post, where he staid 6 or 7 dayes, and then took post againe, and overtook me a 2 d time neare Lindaw, a little Imperiall Town upon the Lake of Constanz. At Ulm upon y* Danube (a considerable Imperiall-Citty) I was again complimented and visited by 2 Deputys from the Magistrates, w th y e like Expressions of Zeale and good Wishes for his Mat>' Person & Governm* as at Nurenbergh; <fe att their taking Leave they presented me with a Large Aim of Rhenish Wine and 24 sacks of Gates, for w|* I gratify'd y e Bearers, as before. Att Lindaw y e Burgermaster visited and compli- mented me in Italian w" 1 many Expressions of Zeale and Respect to y King's Person & Govern- m* & took care to provide me boates (for my Money) to carry me over the Lake of Constanz. from Lindaw y e last towne in Siiabe to Roschack y first in Switzerland in y e territory of y e Abbot of S' Gal, w h passage we cross't with Oars in

5 or 6 houres. Att my first coming on shore I was visited complimented and presented w* some fowle and Wine of their owne ground (ate), by some private gentlemen protestant In- habitants of y 8 towne of S* gal y* had their Estates in y e Abbot's territory and neighbour- hood of Roschack. The next day I was mett aeare the towne of S* gal by a troop of neaae 4O horse composd of the best gentlemen & mer- chants of the towne w th y e Cap* of y Citty-horse and the Syndie att y e head of them, w h last came a few steps forward & complimented me (with Variety of Elegant and respectfull Expression*

6 good Wishes to y e King's person and Governm*) in Latine, w h I returnd in y e same Language, and so they conducted me to the Towne-gates,

>he Citty-Trumpetter sounding before : Att y* ?ates I found y* Citty Company drawne up in Arms, and att my passage recd y e honor of y e <valute. The troop of horse conducted me through r* towne, w** was crowded on all sides w tk Spectators, to my Inn, where they took Leave of me after y" Syndie had complimented me a 2 d tune in french. An houre after y 2 reigning